maybe this will help from blue letter bible, David Guzik Study Guide for 1 Peter 2 .
a. Abstain from fleshly lusts: We can only abstain from fleshly lusts as we live as sojourners and pilgrims, as those who recognize that this world is not their home, and that they have a home and a citizenship in heaven.
b. Which war against the soul: Peter understands that these fleshly lusts . . . war against the soul. To be a Christian means to fight against the lusts of the flesh, and the battle continues as long as we live in this flesh
i. It is easy for us to see how the pursuit of fleshly lusts can destroy our body physically. Just ask the alcoholic dying of liver disease, or ask the sexually immoral person with AIDS or one of the 350,000 people on this earth who contracted a sexually transmitted disease in the last 24 hours. But Peter reminds us that fleshly lusts also war against the soul. Some escape disease in the physical body when they sin, but the disease and death of the inner man is a penalty that no one given over to the flesh escapes.
flesly lusts should also be understood in consideration of the list of fleshly sins in Galatians 5:19-21