Loz, I affirm the simple words of Jesus.
Tet, the Bible that Jesus quoted also says that 'thy word/Scripture is truth' (cf. 2 Tim. 3:16, etc.). It is both/and, not either/or, the Written and Living Word. Scripture is God's self-revelation, inspired, infallible, authoritative. We worship Jesus, not the Bible (bibliolatry). Jesus is the Truth, but He also quoted Scripture as God's truth.
wontleave, I thought you were female, not male. I believe in sound hermeneutics (the art and science of Bible interpretation). This does not mean that any person, especially me and GB, are infallible. Creeds can express biblical truth, but they can also be wrong. The creed that affirms one God vs many gods is biblically correct. The WT also systematizes beliefs and often proof texts verses out of context to support error. That does not mean that everyone who quotes a verse exegetes/interprets it wrong. Pointing out bad interpretation and proof texting does not negate the possibility of sound Bible interpretation in context. We would have to look at any given verse/issue in more detail. We cannot assume we are both right or wrong on every issue. We actually have agreement on many verses/issues, just not the Christocentric, essential ones (and only one of us is right vs both).
Jn. 3:16 is straightforward, but we have to formulate a doctrine of God (triune or solitary) and Christology (Creator or creature) based on all relevant verses in context (and with a credible translation, thus excluding NWT).