Topics Started by lulu
Inactive and Immune
by new light indid you know that page 99 of "pay attention...." (the elders' manual) states that a person who has not associated for a while is basically exempt from discipline?
essentially if you attend a judicial hearing or respond to the elders you are admitting accountability to the "christian congregation.
" therefore, if you walk away from the congregation and simply ignore the elders for long enough and exert no influence on the members, they don't have to pursue you, even if they hear of serious sin.
OKAYYY the Croc Hunter went to freaking far this time!!!!
by Xandria inanger over stunt with croc and baby
39 minutes ago
melbourne (reuters) - celebrity crocodile hunter steve irwin has triggered outrage after he held his one-month-old baby while feeding a snapping crocodile during a show at his australian zoo.
Sept 15th 2003 Watchtower Page 26-30
by stillajwexelder injust read this article about martin luther -- the wtbts state -- luther recognized that god's favor cannot be earned.
rather , it is granted to those exercising faith romans 1:16; 3:23,24,28 .
these days i do not go to meetings very often so i do not know what is new light and old -- and have read in r. franz coc similar material with ed dunlap and commentary on letter of james.. this implies salvation can not be earned (i.e.
Well It's time for me to leave.
by outoftheorg inat least i am giving it a try.. i have had some minor surgery.
nothing to worry about, but it put me out of physical action for the last two weeks.
this gave me lots of time to think and browse this forum.
"Library Card" Defense refuted
by hooberus inwatchtower 1976 10/15 632-6. .
the "mark" of the beast would identify the one having it as belonging to that "wild beast," giving it full support.
ellicott's bible commentary notes that the mark 'surely means the acquiescence to the principals of this tyrannical world-power.'.
What did you hope for just to avoid Saturday witnessing?
by BLISSISIGNORANCE inlast night we had a hell of a storm here.
there was thunder, lightning, pouring rain and wind.
personally i love stormy nights, cuddled up to hubby in a warm bed.
As a loyal JW, what made you to start doubting the Watchtower ???
by run dont walk ini'm sure all of us were loyal at one time to the watchtower, believing in all of it.
(some of us probaly hated it from day one as well but, ).
what were some of the first things that happened or were said, that made you to start doubting it and beginning the loss of your loyalty to the organization ??????.
Mass Suicide Alert.
by refiners fire init seems that the anti cult world is extremely concerned at the moment about a group called "project portal" in brazil.
apparently there are hundreds of members and extensive defections are taking place at the moment, and the group leader, one urandir olivera, is being 'persecuted'extensively by the media.
cult watchers are drawing parallels with jonestown in that they fear olivera may lead his loyal followers in a collective 'beaming up'.
Overdose of JW
by lulu inmy husband and i have helped ,undercover ,a jw when under difficulty.
she is not allowed to speak to us as we are da'd( questioned wt on un).
last saturday night australian time she was admitted to hospital as an attempted suicide.