I'm a Christian and feel the help of the Holy Spirit as I try to live my life as a disciple of Jesus Christ. To me te Holy Spirit is a gentle force that serves as my guide in daily life. It helps me try to rise above my imperfections. I feel it also brings to mind Godly principles and teachings that allow me to better cope with life's anxieties and trials.
JoinedPosts by oppostate
The Holy Spirit
by Acer21 inif the holy spirit is an "active force", how can it be grieved (ephesians 4:30)?.
in other words, according to the jw's, one can make jehovah's "force" sorrowful?
this is an example of how the jw leaders have perverted the gospel in translation, and have put the jw's in a position in which they must perform intellectual gymnastics in order to maintain their false position.
Joe Biden or Donald Trump?
by Iamallcool init looks like joe biden might be the next president of united states!
your thoughts?
DOC...it was said on SNL in a spoof of her. To the brainless leftists that is the same thing
Hey it sounded about right to me
Something interesting!
by ZindagiNaMilegiDobaara inwas in the middle of my research bout "anointed/ anointing /holy spirit".
this question n the illustration got my interest.
notice the last sentence and last word.
What does "empowerment" refer to? Power over the symbolic insects that live on the Little Flock of unannointed sheep?
The empowerment is what the Warwick filthy lucre loving hypocrites fear. They're afraid that people who wake up and start partaking of the bread & wine instead of their cool-aid are going to peel back the curtain and expose their Wizzard of NOz ways.
Empowerment to break free of the mind control. -
What triggered your awaking?
by Fadeaway1962 ini was listening to a radio show about a jw women who had been disfellowshiped , her daughter cut off all contact ,must admit at the time i thought so what.. then this man phoned up and explained he was disfellowshiped for asking about jws being ngo in the united nations during 90s till early 2000s when a newspaper exposed them , i still thought he's a apostate but looked it up found the article then found this forum and even more info..
hey LV101 theres no 1 Chronicles 13:15
Something interesting!
by ZindagiNaMilegiDobaara inwas in the middle of my research bout "anointed/ anointing /holy spirit".
this question n the illustration got my interest.
notice the last sentence and last word.
the bunch of filthy lucre loving hypocrites trying to bad mouth the anointing to stem the growth of those who wake up and start partaking
Words, phrases ,that do not appear in the Christian Greek Scriptures /New Testament that Jehovah`s Witnesses use.
by smiddy3 inwhere does one begin ?.
jehovah`s witnesses pride themselves as being a bible based religion ,that their beliefs and practices are all bible based ?.
words & phrases jehovah`s witnesses use or have used that are not in the bible.. organization.
2 more: Kingdom hall is nowhere in the Bible and neither is non-anointed Chritians.
Hello Trolley JW's...
by The Fall Guy in...at 1 peter 3:15 it says that if someone asks a christian about their christian hope, they should always be ready to explain it - with mildness & deep respect.
may i ask you about just one belief which jw's have?.
jw's have been instructed that god & jesus personally selected mr. rutherford and several of his associates as the first 'faithful slave' 101 dalmations years ago, in 1919. .
Good one, especially since Joe Rutherforfd said the Holy Spirit was no longer operative but he received new light through angels, which the WT now rejects, so it must have been expressions inspired by 'fallen' angels, i.e. demons.
Good Youtube channels
by belogical inok i'll start the ball rolling.
winston from jamaica with his excellent channel.
lots of short and to the point videos.. https://www.youtube.com/channel/ucmfy5skgfysq36ug1ismnsg.
my faves
Beroean Pickets (he is bilingual and makes his videos both in eng and spanish)
Watchtower Documents
Watchtoer Comments
A\V (not sure how to write that one its like an upside down V then backslash and V)
Kim Mikey
Jonas the Scandinavian Goat herder
the Aspinalli couple
Ali's Big TOE (theory of everything)
Miker Tower
Spoonfed NO More (she's bilingual and I love it when she talks French)
and last but by no means least the awesome LEGO animation channel
kevin McFree
Do Any Of You Still Think Trump Was Working With The Russians?
by minimus init seems some people still maintain that trump will try to get help from the russians “again”..
trumpolini has dreams of a branded Moscow Hotel making it big over there thats enough collusion in my book. Filthy lucre loving pathological liar and clown
of a putin slackey he is!
Why the Oxygen Special will not work like we think it will...
by HiddenPimo inwithin the very documentary is a reason i think that jw's for the most part will not wake up even if they watch this program.
the one lady actually saw as her family sat behind the abuser in court supporting him despite the established fact that he had abused their very own child.. this shows how deep the indoctrination is.
i am not saying that some won't wake up, but the majority will carry on, not even because they think these things are lies but because they will look past that at all costs to side with jehovah.
The Withneses Episodio 1 Completo - traducido al español (son 4 partes)
1/4: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1c203cEXLUCgSs18bNbonn9BMnnE9h5-p/view?usp=drivesdk
2/4: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Fzy2EJ-jVRJeLzXimDDt9_kcZxJVrFQa/view?usp=drivesdk
3/4: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1lRtcjKsWt2voR1-NfiPCBfZnGy3LD47r/view?usp=drivesdk
4/4: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1CJZrbUhSveW8MTCYWQGQT9E8rorqvLMJ/view?usp=drivesdk