Just noticed this very peculiarly uncanny similarity between website logos.
Did the JW.0rg come first or after--did the WT copy another website's logo?
JoinedPosts by oppostate
Who copied who when it comes to the website logo?
by oppostate injust noticed this very peculiarly uncanny similarity between website logos.did the jw.0rg come first or after--did the wt copy another website's logo?.
This is the BEST Video i have ever seen on the name YAHWEH.
by Greybeard inhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wmuhyxsghqk.
It is so laughable that some folks still think Yahweh is more accurate than another. Which one is more accurate, to pronounce Jesus as Djeezuhz in English or as Haysoos in Spanish? Does it matter if the Aramaic was more like Yeshwa? And we insist on Spelling these with a Y instead of a J then weren't Y and J letters not even used for those sounds 2000 years ago?
One can only laugh heartily and fart in the general direction of such ignorance!
UK number plate
by stan livedeath inhere in the uk--private--or personal- car registration plates are popular.. heres one i photo'd tonight.. .
now that you say it- bit obvious.
Which makes the comment
"I'm unable to grasp it" that much more anti-Trump!
Who else is tired of attacking/defending Islam?
by Spoletta inat this point, i think we have a good idea of everyone's opinion of islam.
for the love of god, can we move on to something else!
for the love of god, can we move on to something else!
Okaaayyyy, let's talk about Mahometanism instead.
Betcha Trump would like to talk about it!
UK number plate
by stan livedeath inhere in the uk--private--or personal- car registration plates are popular.. heres one i photo'd tonight.. .
Big Vajajay! As Oprah would say, if she were to say that. ;- )
GoBo hints we want all to dress American I
by oppostate inin this wt literature illustration from a german kingdom hall, one can see that the two nonwestern jw's on the right are featured as needing to improve on their choice of clothing and become more american like the gobo wishes them all to be.. .. .
In this WT literature illustration from a German Kingdom Hall, one can see that the two nonwestern JW's on the right are featured as needing to improve on their choice of clothing and become more American like the GoBo wishes them all to be.
The 'Like' button option is a joke
by fukitol ini just 'liked' the same post 6 times in a row.. what a joke simon.
sort it out!.
The joke is on you, unfortunately. No matter how many times you click the like counter it only records one for your account.
But at least you can get your jollies or frustrations out manic-clicking to see the count go up 😀
2 Peter 1 = Deity of Christ.
by towerwatchman in2 peter 1 = deity of christ.
2 pe.
1:1 simon peter, a bondservant and apostle of jesus christ, .
The NWT adds the word "the" in front of Saviour to try to distance Jesus from the word God. But the original greek reading does not have the definite article in that place;
ΣΙΜΩΝ ΠΕΤΡΟΣ δοῦλος καὶ ἀπόστολος Ἰησοῦ Χριστοῦ τοῖς ἰσότιμον ἡμῖν λαχοῦσιν πίστιν ἐν δικαιοσύνῃ τοῦ θεοῦ ἡμῶν καὶ σωτῆρος Ἰησοῦ Χριστοῦ·
"tou theou hemwn" means literally "of the God of ours" and then "kai swteros iesou xristou" means "and of savior Jesus Christ".
Pautas para los superintendentes de circuito (actualizado diciembre 2016)
by accesible inhola compañeros y compañeras.
soy la persona que publicó el manual de los superintendentes de circuito a nuestro gran amigo cedars.
les traigo el manual revisado en inglés cómo verán, yo no sé inglés, puesto que soy latino, pero ya me voy defendiendo.
Muchas gracias Hno. Accesible!
Thanks for sharing, bro!
JW Bethel asks for a million euros to be paid to avoid courtroom
by darkspilver infrom cronica (spain).
jehovah's witnesses 'plugged' a one million euro entrepreneurial hole.
the cult asked to maintain the "peace" of a congregation in galicia to avoid that the case of emptying of the company reached civil justice.. jws asked to hide a million-euro business hole at a supply company in la coruña (galicia).
I am not sure I understand the problem in this report fully. It seems a company in Spain owned by JWs was doing some sort of illegal book keeping and the WT Branch told them to stop it.
Is that correct?