Ok, here it goes:
does porneia, frequently translated "fornication" refer to sex before marriage? Catholic theologan that I know says it does not. Any thoughts?
does porneia, frequently translated "fornication" refer to sex before marriage?
catholic theologan that i know says it does not.
any thoughts?.
Ok, here it goes:
does porneia, frequently translated "fornication" refer to sex before marriage? Catholic theologan that I know says it does not. Any thoughts?
a question for all those who managed to do it.
when you realize that it's unrealistic to expect someone in the wt to ever leave, and when you see the damage it does you to keep hoping, and to keep trying to get them out, how do you manage the pain?.
what do you do when you know that someone has spoiled the only life that person will ever have, yet you can't reach to them?.
If when we die, we have paid for our sins and are all going to heaven, what difference does it make? God gives us all free will -
And, I don't know that JWs are any more "worn out" than any other group of uneducated, low wage job earners. Things are tough out there. There are plenty of happy people in the organization, but there are plenty of people who are not. Many people drawn to religion, especially fundamentalist religion have a fundamentalist mindset to begin with, and are looking for "something", and are probably at the very least dissatisfied on some level if not out right unhappy.
True happiness is not circumstantial.
My 2 cents,
i know about roku, but currently don't think it any better than the laptop i have connected to my television to stream netflix.. i have considered a media-pc with remote or perhaps a remote keyboard and mouse.
i like the idea of the tv subbing as an extra pc on occasion - plus i would like to be able to stream other programs besides just netflix [like fancast or national geo or history or some news clips].. any suggestions beyond or in addition?.
thank you in advance.
buy a Mac mini and connect it to your tv as a monitor - then you can stream anything you want from the internet right to your TV without limitations. This is going to be my set up in the near future. I just cut the cable.
You can get almost anything on tv streamed to you live on the internet - I use Hulu.com, Clicker.com, iTunes, Netflix and one other site that I can't remember off the top of my head. Mac Mini will run DVDs - but you may need to purchase a Blue Ray if you want that.
whatever your chosen strategy for leaving jws, the fundamental truth is that there is no clean / simple exit.
the mind control, the manipulation of normal family relationships etc will make any strategy very difficult at times.
the key issue is to know this ahead of time and be prepared, as best you can.. we've all chosen leaving strategies acording to our personal circumstances, preferences and learning from others.
i'm doing a fade of sorts - and it is mostly to keep contact with my young nephews whom I am close to. Also, I do have some friends who are keeping contact with me, and I enjoy our time together. I offer no excuses as to why I am not going - but if need be, I am ready with an answer. I find it is pretty easy to avoid discussing much doctrine, unless of course I get stuck with some self-righteous character with a label to uphold.
It is true though, fading is not for the faint of heart. It can be a lot of work especially if you have friends or family that are anxious about what you are doing and upset that your activity is slowing or stopped completely.
Faders, ROCK ON!
palin refers to herself as one of the little people, as in the above post, but i believe she has quite a bundle in assets and cash.. so multi-millionaires are "little people"?
don't you have to be filthy rich to be an elitist?
yet more hypocracy from this thumper..
If you make over 200k, in earnings at least, you are a multi-millionaire over the course of your working life.
i signed up for a mindfulness course regarding chronic pain.
we were 16 people and 3 leaders in a huge room.
sound bounced around and i had a terrible time hearing anything.
It is too bad you quit the course. There are a lot of ways to work around your hearing loss. You may want to check out www.beyondhearingaids.com they have a wide range of FM systems and other products that you may find helpful. Remember too, you have a right to request accommodations. If your class was at a school,hospital, or business, they have an obligation to provide you with accommodations such as captioning, sign language interpreters, FM systems, etc.
Many people who experience hearing loss as adults go through a period of denial, and then adjustment. You may also want to check out www.alda.org The Association of Late Deafened Adults is made up of people who you may find have had or are having experiences very similar to yours, and it may be encouraging to research some of the information and resources available through this site.
I do disability consulting for a living, so if you want any additional support, PM and I would be happy to discuss this further.
as i understand it, being gay is not a sin in the organization, only homosexual acts are sins.
i've never read anywhere that gay jw people are encouraged to "fix" their gayness and marry.. i've certainly known a fair number of confirmed bachelor types who live exemplary lives in the witness sense - one life-long bethelite i knew springs to mind - but are clearly (to me anyway) gay.
they've all been in the closet though.. i wonder if any jw has ever been out of the closet, but not disfellowshipped since they don't have sex?
I do know one gay man, who was baptized a virgin at 18. When he turned 30, he decided to come out to his congregation because he didn't want to deal with sisters who wanted to date him. As far as I know, he is still an active, respected JW, and out. That is on the east coast, and I think it would be more accepted there than in any other part of the country other than San Francisco.
take this 72 yes/no question test to find out.. http://www.humanmetrics.com/cgi-win/jtypes2.asp.
One of a kind here: INTP Female here - Split E/I - but as I get older, more "I" than "E".
last night, during the congregation bible study, the conductor (overseer?
) used this as a platform to say that the movie avatar is of satan and no christians should see it.. .
he said that he googled the (original) meaning of the word avatar and it was of hindu religious origin.
My bookstudy conductor told us that Heroes was demonic because people had special powers. Not too long after, his daughter invited me to see Pirates of the Carribean which, in my view had blantent demonic tones with Davey Jones, et al. I guess if he felt that way about Heroes, he probably didn't see Superman or Spiderman.
It is the old white guys who rule the world. Watch OUT!
*** w90 5/15 pp.
11-12 fear jehovah, the hearer of prayer ***.
a restricted privilege.
What about all those stories of JWs who saved someone from killing themselves because they arrived at the door right after the person prayed?? I guess they will have to stop publishing those stories the, eh?