Hi Spice,
Those T-shirts are simple, concise, perfect!
I nominate Spice for the position of Head of the Ex-Jehovahs-Witness
Public Awareness Committee.
any seconds?
i think its about time we do something about jws organisation,we must take a stand and not hold back and the more of us that do it the better, otherwise there just going to get away with it in time.we must show these so called christians that we are powerful even if we r a minority.im up to making a stand by protest at assemblys.congregations etc.
Hi Spice,
Those T-shirts are simple, concise, perfect!
I nominate Spice for the position of Head of the Ex-Jehovahs-Witness
Public Awareness Committee.
any seconds?
i think its about time we do something about jws organisation,we must take a stand and not hold back and the more of us that do it the better, otherwise there just going to get away with it in time.we must show these so called christians that we are powerful even if we r a minority.im up to making a stand by protest at assemblys.congregations etc.
I totally agree. If you would like to support victims of the WTS pedophile cover-up check out this event coming up in September:
just like whitewashed graves they appear beautiful on the outside, but inside they are full of corruption and decay.
jesus denounces them in matt.
after i read about the stock the wtbs has with the navy, it just makes me sick at what hypocrites they truly are.
Let's see,
The GB members are (to use one of the THEIR favorite words) the "Antitypical" Pharisees because.....
Edited by - YoursChelbie on 16 July 2002 22:41:44
- (1) personal data processed for any of the following purposes- .
(a) the prevention or detection of crime,
(b) the apprehension or prosecution of offenders, or
Thanks ISP that's the follow-up that we need.
bp: tell me about the database.
how do you justify keeping a list of paedophiles, men in some cases who have confessed to paedophilia but you have not reported them to an authority.
what justification is there for you to keep that?
I've spent quite a few of my years listening to what Jaracz and his fellow "merry kings" have to say.
I actually have a little something to tell him:
I challenge him to prove these comments and those of others wrong--publicly.
i went to the meeting this morning and taped the reading of the letter, and transcribed it when i got home.
there are a few alterations to the u.s. letter posted by silent lambs.
i have highlighted these changes.. .
You're all SO right --everyone on this thread.
Their criminally negligent behavior is being excused on the basis of this mis-applied scripture.
I expanded a bit more on it here:
Who knows what other reason will they come up with next.
Edited by - YoursChelbie on 15 July 2002 15:4:18
i didn't see all of panorama, but what i did see was outstanding.
in its depth and thoroughness, it surpassed what dateline had to offer.
it really highlighted some key points: .
If anyone has a message for the Brooklyn WTS Headquarters, you can try posting it here.
Perhaps it will get to the GB via their "Internet Monitors."
Edited by - YoursChelbie on 15 July 2002 15:9:16
in the wake of 'panorama', and in light of the mileage the wt has had out of the catholic church over the years, i flicked through the nwt i still have and found a little passage in romans (2v1-5,13) which seems deliciously appropriate (i'm quoting the rav here, as i'm in a public library and don't have my nwt with me): .
"(1)therefore you are inexcusable, o man, whoever you are who judge, for in whatever you judge another you condemn yourself; for you who judge do the same things.
(2) but we know that the judgment of god is according to truth against those who practise such things.
By the way here's another message for the WTS in Brooklyn, if I may:
When speaking of himself as the true Christ, Jesus did not need to follow the Old Covenant Law of "two witnesses" to prove his identity.
To reason with the Pharisees he refered to it as their Law.
"...the Pharisees said to him: "You bear witness about yourself; your witness is not true. In answer Jesus said to them: "even if I do bear witness about myself, my witness is true...because I know where I came from.... Also, in your own Law it is written, 'The witness of two men is true.' I am the one who bears witness about myself and the Father who sent me bears witness about me." (John 18: 13,14,17)
The apostle Paul in writing to the Corinthians said...
"And so to the Jews I became as a Jew, that I might gain Jews; to those under law I became as under law, that I might gain those under law." (1 Cor. 9:20)
So, it seems IMO that Watchtower Society is applying a law to Christians that Christ never intented to have applied to Christians--it is part of the Law of Moses essentially.
"Consequently the Law has become our tutor leading to Christ,.....now that faith has arrived, we are no longer under a tutor." (Galatians 3:24,25)
You are taking Matthew 18:16 OUT of context. Jesus was refering to the legal proceedings, NOT the actual crime.
Edited by - YoursChelbie on 15 July 2002 13:2:24
how can all of you say that you are disgusted etc when you dont know any thing about the organisation?.
im sure you didnt really worry before but now you are all acting upset etc.. i stress to say that it is accusations not fact.. i am 16 and found the program annoying in the fact that we were portrayed completely wrong.. the bbc could say what they liked.. i think that people should be more sincere and less assuming.. thanks, mark
if you become deeply troubled by what you see and experience and cannot agree with the Society, esp. long after you got baptized, it's going to hurt you so much.
Very True words! Hope you continue to share your thoughts with us SUNSHINE Too
1) brown states: "you have been told that here in the united states we have compiled a list of 23,720 names of child abusers.
that is false.
first of all, the total number of names in our records is considerably lower.
Good point made.
Brown keeps on repeating that their policy is based on the Bible, as if this were obviously a good thing. To the contrary, I think this will put them in quite a pickle.
It's obvious that the "two witnesses" rule does not work for child molestation cases
See also: http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/forum/thread.asp?id=32157&site=3