Are any of you actually witnesses here?

by A_Revelation 57 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • A_Revelation

    How can all of you say that you are disgusted etc when you dont know any thing about the organisation?

    Im sure you didnt really worry before but now you are all acting upset etc.

    I stress to say that it is ACCUSATIONS not fact.

    I am 16 and found the program annoying in the fact that we were portrayed completely wrong.

    The BBC could say what they liked.

    I think that people should be more sincere and less assuming.

    Thanks, Mark

  • minimus

    16, huh?

  • Dutchie

    Hi Mark, I also saw the show and I really enjoyed it. I used to be one of jehovah's witnesses, in fact I was one for many years as I was born into it. But I stopped being one when I realized that jehovahs witnesses do not teach the truth as they claim to be. Didn't you see in the program where the poor girls were abused and then the elders tried to cover it up? That happens all the time. You seem like a very intelligent person. You need to investigate your religion before before you accuse others of not having compassion. I have a lot of compassion and do not like to see other people hurt.

  • COMF

    From what I saw, the witnesses were given plenty of opportunity to tell "The Truth(TM)" and simply refused to.

  • A_Revelation

    Why didnt they come to my congregation and not those strange ones in America.

    I feel so frustrated at the program i really want to tell you all what i mean.

    Never mind.

    May God bless you all and i hope you sleep good and have good days tomorrow.


  • SixofNine

    Hi Mark, my name is Mark as well. Welcome to the forum. I was raised in the truth, as I used to say back when I had the same sad idea as you about what "truth" means. That means I was believing loyal witness for more than twice as long as you've been alive. I don't know how I would have reacted to this information back when I was your age, maybe alot like you.

    In any case, I look back on what I used to believe was the "truth", what I used to believe was Gods organization, the totally petty things I used to believe were important to God due to my upbringing, and I am ashamed of myself.

    You owe it to yourself to examine things Mark. Your parents aren't assholes, they are just brainwashed victims of misinformation and lies. And you Mark, are just one more person who has been shielded from the facts by a closed off, insular religion/cult.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Mark most of us in here were JWs for more years than you have been alive. Believe me we know.

    I was one of those victims -- 38 years ago

  • A_Revelation

    and yet you stuck with it for how many years?

    just how clever are you

    my dad was a superb elder and i dont think you have any rights whatsoever to tell me i am sad or that i havent examined the truth properly

    from the way you speak i can tell you are the brainwashed one

    the kind of person that the bible speaks of as apostaic

    when the new system arrives i hope to see you all there i really mean that


  • minimus

    Mark, why don't you tell us a little about yourself?

  • Simon

    I'm glad that you had a good experience with things but sadly many don't - a lot of us have a lot of bad experiences with the religion and want to help prevent others going through the same thing.

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