Doug there’s so much here to read and I’m really looking forward to digging in!!!
Thank you so much!! I look forward to getting back to you about it (in my dopey way!!😉)
Just to say....I love the Julia Donaldson poem❤️
i have now prepared my study that deals with the literature of the second temple period.. this period runs from the return of exiles from babylon through to the gospels, so it includes most of the "books" that later became part of bibles.. the writings of the period include: the pentateuch, second isaiah, ezra/nehemiah/chronicles, 1 enoch, jubilees, maccabees, paul, and the gospels, and much more.. or. .
in addition, i have listed all the resources i have located related to the second temple period.. second-temple period: resources:.
Doug there’s so much here to read and I’m really looking forward to digging in!!!
Thank you so much!! I look forward to getting back to you about it (in my dopey way!!😉)
Just to say....I love the Julia Donaldson poem❤️
when the “year book” is published online next year, and the number of new baptisms is roughly the same as it always is, how are they going to deny that their new “converts” are nothing more than born-in kids of witnesses or already “captive” family and friends?.
the “billions” of hours of service are at best pointless and ineffective and at worse often fabricated.. what say you?.
When the “Year Book” is published online next year, and the number of new baptisms is roughly the same as it always is, how are they going to deny that their new “converts” are nothing more than born-in kids of witnesses or already “captive” family and friends?
The “billions” of hours of service are at best pointless and ineffective and at worse often fabricated.
What say you?
made a big mistake of talking about being raised as a jehovah's witness to some old friends and family.
people have told me that i am still a jws even though i've never been baptized.
i'm in school for social services, dealing with student loan debt, and a lot of other debt.
There’s no question in my mind that the pandemic is bringing situations such as this home to roost.
People are thinking about their mortality where normally life would be too busy and they would have considered it rather a morbid subject to dwell upon.To die alone.
We are constantly bombarded with tragedy at the moment and it may be the first time many, especially younger, folks have genuinely considered just what dying entails....will I suffer? Who will be there? Will I leave a legacy? Will anyone even care???
Isolation is really a terrible thing and I think you need to reach out to someone Joilette. I don’t know what kind of a lockdown you have where you live but I really caution you to maybe wait until things get back to some kind of normality before you do something you may live to regret.😥
what are the society's rules when confronting a disfellowshipped person at a funeral service?.
are there specific rules or watchtower articles that must be followed?.
i have been to three different wakes/funerals where a disfellowshipped person attended with different results.. 1. ten years ago my first cousin passed away.
Joe 134CD Good for you watchtower.
I’m really glad to hear this. Wonderful. I tend to think it’s more the local elders and JWs though, if they’re good people, rather than HQ
made a big mistake of talking about being raised as a jehovah's witness to some old friends and family.
people have told me that i am still a jws even though i've never been baptized.
i'm in school for social services, dealing with student loan debt, and a lot of other debt.
Joilette you’re not too old to have children at 39. I had my boys two months before my 40th birthday. I know time is ticking but there are other options for having kids than giving birth and if you’re training to be a social worker that puts you in an excellent position for fostering etc.
I do know a little of how you feel but unfortunately feeling alone is a symptom of getting older. We gradually loose those that care about us to death. Grandparents, parents, siblings...spouses.My niece has just lost her dad and she’s only 2. I would give anything to know my kids will have a parent alive at 39.In some ways you’re fortunate to have a living parent. Also, if you get baptised and then leave or can’t cope with the restrictions, your mum may shun you. It’s far more draconian now and being married her husband may force her hand.
Also, remember there are way more female JWs than male, so there’s a lot of single sisters. Some may say you’ve little chance of finding a good marriage within the organization.
But I get it, it’s terrifying. Have you considered talking to a therapist? You may have abandonment issues. I think many of us do due to childhood fear/trauma of shunning.
Perhaps you could find an ex cult member group or recovering from religion? How about ANY non affiliated Christian group, there’s some info on you tube look up Simply Christian website or Borean pickets. Failing that ANY group where you can talk, socialise and meet new people. I know it’s scary as you get older but you’ll never be so young and, trust me, at 39 you’ve still got it!!!!!
they used to say the world governments would turn on religion.
i think this part is coming true.
however they also said since jehovah’s witnesses were going to be the only religion left the governments were going to focus on the “eyeball”of jehovah, his people.
PeacefulP What has been pointed to as governmental antipathy to religion is often actually an appropriate rejection of intolerance and bigotry by religious people in the workplace or public employment.
Absolutely. It’s not religion per sa they object to, but rather the loss of basic legal rights of their adherents. Such as victims of CSA and the treatment of apostates who leave the faith.
Interesting Pete when you stated Dr. Levine is fully qualified for the job, (and more than likely was encouraged by her ex to be herself), someone posted something unrelated to the job of minister. A picture of a frankly dangerous (to anyone sensible) scenario of someone whose gone through male puberty with fully grown male anatomy, wrestling at elite level with someone who has clearly not.
Now THAT is using emotion to counter an eminently reasonable initial statement.
i think it does especially being that this organization is rigidly structured itself on formulated doctrines from a top hierarchy of men which are strictly enforced, among other reasons.
what cults are.
a cult is not necessarily a religious group, although religious cults are common, including breakaway sects from more mainstream faiths.
I’ve been wondering where Finklestein is as I haven’t heard from him in a while.
It’s so worrying when you don’t hear from folks these days.....
Finky let us know if you’re ok?????
(And yes....does a bear sh*t in the woods and is the Pope a Catholic, in answer to your post question!!!!!)
trump has his supporters.
I think the problem is twofold.
Misinformation on social media...anti vax, conspiracy theories and the religious extremists who claim (lied)God told them Trump will win.😒
AND a press that compounds all this with a blatant left wing bias.(I'm left wing by the way and it even annoys ME as Ive always had a strong sense of fair play ) So some supporters see him as a victim of some nefarious globalist deep something or other who knows rather than what's really happening also. A combination of a huge swathe of American youngsters attending university and so more educated folks than ever before (whether you find what they learn Marxist or not) and certain underprivileged groups finding their voice. And then add a pandemic😒
And of course all this list plays out on so many platforms which exacerbates it all in our minds.
from william.
h. bowen on facebook :.
alienation and garbage the new message of jehovah’s witnesses.
Not to mention short bursts of social media “product”is addictive in and of itself and slowly destroys ones ability to concentrate on weightier written pieces. pieces more likely to, at the very least, get a witness using their critical thinking ability, even if this is in another field.
I don’t know if you’re aware, Simon, but the U.K. government have just said that we’re going to be having a yearly vaccine program and probably winter “lock downs” for the foreseeable future.
This means the door to door work, imho, is effectively finished in the U.K. After all who wants strangers bringing goodness knows what germs to your door uninvited??? It certainly rules out the preaching work for the over 60s, the backbone of the congregation, too. Plus of course there’s the further complication of data protection rules for the org.
Online meetings really may be the only viable way of maintaining safety for the Governing Body’s “piggy bank” ..... the older members of the Org.
NB totally agree Slim