JoinedPosts by YoursChelbie
Ladies. Your Favourite Bunch Of Flowers Would Be?
by invisible inif i was to meet some of you ladies for the first time, i might be tempted to buy you a bunch of flowers, what spray tickles your fancy the most?
i know for englishmans missus, her ladyship, her bunch of flowers would include freshias.
please give me some advice on the appropriate action i should take if i met you for the first time.
what is your scent????
by sunshineToo ini know there has been a anti-perfume thread.
but does anyone use light or moderate amount of perfume or aftershave?
if you do, what is your scent?
SunshineTOO, You are TOO funny!
Mine is: Chanel No. 5
On a man: Obsession by CK
reborn 2002 is the man!
by knighthawk1981 inreborn,.
you have the fire inside needed to take the jw's down.
however, i was wondering, what fuels your anger?
Your account of your life is so moving. You're so young and you've been through so much.
Baptized at 11 years of age. I am sincerely appalled. To have to lose your family over something you did at 11 years of age. That makes me pretty angry! If I can be your big sister or help, e-mail me. That they would say you're going to die at Armageddon... It is NO ones place to JUDGE!
The Downward Spiral
by Farkel inalmost twenty years ago jim penton mentioned that the wts was losing its brightest and best members in far greater percentages than its not-so-brightest and not-so-best .
this malaise was jump-started with rutherford's attack on "higher education" and in recent years has backfired on the society.
the wts has promoted low-tech education and employment in a high-tech world and is reaping the very whirlwind it has created.. most recently we've seen another whirlwind the society has created: it is hunting down and executing its best examples of caring, concerned christians: people like joe and barbara anderson, bill bowen and a whole host of unnamed others who are trying to be exemplary christians, even if it means standing up to the unchristian policies and doctrines of the watchtower.. successful watchtower recruits are unlikely to be educated people simply because in the pre-indoctrination process, educated people are likely to spot the doctrinal inconsistencies, the fallacious reasoning and the double-standards that are a part of watchtower life.
dysfunctional, one-dimensional, power hungry, self-consumed and vindictive.
I personally know several elders and elder-wanna-bes who fit this exact description. I feel sorry for them and at the same time I'm glad that I made the choice not to be in the same organization with them.
Very well said.
Royal Priesthood antitypical GB?
by YoursChelbie inwhy is it that the wts likens their "governing body" with the royal priesthood of israel when it attempts to reason that it has god's holy spirit and backing, while at the same time, when this same jewish priesthood in discussed in a negative context it is never likened to the governing body.
every time that the same jewish priesthood's is said to be the object of god's wrath, the wts says that it actually represents christendom and the judgements it will receive.
it appears that the wts is only likening themselves to the royal priesthood of isarael when it is convenient for them.
Why is it that the WTS likens their "Governing Body" with the Royal priesthood of Israel when it attempts to reason that it has God's Holy Spirit and backing, while at the same time, when this same Jewish priesthood in discussed in a negative context it is NEVER likened to the Governing Body. WHY?
Every time that the same Jewish Priesthood's is said to be the object of God's wrath, the WTS says that it actually represents Christendom and the judgements it will receive. It appears that the WTS is only likening themselves to the royal priesthood of Isarael when it is convenient for them.
Have not the WTS leaders sinned to the same degree--- if not more--- than the self righteous Jewish Priests of old? Have they not apostatized from God by failing to give Him honor and worship and affiliating themselves with the UN? Have they not put their law on the shoulders of men to their own detriment by mishandling countless child abuse cases within their congregations?
Edited by - YoursChelbie on 4 August 2002 12:38:43
Edited by - YoursChelbie on 4 August 2002 23:48:33
cani get sued by the WT
by knighthawk1981 in.
can i get sued by the watchtower if i write a fictional story about the org?
I do believe that truth is stranger than fiction. This is by far my favorite account by "Dungbeetle" not long ago: It has BLOCKBUSTER written all over it. This one would definitely keep me at the edge of my seat.
From Universal Pictures, comes a movie that will change the way that the world views religious and civil reform. It traces the history of a small group of volunteers, begun by one man William H. Bowen, a Jehovah's Witness, that grows into a formidable group operating now from many countires of the world with members located on 5 continents. The movie begins in the living room of Bill Bowen and culminates in teh now-famous Silentlambs march in Brooklyn, New York in September, 2002.
This movie is a must see for ANYONE who does not believe that David, today, can win against Goliath. By the end of this movie YOU WILL BELIEVE!!!
Favored to be cast:
Mel Gibsen as young Bill Bowen
Noidea as young Sheila Bowen
Arnold Schwarzeneggar as present day Bill Bowen
Barbara Eden as Barbara Anderson
Nicole Kidman and Ewan McGregor as the Pandellos
Jennifer Lopez as Erica Rodriguez
Wynona Ryder as Holly Brewer
Hal Linden as Jeff Anderson
Sir Ian Mckellan as Raymond Franz
Angela Lansbury as Mrs. Ray Franz
Wesley Snipes as young J.R. Brown
Bryant Gumbel as present -day J.R.Brown
Martin Lawerence as Dr. Firpo Carr
Making cameo appearances as themselves: Kent Steinhaug, Simon Green, Randy Watters, Dr. Muromoto, Jim Moon and John Wirtanen, the Rawes.
Music soundtrack by REM available on audio cassette and compact disk.
Edited by - dungbeetle on 8 July 2002 16:40:25
Edited by - dungbeetle on 8 July 2002 18:7:3
From this thread:
Edited by - YoursChelbie on 4 August 2002 0:22:2
by disneycuty ini have a question: as you all know jehovah's witnesses view crystal ball, physics, as demonized or anything that is not suppose to be in the house like tarot cards.
and jehovah's witness believe that the demons would bother them if they do these activities or have them in the house.
do you still believe that or do you think it is the society's way of mind control over their members?
Hi and welcome to the board.
Do you work at Disneyland?
OK, seriously, my opinion on this is that anything associated with the occult is a waste of time.
Tarrot reading, crystal balls Palm reading--they cannot be proven scientifically--so I don't waste my time with them.
If fortune cookies and zodiac reading is a fun pastime for you, that's fine. Maybe it won't have a bad affect on you--As long as you know they are for ENTERTAINMENT purposes only.
I mean, if a fortune teller really knew the future, why won't that person, GUESS or predict the LOTTERY numbers and WIN BIG? It's impossible, no one can predict anything.
So, I personally find all that magic stuff a bit boring, and I don't bother with it.
Anybody silly enough to call a 1-900 number to contact a PSYCHIC probably deserved to ripped off the $5.00 per minute fees...
Dub Memories, Part 1
by SYN inpromise there'll be at least a part 2 and part 3!
currently i'm trying to build myself up to amazing-esque levels of essay writing, so bear with me, people!
the dub half.
I've seen your drawings, you are really talented! It would be great if you could illustrate THIS: The Scene where all the bugs are crawling on the KH Wall and a young SYN is looking at it with an expression on his face like <<<<God, I wish I could get OUT of here!>>>
You two could team up as writter and illustrator of this story and publish it.
By so doing, you'd be appealing to the juvenile audience out there. This story is an excellent way of showing how the Watchtower cult affects young, vulnerable minds and most importantly, how to get out.
Of course it would be great to download this as a book when it's finished too.
New Member / Introduction
by ex_Watchtowerite_hubby ini am not a current, nor former member of the jw's, but my wife was one for four years.
also, my mom has been one for over 20 years.
i did attend several meetings with her, and prompty fell asleep each time.
Hi EX WT Hubby.
You are to be commended! Your wife has needed your support and you've been there. It's perfectly understandable that she would still consider herself to be a Jehovah God Witness. I, too feel a closeness to our Creator, BUT I know deep inside that He is NOT backing the deceitful, control mongers who run the Watchtower organization.
Hope to hear more from you, and your wife soon.
Christian Love,
Edited by - YoursChelbie on 3 August 2002 14:26:4
Dub Memories, Part 1
by SYN inpromise there'll be at least a part 2 and part 3!
currently i'm trying to build myself up to amazing-esque levels of essay writing, so bear with me, people!
the dub half.
Hey Syn,
This could be a book with illustrations and all , you could title it: A Young Person's Journey Out of a Cult or something to that effect. Fascinating to read-- this part I can really relate to because I also experienced the same thing while in in school. The way the religion makes you anti-social is really bad:
My teachers would chuckle at this serious little person who would always have to explain why they couldnt be in school assemblies every week, or why their beliefs were wrong, or that they were going to die soon.
Edited by - YoursChelbie on 3 August 2002 10:19:9