Only problem is, the witnesses will take that action as proof of "satan's people touching Jehovah's eyeball" and sit there waiting for the Big A to happen!
Good. Because it wont.
apologies if this has been posted previously, but this news item has appeared today regarding the proposed redress for abuse victims following the australian royal commission:.
what's interesting is that in january it was proposed that the federal government contribute almost half of an estimated $4.3 billion redress scheme.
Only problem is, the witnesses will take that action as proof of "satan's people touching Jehovah's eyeball" and sit there waiting for the Big A to happen!
Good. Because it wont.
i recently started working at a goodwill here in wisconsin, and i've never encountered more witnesses ever in my life.
every time i go to work, i see at least two or three people that i used to go to the kingdom hall with getting suits, dresses, etc.
some of them say hi, but some of them i just ignore, or they ignore me.
Reverend Edgar L. Helms of Morgan Methodist Chapel in Boston started
Goodwill as a mission of his ministry in 1902. Please don't tell them
they will have no where to shop.
In fact Do tell them, they need to have a lesson in real Christian charity.
I try to buy clothes and products from ethical companies and I think if witnesses are recycling more power to them - at least that's one posative thing they do!
i know this question has popped up from time to time but i really would like to know how you guys, those that no longer believe, came to that conclusion?
was it the wts and all its crap?
was it something you read?
The most basic philosophy course for starters
The bible is utter giberish
The cruelty of the natural world
All earth religons'have created god in mans' image and with his behaviours
evolution rules out the abrahamic religons
If there is a god he's entirely 'hands off' & would not be intetested in our worship or he would be an egotistical needy type which is not possible if he knows even half of what humanity knows
boy oh boy did i feel paranoid at today's wt.
not only are we to watch our associations outside of the congregation, but also watch our associations 'within' the congregation.
this was emphasised by the wt study conductor.
Even in the Christian congregation there may be an environment or association that is spiritually not most helpful. Some who recently came out of the world and symbolized their dedication to God by water baptism may tend to bring into the congregation something that still clings to them—a measure of worldliness. Let us remember that it was to a Christian congregation that the apostle Paul wrote: “In my [previous] letter I wrote you to quit mixing in company with fornicators, . . . But now I am writing you to quit mixing in company with anyone called a brother that is a fornicator or a greedy person or an idolater or a reviler or a drunkard or an extortioner, not even eating with such a man.”—1 Cor. 5:9-11.
This is a damning extract indeed.
Firstly it cruelly & selfishly recommends keeping away from new recruits who may really need Christian love & guidance.
Secondly it proves that disfellowshiping is not scriptural as Paul does not talk about forcing the 'idolator, drunkard,fornicatie, greedy person ' etc out of the cong but rarther to stop socializing closely with such people, actually not even shunning them as JW 's practice (ignoring).
They were busy looking after “orphans and widows in their tribulation”
I've yet to find a JW as individuals or congs who follow the direction of James and the 1st century Christians here.
i had a discussion with an elder recently.
it was interesting in a macabre sense.
we were outside the kingdom hall on a nice sunny day recently.
Meh, Paul was a bit whiny. "Woe is me in these chains for Christ!" No one wants to hear that all the time. Others were being fed to lions and whatnot. "Me, me, me, me." Besides, he genuinely belonged in chains; after all, he was a murderer.
Gotta remember he was a spoiled rich kid. Who he studied with wasn't cheap & is still revered in the Jewish community today. Also, he was a single Jewish male with Roman citizenship.
/\ /\ /\ oh yeah
ive been lurking for a while and finally got around to registering.
about me: i was essentially born in & indoctrinated from youth.
i was always a borderline "bad association" type because i always did the minimum and always disagreed with much of what was taught; even when i was a child.. luckily for me my father was never a jw so i never had to endure the male head pressure.
Hi Planetsmasher, so glad you are free happy young & healthy now ...most of the time anyway, we all have struggles with out cult selves, I also believe that some people suffer from ptss, especially those exposed to the preassure, guilt & fear as kidd and young people.
Be happy and an example to your neices and nephews & let them know you are there for them - they are still young, there is always hope don't give up!😉
just thought i would update you guys since my 1st post last week.i haven't been to the meeting for about 2 weeks now, and maybe have like 1 or 2 hours of service combined within the past 2-3 months.
i obviously get the love bombing from relatives when they don't see you at the hall for a while.
" we missed you at the meeting last week.
I think the book "The gentile Times Reconsidered "by Carl Olav Jonsson proves using the Bible that the destruction of Jerusalem took place in 586 bce.
Jonsson was an elder who send all his extensive research to the WT. Their response is shocking & telling.
Finky Baby I read somewhere initially Russell landed on 1915 with his calculations which was changed well after WW I to 1914. Am I right in this?
good morning.
i was just checking out the forum and something occured to me.
jws simply cannot be christians.
DD prospective fraternity members enduring a hazing, just for the chance to be a member.
Never a truer word written!
there were always all types of speakers in the org.
myself, growing up a "witness", must have heard all types of talks, and given by all manner of speakers, especially on sundays, when almost every week we would get a "visiting" brother giving the public talk.. sometimes, you would have a "great" speaker, all fluent and animated.
other times we would get a comical speaker, one who would maybe purposelly get a few laughs outta the audience.
Edenone I gather of course their would have been children in the audience. What the heck are these idiots thinking?
I reckon witness kids know more about violence (Bible) , sex crimes (a la my book of bible stories) and generally innapropriate stuff (goofy talks) than most ordinary kids.
Ignoranceisbliss I love those kinds of totally wacky carry ons ! Makes life worth living!
When I was coming out of the religion and becoming an actual Christian, I felt a strong desire to pray to Jesus, but it felt SO scary to start. I actually asked the Father's permission first, praying that I hoped it was ok. It all seems so silly now!! And no, there's no difference between talking to Jesus and praying to Jesus.
Me too Faye, I did exactly that!
hi, Kiana! Welcome!
JW's pray to Jehovah only, the Father but END their prayers by saying "and this we/I ask in Jesus name, Amen"
As VillageIdiot said they believe Jesus is the ransome sacrifice for only 144,000 anointed persons only,the rest of JW's or the 'great crowd' are to be saved at armaggedon THROUGH ASSOCIATION ONLY with the Anointed (in reality now the Governing Body of the Society)in other words Jesus ransome sacrifice WAS NOT for the majority of JW's but for a small elite group!
JW Facts I did not know that, many thanks for the post!