You're off a zero. That is seven billion, still a big number for a religion. I did a rough analysis on this a few years ago and posted it here, I'm too lazy to look for it just now, but I came up with a total of about four billion in the U S alone.
Posts by JeffT
Warwick sits on $70 billion?
by LaFrancia in70,000 real estate properties at an average value of $100,000 and perhaps we can say (no one knows for sure) that warwick sits on $70 billion in real estate value.
in the video (deleted by jwborg but available on the avoid.jw website) of the 2018-19 coordinators' committee report (english) shown to all congregations at the mid-week meeting, we find several curious and interesting indications:.
- at minute 6.52 seconds you see some data .
Watchtower in the NEWS. DUBLIN: "Former top UBS executive joins Jehovah’s Witnesses’ new Ireland-based asset venture"
by Balaamsass2 inslate of industry heavy-hitters sign up to management company run by religious group".
slate of industry heavy-hitters sign up to management company run by religious group.
28 aug 2024. john mulligan.
Somebody correct me if I'm wrong, but it sounds like they rounded up a few members that have financial background and will use them to run this asset management company.
In my opinion anybody capable of doing that is too smart (or should be) to get mixed up with the Watchtower. This certainly is not against the law, it may or may not be unethical depending on what they do with it. It is, however, a repudiation of what they've been teaching for the last hundred years or so; and a big slap in the face to those that, acting on those teachings, put off any personal financial management.
The World Health Organization Prostitude
by raymond frantz in
as a second pandemic is now in the horizon mpox or monkey pox as they like to call it, it is important to scrutize the advise the governing body provided last time around with covid and how they sided 100% with the governents and their medical directives and lockdowns and how they imposed one-sided narrative in congregations around the world even threatening elders who refused to obey their direction....
"In the long run, deaths = births.
-- Robert A. Heinlein
I don't see the purpose in manufacturing things to worry about, there's enough trouble to go around. I'm 73 and struggling with an age related neurological disorder. My advice; relax, enjoy the ride when possible, and don't sweat stuff.
by raymond frantz in
there was a time they preached the great tribulation was a short period of time between the fall of babylon and jesus coming back to save them, now they realize there are difficult years ahead of us, watch this latest morning worship video by per christensen on this subject .
I'm a retired accountant and I can't keep up with the changes.
If I could go back in time and drag my 1975 era self to the present he would not recognize the religion.
Crisis of Conscience available for free on Audible
by nicolaou ini'm unclear on how this has been achieved or if permissions have been given.
presumably, audible (part of amazon) have their own procedures to ensure legality, but here it is nonetheless;.
listen to crisis of conscience - raymond franz by crisis of conscience - raymond franz on audible.
I've told this story here more than once, but it fits in here.
In the spring of 1988 my wife and I were struggling with our relationship with the Watchtower - without discussing it with each other at all. We were both terrified that the other would find out we were no longer believers. I was doing research at the Seattle public library on my lunch breaks, she was going to Christian books stores and researching there. I ending up buying a copy of CofC and hiding under by side of the bed.
So on this particular Sunday morning neither of us felt like going to meeting (cough cough I think I'm getting a bug). As I'm drinking my coffee I look up and see Mrs. T coming down the hall with CofC in her hand. Just about the time I expected her to jump on me about it, she grinned held up a second copy of the book and said "this one's mine".
We spent the next year researching everything that came out of the Watchtower and DA'd in March 1989. I look back on that event and my thought now is: WTF kind of religion makes husbands and wives hid their books from each other.
Ages of each user here?
by ukpimo ini'm interested to know the age demographics here.
it must be significantly different to other exjw forums.
it would be a damning report for watchtower if most of us appear to have left for decades.. you don't have to mention your exact age, you could always say "in my 50s".. i am in my 70s.
I'm 73 I converted during the peak of the 1975 hype, in my twenties. Left in 1989.
Celebrities Who Hate Jw's?
by Ron.W. indo you recall any?.
i was told that john denver hated jw's with a vengeance - any truth in that?.
also, annie lennox - i was told before a concert she asked any jw's present to leave?.
Two rumors about Celebrities and JW's.
1) {insert name of celebrity} hates JW's at their concerts they start by asking all JW's to leave.
2 {insert name of celebrity} is a JW. They were baptized at the {insert name of convention}, they go out in service with {insert name of congregation}. As soon as they finish contract requirements they will quit {whatever they do} and pioneer full time.
There have been a few that #2 applies to, but not many and certainly not equal to the number of rumors.
Over the years I've been to many concerts (including John Denver) and I've never hears such an announcement. I think most celebreties are smart enough not to piss off their fans.
Leaked Info: Watchtower Received $497 Million From One Country (Britain) In Last Six Years! [Must Watch!]
by Golden4Altar inleaked info:watchtower received $497 million from one country (britain) in last six years!
[must watch!].
this video was just released with documented proof, see this link:
Retired accountant here
So now tell me again how a $2 million USD settlement here, or a $5 million USD settlement there, for CSA payouts is going to "bring down" the WatchTower?
I've been trying to argue this point for years. Most companies have a line item in their budgets for legal costs. It's just part of doing business, the Watchtower is no different. -
How they could change blood doctrine
by Person inmany people say gb will soon dump blood doctrine to appear less fanatical.
others saying it is impossible for them to do that because of legal ramifications.
i think there is a way that could potentially be solution to those problems.
What do you think, does it make any sense?
My father, never a member of any church, much less JW's; was a Hematologist. He told me once that medical science does not recognize major vs minor blood components, end of story.
The watchtower has painted itself into a corner leaving no exit strategy whatsoever, anything they say to try and extract themselves from this mess will just add another layer of bullshit to the pile.
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars (continued)
by Simon inuh oh, looks like the mega thread gave up the ghost, so while i investigate / fix it just continue the discussion here .... it's been a long 9 years lloyd evans / john cedars.
If he ever did anything resembling original research I haven't seen it. Some of his stuff taking apart convention talks and the like may have helped some people break free, but it was not original. It was all reactive.
He's had what, twelve years, to learn the skills it would take to be a potent threat to the Watchtower? Learn Greek and Hebrew. Earn an advanced degree in comparative religion. Understand logic, rhetoric, and the rules of hermeneutics and exegisis.
I don't know what it costs to get a PhD in the UK, but I'm sure the patrons could have found the money. Too bad that was the road not taken.