yup i havent gotten the virus yet
so theres that
definitely a result of this coronavirus isolation i would say
i guess you could make a case of more families being together although that might not be the best situation.
less cars and pollutants mean we can breathe better.
if you were ever uncomfortable in crowds, this could be good news.
yup i havent gotten the virus yet
so theres that
definitely a result of this coronavirus isolation i would say
i have a trove of old watchtower literature.
i know of course, and for example, to keep the three first volumes of the watchtower (bound) and a bunch of other items.
(and i handle them delicately.).
During these days of precariously scarce toilet tissue, some of those Awake! bound volumes could come in very handy indeed!
there is an allegation floating around saying he assaulted one of his female staffers .
most mainstream media do not report on this claim.
they either don’t believe it or don’t want to believe it.. funny how if it were brett kavanaugh or donald trump, they would be all over it.
Yes, I believe her.
currently reading: jehovahs witnesses and the third reich by james penton.
a wonderful book written by an ex jw, born in 1932. i find this book very informative, interesting specially coz i was not around then.its thorough, lucid factual,every detail referenced and analytical data is provided to authenticate the veracity of assertion.
a pretty good read indeed for pimis n pimos alike!.
Yes, i'm acquinted with that site
Another good one with Jim's expeeiences is Channel C2 at
currently reading: jehovahs witnesses and the third reich by james penton.
a wonderful book written by an ex jw, born in 1932. i find this book very informative, interesting specially coz i was not around then.its thorough, lucid factual,every detail referenced and analytical data is provided to authenticate the veracity of assertion.
a pretty good read indeed for pimis n pimos alike!.
It is a great read. And you can meet with Jim on Sunday via Zoom for Bible verses read and commentary on Meleti Vivlons/Eric Wilsons live session online group. Meleti has put some very recent videos on YouTube interviewing Jim that are filled with excellent info about WT history and their shsnnanigans.
Tell more and discuss the book, it is most definitely worth it.
not only do they want everyone dressed up for the zoom meetings( which i won't do) they decided to keep the zoom meeting at 1pm sunday!
so they don't upset their spiritual routine!
@JWGone bad
I can vouch for the Zoom meetings for field service. My wife, a pioneer, has to dress up for service and zoom in to the meeting for field service, then ztay home and do phone witnessing. As has been pointed out, yup, it's a cult.
1. and this is most important, everyone listen up: dress up like you normally would for meeting!
-oh, gawd.. 2. if you use a zoom background, make sure it is not distracting, or something crass like prison.
stick with something dignified and subtle.
my wife is keeping tight lipped about the zoom login particulars, the locals seem to be very afraid their session may be hacked into by apostates and I guess that includes me.
so not many details except they're really having quite a problem training everyone to use it, was all I could get out of her about how things are going.
I suggested they can call in just like on KHConf especially for the older folk who cannot seem to get it. They are used to calling in and you can use Zoom from a landline even. But I guess that didn't compute since I just got the deer in the head lights look, a brief awkward pause and an abrupt change of the conversation. So that was that.
why did jehovah create the strains of corona virus ?.
is it part of the great tribulation that is closer than ever now ?.
what if lots of his people die from it ?.
why did jehovah create the strains of corona virus ?
Ah, I see where you're headed with this question.
The fact of the matter is actually that it <are you ready for this> evolved.
Why does nature keep pulling this sh¡t might be a better question, no?
as i have stated in other posts i voted for trump because he said he would crack down on illegals while the left was trying to open the flood gates and let them in to destroy the nation.
was he the one i wanted in 16, no i was hoping for cruz.
he is arrogant but smart and somewhat polished and had many views like i do.
did that really come from the chest though? Cause it sounded more like it smelled bad. Your politics are more churned than last nights chili for dinner. Sounded more to me like a surprisingly loud belch LOL and you need some antacid for The Bern that's coming LOL
with zoom, i need to donate ( for wife's sake).
does the on line thing give a cut to the society?
i really dont want to see my donation skimmed.
zoom is free to use and you can extend services with a subscription
if you pay zoom the WT doesn't get a cut
If the WT asks for a donation to them for using zoom they are running a scam