Just so I can further examine djeggnog's beliefs (even if he no longer wishes to participate), I am going to attempt to summarize his beliefs about Jesus here (taken from all of his posts here in this thread):
This is what I understand djeggnog to be teaching about Jesus, God the Father, and the Holy Spirit:
1:) There is only One Person who is Jehovah, and that Person is the Father of Jesus.
2:) There was a time when only Jehovah existed alone, without His Son.
3:) Jehovah's first creation was His Only-Begotten Son, His Firstborn, the Word, who was Michael the Archangel.
4:) When John 1:1-3 says that The Word was "a god" in the beginning, before one thing ever came into existence, what John really meant was that The Word was a godlike angel, not that He was a real god. So, since The Word was not a real god yet, it did not contradict Scriptures such as Deuteronomy 32:39 and Isaiah 44:4-8.
5:) Michael shared the same "divine" spirit nature that God and all of the angels have.
6:) But, at this point (In the beginning, John 1:1), only Jehovah has the "Divine Quality" and Immortality.
7:) When Jehovah declared at Deuteronomy 32:39 and Isaiah 44:4-8, 44:24 that He alone is the only God, and there are no other gods in existence, what Jehovah really meant was that there were no other immortal gods in existence.
8:) The defining characteristic of whether or not someone is a "Real God" is if that person has immortality.
9:) What Hebrews 1:5 and 1:13-14 really meant was that Jesus was one of the angels (even though the plain reading of those texts says Jesus is NOT an angel)
10:) While Jesus was on earth, He was 100% a human being, and had NONE of the Divine Nature or Divine Quality in Him.
11:) Upon Jesus' resurrection, He was given a new immortal spirit body and He then became a 2nd Immortal God on His own right, Jesus became a 2nd Real God now.
12:) Christians now serve and follow TWO Real Gods (even though the New Testament teaches that Christians serve and follow only ONE Real God).
13:) The 144,000 will eventually also become Real Gods when they are resurrected and receive immortality.
14:) Whenever people give "worship" or "obeisance" to Jesus, it has to be a lesser, lower form than that which is given to Jehovah. (No explanation for WHY this has to be was given by djeggnog).
15:) However, Jehovah has a different standard of Exclusive Devotion for His angels, and He allows them to render full worship to Jesus. (even though Jesus and the entire Bible declares that angels worship Jehovah, and that Jehovah ALONE should receive worship)
16:) What Revelation 5:13-14 and John 5:23 really meant was that you should only honor Jesus to a lesser degree than you honor Jehovah.
17:) The Holy Spirit is Jehovah's impersonal active force, and any time that the Bible talks about the Holy Spirit as a Person, what it really means is that the Spirit is an impersonal active force that is being personified in a figure of speech.
If I have misrepresented any of djeggnog's beliefs, please let me know.