Ahhhh the look of absolute adoration in the audiences eyes. I can absolutely relate. Stunning. Just mind blowing.
JoinedPosts by Diogenesister
Bleecker Street — I saw a shadow touch a shadow’s hand (New York)
by slimboyfat inwill i ever make it to new york?
i feel if i ever did make it to new york i would never want to leave again.
what do i know about new york?
UK, Modern Slavery Act 1915
by Half banana ini have just had a glitch in logging in to my bank account.
the consequence of which was to start from scratch and re-register.
on doing so i looked at the small print and noted that the bank was obliged to include a passage on the modern slavery act of 2015. the purpose of which is not simply to avoid and exclude complicity with human trafficking but to treat all customers, staff and business partners with appropriate human consideration and dignity.
Half Banana don’t worry.
The kids who are the adults of tomorrow will not tolerate such behavior from their faith. Watchtower will soon have zero followers as youngsters are far more aware of things such as modern slavery etc
So What Do Jehovah’s Witnesses Do Now?
by minimus inthey don’t go to conventions .
they don’t go to assemblies.
they don’t go to meetings.
What I hear is they have virtual fieldservice meetings and simulate even the car ride to the field
Now that really is insane. I know we often call them bonkers (sometimes unfairly) but this really is!
The farce of singing along to the songs in your own home is also hilarious.
funnily enough I think that’s the one thing that makes sense. Singing is good for the soul and since it’s not very safe to do so in groups in-person, I think singing together on zoom is the one form of worship that seems legit/pleasurable.
dressed from the waist up,
I would love it if everyone had to stand up at some point.
now I’d pay good money to see that!!🤣🤣🤣
Witness reaching out to me after 20+ years...
by SouthCentral ina few weeks ago; a witness couple from the midwest reached out to me after 25+ years.
they said they were doing a letter writing campaign and decided to reach out to me… they called on my personal cell phone, which was a little surprising.
a few days ago, a couple that i knew from over 40 years ago, sent me a text, again to my personal cell phone.. i assume that they just googled my name to get the personal info.
Anders In their rolodex
Now THATS something I haven’t heard talked about in a good while😉
Elders Remove Excellent Speaker
by Vanderhoven7 ingreat talk interrupted.... https://youtu.be/hlgwyfhtihm.
Exactly right. I don't really pay attention to anything much anymore when I do happen to go to a meeting, but they still may do the thing where an elder in the audience has a copy of the talk and reviews how closely the speaker follows it, especially for speakers from other congregations.
Exactly. All it would take is an experienced elder who knows the outline of the talk and it would get shut down. The fact he has a paper bible, mentioned problems with those “high up” In the organization and, finally, focusing on “confessing the name of JESUS” to be saved (with only a super brief, off-hand mention of JEEEEEEEEEEhova once, aaand....game over!
Transparency in Field Service Hours
by Earnest ini notice that in the recent instructions for new regular pioneers (2020-08-s-236-e) it lists a number of assignments for which a pioneer can be credited (up to 75) hours in a month.. these include:construction oversight, assembly hall oversight, assembly oversight, and convention oversight, as well as serving as temporary volunteers at bethel, commuter bethelites, remote volunteers, bethel consultants, hospital liaison committee members, patient visitation group members, disaster relief committee members, local design/construction department field representatives and maintenance trainers, and so forth.
approved assignments also include assisting with kingdom hall construction when such is done at the request of the branch office or its representatives overseeing the project, assisting with pre and post-assembly or convention work, assisting with work at assembly halls, conducting or participating in congregation meetings held in prison, as well as attendance at a theocratic school or class .
when i was pioneering and doing pre and post-assembly work i was told i could include the time spent working in my monthly report, which i did.
I’ve been searching for that article for some time, if that’s the one that issues new organisational direction in the voice of the “Lord” himself. It must rank as one of the more bizarre WT articles in the archive.
Gosh if they announced the hourly time counting in that 1943 Watchtower in the voice of the “Lord” then that absolutely proves they claim to be prophets - or claim that god does indeed speak through them via their Watchtower vehicle. -
Transparency in Field Service Hours
by Earnest ini notice that in the recent instructions for new regular pioneers (2020-08-s-236-e) it lists a number of assignments for which a pioneer can be credited (up to 75) hours in a month.. these include:construction oversight, assembly hall oversight, assembly oversight, and convention oversight, as well as serving as temporary volunteers at bethel, commuter bethelites, remote volunteers, bethel consultants, hospital liaison committee members, patient visitation group members, disaster relief committee members, local design/construction department field representatives and maintenance trainers, and so forth.
approved assignments also include assisting with kingdom hall construction when such is done at the request of the branch office or its representatives overseeing the project, assisting with pre and post-assembly or convention work, assisting with work at assembly halls, conducting or participating in congregation meetings held in prison, as well as attendance at a theocratic school or class .
when i was pioneering and doing pre and post-assembly work i was told i could include the time spent working in my monthly report, which i did.
The phrase “some time should be spent on the ministry each month” at the end gives the game away. It indicates there were some “pioneers” who were fulfilling their entire monthly quota using time spent on assignments and none on the ministry. In order to avoid this massive loophole the society are instructing pioneers to break down their hours to indicate that at least a few of the hours reported include actual time spent on the ministry.
You bet!
Earnest It’s mainly just an excuse for elders and other males to retain the title of pioneer without EVER having to do any preaching and DEFINITELY not to strangers in the ministry (ie not to your own kids or other JWs kids).
I imagine the borg is happy as it serves to keep the appointed men away from worldly people who might inform them of Watchtower’s dubious history!!!
IICSA and NO apologies regarding child abuse
by Fadeaway1962 inhttps://www.walesonline.co.uk/news/wales-news/jehovahs-witness-child-abuse-sex-18717755 .
no collective regret or any acknowledgement that child sexual abuse had happened among jws..
the reason why the JWS dont openly regret their intentional cover up of child sexaul abuse that occurred within their organization is because that would bring reproach onto Jehovah's name and his earthly chosen organization/arrangement.
Well yes, but ultimately the reason they don’t apologize is entirely to do with not wanting Witnesses to see the Borg as wrong in any way, and not public image or legal culpability.
Admitting they are responsible and apologizing would demonstrate to witnesses God has no connection to Watchtower and is not guiding their decisions.
Was Sin Inevitable?
by Parker ini was wondering about this question and wanted to ask: was sin inevitable?
also, i had thought about past watchtower articles or publications related to this topic and did some research and found this from our readers ask if adam was perfect, how was it possible for him to sin?.
well, then, did god create adam with a moral weakness, so that he lacked the ability to make sound decisions or to withstand temptation?
Watchtower goofs again.
There was no “principal of headship” before the fall. It was only after the fall that Eve was to suffer horribly in childbirth and that “your desire will be for your husband, but he will rule you”. Many translations explain it means Eve will desire to control her husband, but he will rule her.
In other words prior to the fall they had an equal, harmonious relationship. In fact I was reassured by older JWs as a kid that in paradise women would no longer be subject to headship and in heaven male and female no longer exist.
Jesus Believed In Adam and Eve
by Parker ini'm new to the forum.
i'm an ex-jw who actually faded from jws.
i'm here to drop by every once in a while to ask a question or two.
There is a theory that the garden of Eden represents the “golden age” of man before civilization....before farming, land ownership, competition for resources and the misery and (as we are now suffering) the disease that accompanied it.
So in other words man looked back at a simpler time when there was less of us and plenty to hunt and gather.....perhaps they imagined a world without conflict.
I think we are given to see the past through rose coloured specs.