menrov ...
It's simply the obey Caesar thing, that's all. What you have to do to get married can vary by country, State, even municipality. But generally there is no conflict with the Bible so you have to follow the rules of your local government.
Actually, Menrov is not the only one to have wondered about this.
It actually doesn’t make sense. The Catholic church, for instance, as with many religions, won’t consider two Catholics married UNLESS they have a religious ceremony.
There is no “obey Caesar” Since Caesar doesn’t require legal marriage.
It’s actually the opposite with watchtower, they will accept marriage at your local town hall even if you have no religious marriage, yet won’t accept a Marriage solemnized at the Kingdom Hall if it is not followed by a registrar witnessed signing of the certificate.....that always puzzled me.
It proves to me it’s all about the image of the organization.
edit: now I’m thinking, it’s probably more about disfellowshipping, shunning, DA and general “not good association - ness”. After all, all this means not everyone associated with watchtower and Jehovah’s witnesses Can marry in a Kingdom Hall so I guess they have to rely on secular marriage.