Ok, this will put an end to the elder's calls to your Mom...
There was strict counsel to elders not to call sisters on the phone unless there was another elder on the line.
Have your Mom make a list of all the times (or approximations of times) when this elder called her.
Then have her call another elder in the congregation, ask him to put another elder on a conference call, of course mention
that it's a matter about reporting abuse and going beyond spiritual boundaries by the Stalker elder and
tell the two elders that the other elder has been calling repeatedly wanting to spend time on the phone with her
asking to come by and visit.
Now this is most important she needs to tell them (not ask them) to tell the elder never to call again or try to visit
or even approach her, or she will go to the CO, the DO and call the Branch and the local authorities with her
documented list of times he's tried to approach her by phone and other ways and that she wants this
stalking and persecution to stop. She is very traumatized by all this and if she has to she will consider getting
legal counsel, especially if anything is done to retaliate against her. She's to the point where she's considering
to sell her home and move away to get away from the harassment and continued unwanted calls from this
elder who has stepped outside the boundaries of spiritual appointed men. She should tell them that she has
proof (her list, but don't give any details nor mention it beyond saying proof that will hold up in a court of law
but she doesn't want to pursue criminal charges at this time, and of course bring reproach on Jehovah's name
by exposing this ongoing stalking and abuse of power, but if she receives a call from this elder or any other
elder tries to put pressure on her she will defend herself by means of secular law if she has to. Please, do
not call her again, if she needs spiritual support she will most definitely seek it and any unwanted calls will
only aggravate her level of disgust towards this elder's behavior and a disappointment with the entire body
of elders for not taking actions to stop the abuse. She should thank them for listening and not answer any
questions, but only say she's got to let someone know and that's why she called, please respect her request
and please do something about this rogue elder.