Our New CO, who's name sounds something like Brother Prosboscis, said that the Governing Body cannot and will not be held bloodguilty because they are advancing new light and that their effort to bring forth "truth" proves they love the "truth".
I couldn't help but think of the false "truth" of blood transfusions and how holding on to this teaching truly makes them gulty and accountable, drenched in the blood sacrifice of innocent victims that believed their false "truth", shame on them for calling falsehood a "truth" and for calling good what is bad.
The Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses is responsible for the loss of lives due to their teaching their followers to refrain from blood transfusions. Thousands have probably died from following this teaching.
Those Governing Body zombies don't want or care about your souls what they really want is your flesh and your blood.
Can we have someone with good photoshop skills do an artistic representation of the new 2013 GB photo exposing their bloodguilt?