Yes Funky it's gifts unto other words simply gifts to men.
More Watchtower twisting scriptures to control people, brag and glorify themselves.
for those who want to see how bad it really is, 2 thoughts: .
1) the article says "jehovah" gave gifts in men, but the bible in gal: 6 clearly mentions the one who ascended into heaven as the one, jesus, their reigning king, that does provides these " the captives.. of course when wt writers say jehovah they really mean the wt society.
and local elders, ms, really are wt appointees, now done by the co, a man with no assets.
Yes Funky it's gifts unto other words simply gifts to men.
More Watchtower twisting scriptures to control people, brag and glorify themselves.
today, marking the second anniversary of the australian national apology to victims and survivors of institutional child sexual abuse, the prime minister of australia has announce in federal parliament the intention to place sanctions against the jehovah’s witnesses in relation to child sexual abuse.. quote from prime minister:.
the royal commission [into institutional response to child sexual abuse], the [national] apology [to victims and survivors of institutional child sexual abuse] and these yearly reports are about accountability: bringing the truth into the light ... we still have, reprehensibly, four institutions that have been named publicly and that have blatantly refused to join the redress scheme.
they are jehovah's witnesses ... it's not acceptable.
400When it comes to money they will find a way around it. Move Aussie operations to NZ maybe and donations to the US. Who knows?
Yup. They'll find some way. They'll get JWs to donate directly to the US fund online or some such.
As to the reasons for not joining its nothing to do with finances.
It's the whole "interfaith" thing, for one. Not admitting publicly they have a problem and not wamting the faithful to know their donations are going to pay off paedophile cases.
But the absolute priority for Watchtower is to protect their reputation among rank and file Jehovah's Witnesses.
They must maintain the pretense that they are special and different to other religions, or bang goes their claim that they are Jehovahs organization.
Without that illusion they are, and have, nothing.
this is a brilliant new song by grant davis who did the trolley/whiskey song with kevin mcfree.. it is called physically in menatlly out..
Just found this! It's brilliant! I would have liked a "PiMO" chorus so we could all join in with loud and terrible singing voices at drunk and Emotional karioke sessions😜
trapped in a cult, riddled with doubt
When you're physically in but mentally out!!
You've woken up, you know it's not true,
You're not alone we're here waiting for you!!!
when i was a jw i would look to the bible or the wt society to answer all of my problems.. now as an older person i get cold in the wintertime and have trouble getting warm down to bad circulation.
i found an answer in the bible at 1 kings 1:2, but i don't think my pimi wife will let me apply this bible principle.
😂😂😜Anything to do with a certain king David and a girl with the worst name in the history of giving names to pretty girls??!
I think you're thinking of the "manwhich" Bible principal 😂
jehovah’s witnesses to face trial for discrimination and incitement to hate.
"while jehovah’s witnesses have been the target of civil court cases before, this is the first time an entire congregation has ever been charged with a crime.".
Whatever happens, it’s all negative publicity for the cult, which will hopefully prevent anyone in Belgium from getting involved once they read about it in the papers/online etc
Most witnesses will bracket it as ‘persecution’, but if this sort of stuff keeps happening I’ve no doubt it will be the catalyst for others to wake up.
the life story in the latest wt has a running theme that keeps popping up: if the organization tells you to do something, you do it.
this culminates in the following anecdote:.
we were staying in abrother’s home right next to a kingdom hall.. .
😂😂😂too busy to notice.....yeah right!!
My husband inducted me long ago into the ways of young men!! I said to him once that I was glad he wasn’t one of those men who Lear at women. His response : All men look at pretty women, you can’t help it. But you should never let anyone know you’re doing it as that’s just creepy lol🤣🤣 I guess he’s honest at least!
today, marking the second anniversary of the australian national apology to victims and survivors of institutional child sexual abuse, the prime minister of australia has announce in federal parliament the intention to place sanctions against the jehovah’s witnesses in relation to child sexual abuse.. quote from prime minister:.
the royal commission [into institutional response to child sexual abuse], the [national] apology [to victims and survivors of institutional child sexual abuse] and these yearly reports are about accountability: bringing the truth into the light ... we still have, reprehensibly, four institutions that have been named publicly and that have blatantly refused to join the redress scheme.
they are jehovah's witnesses ... it's not acceptable.
Funky Dear Prime Minister, Since you have seen fit to revoke our charitable status, please be notified that Jesus H. Christ is going to be coming Very Soon Now, and he has a flaming 800 pound hailstone with your name on it. Have a nice day! Sincerely, WTS of Australia
today, marking the second anniversary of the australian national apology to victims and survivors of institutional child sexual abuse, the prime minister of australia has announce in federal parliament the intention to place sanctions against the jehovah’s witnesses in relation to child sexual abuse.. quote from prime minister:.
the royal commission [into institutional response to child sexual abuse], the [national] apology [to victims and survivors of institutional child sexual abuse] and these yearly reports are about accountability: bringing the truth into the light ... we still have, reprehensibly, four institutions that have been named publicly and that have blatantly refused to join the redress scheme.
they are jehovah's witnesses ... it's not acceptable.
that I know are supported by the opposition, that the Commonwealth will place on institutions who continue to refuse to join the scheme, including withdrawal of their charitable status for these offending organisations.
Go Oz!!!
When they say "Commonwealth" they don't mean the whole Commonwealth, do they? That would be brilliant! Or is "Commonwealth" a term for all states/Australia??
Either way, this is one form of "persecution" I can really get behind!
he talks about how a group of 5,000 broke away from the organization due to distrust of government agents infiltrating the jws.
they weren't regarded as apostates, just distrustful.
he uses phrases like "their leader" and "his elders", and how they had a meeting with the governing body and made the decision for all these thousands to reintegrate them into the jws, splitting them up among congregations.
so, it has the feel of myth-like story that Lösch has incorporated as central to his identity as a JW. It is brief moments like this one that convince me that most of the GB do actually believe that they head the true organisation of God.I think you’re right SBF. It could be that this incident was what got Gerrit a slot on the GB. If he was part of the delegation, they probably thought he had ‘Jehovah’s blessing’ to be able to “gain his brothers” all 5000 in one fell swoop.
Of course nowadays they’d all be disfellowshipped without a second thought.
elders meet with regular pioneers, special pioneers, and field missionariesplease note: this meeting is to be conducted in december 2020 or january 2021 by two elders selected by the body of elders.. english letter and spanish letter.. .
reply below if you want me to meet you at your pm box with a link and some of these:.
Ooooo JWgonebadI’ve just learned how to make those chocolate myself some moulds. Mines one with peanut butter
petra may I have a link please? Have good (hair) day!!!😄