@Just fine you are a wonderful Aunt or uncle and I only hope to be as noble and loving as you are if, or when, my young nephews and niece need me.
JoinedPosts by Diogenesister
How do you personally deal with your still in family JWS ?
by Finkelstein infor myself i just try to avoid them intentionally maybe see them once every couple of years on average.
they used to be easy going but over the last 10 years or so they got more cult like and distant and i'm really not bothered by that, maybe a bit.
they stick to their own or other members like they are their family so, its makes it unattractive for myself to connect and reach out to them anymore.
How do you personally deal with your still in family JWS ?
by Finkelstein infor myself i just try to avoid them intentionally maybe see them once every couple of years on average.
they used to be easy going but over the last 10 years or so they got more cult like and distant and i'm really not bothered by that, maybe a bit.
they stick to their own or other members like they are their family so, its makes it unattractive for myself to connect and reach out to them anymore.
PistolpeteYour parents raise you, you leave the house and start your own family, Once a year maybe you get together with parents and siblings, and then back to the grind.
One leaves the parents house when the parents are around 40 years old,
Once a year? It would destroy me if my kids wanted to see me once a year!!
Also, if my kids left home when I was 40 they'd be the world's most independent 2 year olds!!!!
Everyone Around Trump Is Getting The Virus Including Joint Chief if Staff ...what’s going on???
by minimus inis this just a coincidence?
is trump a “super spreader”?
is this a republican payback?
More & more members of Trump's circle are getting sick. Last I heard it was 17 who have contracted the virus. They're saying that Trump might be the super-carrier...meaning that he may have spread the virus to the rest of his team. Me is beginning to think that due to Trump's negligence & could-careless attitude...he just might of given the game over to the Democrats on a silver platter!
Methinks someone within that circle Is not washing their damn filthy hands!!
(Btw I’m not saying it’s Trump at all) Despite the fact it is ten times as infectious as influenza, if that many go down at once despite universal precautions, for sure there’s one dirty bastard within the office (may be member of domestic staff...or anybody).
I’ve read a lot of research around it as a student nurse and You’d be surprised just how many people are habitual non hand washers!!!!
2020-New-October-Elders-Manual-Addendum-and-S-147-Announcements! (as of 2020-10-02)
by Atlantis innew--2020-october--shepherd the flock of god--elder manual.
new--2020-october--addendum to elder manual.
2020--october-s-147-e--announcements and reminders.
Here we are Petra ! Proof if proof were needed of the paper towel rule (though can waste paper in everything else including covering the ladies rest-room mirrors with it!)
Some examples for your delight!
would take two paper towels and then put a little extra in the contruibution box. Such a drone i was.
This was one of the little rediculous rules I always enjoyed breaking. I'd take 2 or 3 or 7 and let the attendant "frown upon" me and not stop for his attempted counceling.
2020-New-October-Elders-Manual-Addendum-and-S-147-Announcements! (as of 2020-10-02)
by Atlantis innew--2020-october--shepherd the flock of god--elder manual.
new--2020-october--addendum to elder manual.
2020--october-s-147-e--announcements and reminders.
They will at some point, again. Remember the ancient Jews were told how to.
Fed up Lol😂😂
Petra thanks for looking! It may have been a local needs or an announcement at an assembly😂 I seem to remember others recollecting it so perhaps someone will pipe up with a better memory than me!
Does Trump Testing Positive Change Anything???
by minimus inhe has been wearing a mask.
his top assistant got it and it appears spread it.
I don’t think Trump getting Covid will make any difference one way or another. He’s human. He meets lots of people, especially folks who do a lot of traveling, so it’s really not surprising. He could do with loosing a few pounds, ok, but I’d say he’s pretty tough. Also he’s 6 3” and taller people seem to get away with carrying a few more pounds but you never know. It seems quite random as to who goes down, particularly when it comes to clotting.
Interestingly they’re finally talking about the possibility of interaction with pets being a protective factor. You see animals carry coronaviruses. Not the same one, of course, but researchers are finally putting forward the theory that pets may pass coronaviruses to their owners who develop T cell immunity to coronaviruses. This is my pet theory, by the way, so u heard it first here folks lol🤣
2020-New-October-Elders-Manual-Addendum-and-S-147-Announcements! (as of 2020-10-02)
by Atlantis innew--2020-october--shepherd the flock of god--elder manual.
new--2020-october--addendum to elder manual.
2020--october-s-147-e--announcements and reminders.
It's a wonder the Tower doesn't give rank & file instructions on how to theocratically go to the bathroom!!!
Petra I think they did! Wasn’t there some letter read out a few years back about taking only ONE paper towel whenever you go to the bathroom?!! 🤣Can anyone one verify?
Thank you for your tireless work ❤️
President Trump has tested positive for COVID-19
by Funky inhttps://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/trump-says-he-and-first-lady-have-tested-positive-for-coronavirus/ar-bb19cg4u?li=bbnb7kz.
given his age and weight, he is at very high risk of needing to be hospitalized.. trump is arguably the most well-protected man on earth, and he got it.. people.....wear a fruggin' mask!.
None of us can avoid the covid. It is just a matter of holding the line until a vaccine arrives
Darn right JoenB75. I like it!👍
President Trump has tested positive for COVID-19
by Funky inhttps://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/trump-says-he-and-first-lady-have-tested-positive-for-coronavirus/ar-bb19cg4u?li=bbnb7kz.
given his age and weight, he is at very high risk of needing to be hospitalized.. trump is arguably the most well-protected man on earth, and he got it.. people.....wear a fruggin' mask!.
People don't want a president who lived in his basement for 3 months because of fancy flu.
"Fancy Flu"? I agree a good president should carry on his duties absolutely but it's simply not fancy flu. The statistics show it's ten times more deadly than influenza. It's also easier to catch. The only positive comparison is that it's not as lethal in children as influenza is.
President Trump has tested positive for COVID-19
by Funky inhttps://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/trump-says-he-and-first-lady-have-tested-positive-for-coronavirus/ar-bb19cg4u?li=bbnb7kz.
given his age and weight, he is at very high risk of needing to be hospitalized.. trump is arguably the most well-protected man on earth, and he got it.. people.....wear a fruggin' mask!.
Link to Dr. Zelenko's protocol https://drive.google.com/file/d/1VnBudq0f0dPtsJRZrRt3XiBDZAYvjlTR/view