A warm welcome to Mrs. Cedars along with my continued appreciation for all you've done, Mr. Cedars, to expose the truth about The Truth. You're a true gent.
i just thought you should know that mrs cedars has finally taken the plunge and joined the forum.
she was able to log on for the first time yesterday.. though we both "awakened" at different stages, mrs cedars was very supportive and non-judgmental when i first began exploring my beliefs from a critical standpoint.
she is currently in the process of reading crisis of conscience and aquainting herself with some of the facts of witness history that were hitherto unknown.
A warm welcome to Mrs. Cedars along with my continued appreciation for all you've done, Mr. Cedars, to expose the truth about The Truth. You're a true gent.
i wanted to consolidate a lot of the information about the attack of anonymous against the watchtower society.
if you disagree with the tactics of anonymous, that's fine.
this information may still be useful as the public is made more aware of the the dangerous policies of the watchtower society.
Hmmm... to see a mail server address where there was no mail server before is somewhat alarming to say the least, maybe a tricky honey pot has been set up since the WTS has had plenty of warning about what would be coming.
But then again... Maybe Anonymous had already collected a lot of """Bonafide""" info before going public and He/IT/they are just making the IT dept. at the WT soil their panties for the fun of it.
in nomine 'bonae fidei', in nomine maxima anonymi, amen!
soldier 77 just posted this about two hours ago but i think his post got lost is the great debate and straw mans that another posters was throwing around.. anyway i hope soldier 77 does not mind if i make a thread from his insight.
soldier 77 "this seems to have missed in the tangent argument going on: http://pastebin.com/3nitctlf.
anonymous are needing some more people on the inside to help.
Here are some JW web sites that link info to the WTB&TS:
http://www.jwgift.org http://www.wtbts.org http://thirdwitness.comi've checked them on two different browsers.
jw.org is still up at the moment.
can anyone confirm?
www.sociedadetorredevigia.org.br means "society.of.tower.of.watching" in Portuguese
www.sociedadetorredevigia.org.br (linkback)
--> society of something divine ? why is Jehovah missing ?
soldier 77 just posted this about two hours ago but i think his post got lost is the great debate and straw mans that another posters was throwing around.. anyway i hope soldier 77 does not mind if i make a thread from his insight.
soldier 77 "this seems to have missed in the tangent argument going on: http://pastebin.com/3nitctlf.
anonymous are needing some more people on the inside to help.
Thanks to Yknot for the exTJ news about the OSCE meeting and JW reps here's a few more email addresses for the kitty at twitter.
Can someone pass these on?
This information is available to the public on the PDF about the conference at the OSCE/ODHIR website.
NOTE: some of the branch emails have the country code before jw.org for example @fr.jw.org and @it.jw.org
i've just finished reading the novel "above the universe below" by elias barton.. http://www.amazon.com/above-the-universe-below-ebook/dp/b008cqgcug.
it very well portrays the relationships or non-relationships of jws with df'ed.
family members and it entwines the story within a parallel story-line that is .
I've just finished reading the novel "Above the Universe Below" by Elias Barton.
It very well portrays the relationships or non-relationships of JWs with DF'ed
family members and it entwines the story within a parallel story-line that is
both surreal and at the same time quite appealing in a SciFi & Fantasy way.
I was wondering if the author is an exJW and if he's a member of the JWD/JWN
community. In either case kudos on a very interesting read!
i'm doing some research for a new blog article on the governing body.
it's in a question-and-answer or "faq" format, and attempts to give simple but well-founded answers to most questions that people could conceivably ask about the governing body.. one thing i noticed when looking at the history of the governing body is that we seem to be in the middle of a lengthy "dry spell" when it comes to making new appointments.. gerrit losch is currently the longest-serving member having been appointed in 1994. however, his appointment came at the end of a 17 year period in which no appointments were made.
this contrasts notably with the remarkable six-year period between 1971 and 1977 when 15 members were added.. since losch's appointment, 4 members were added in 1999 (herd, lett, pierce and splane) and 2 more recently in 2005 (morris and jackson).. the seven year spell since the last appointments were made has seen the deaths of barber, barr, jaracz, shroeder and sydlik - cutting the number of governing body members almost in half.
thinking about trying out video chat.
any experiences?.
RBIH said " i will say, the android skype is rather terrible. for some stupid reason, it only uses speakerphone and they still haven't fixed that bug."
Since Microsoft bought Skype I'd say that it's unlikely they're very excited about fixing any Skype bugs on Android, maybe even bugging it on purpose ;-) They should change their name to Monopolysoft and be more upfront. Heh heh!
i am still physically in but am completely out mentally.. i was curious for those who spent some time in the borg while being mentally out or are still in that position, what is the worst, hardest or most awkward parts... for me i intensly dislike attending the meetings however its bearable as i can just let my mind wander, but field service is awful.
i cannot try to bring someone in to a group that i am trying to plot a way out of.
so now i try my best to either spend the day driving around to others fruitless rv's (we have somewhat rural territory) or eating out at an extended breakfast or if door to door cannot be avoided, i try to work alone and not ring bells.
He doesn't have to feel like a hypocrite.
He can feel like an undercover "Jehovah's Un-Witness."
He can, while feeling trapped inside the WT religion, work towards getting others to realize "the truth about The Truth(R)" (TTATT).
First step is to get another email address for this purpose. Then gather all your Witness friends' emails, as many as you can.
Continue sly as a snake and guiltless as a dove, but as a dove with massive droppings, and yes, you aim to s**t all over the WT teachings.
Starting with the teaching about the WT Society not being inspired (get info at jwfacts) and comparing to the Bible which most Christians believe is indeed inspired.
Then expose the lessons you can learn from works like Crisis of Conscience by Ray Franz, and Captives of a Concept by Don Cameron...
Also useful are Winning the Witnesses by Daniel Rodriguez, and Joe Winter's Jehovah's Witnesses: Help for Those Seeking Truth.
Start a surreptitious email witnessing service to awaken others to TTATT. Careful with your IP address. Reset your Cable Modem before and afer each session.
And the best part is, you'll count your time while doing un-witnessing work.
While in service or associating after meetings if caught and put on the spot, say something like "I do believe a 'Jehovah's Witness(R)' has to believe fully in the 'Governing Body(R)'" Any such double talk is fine, because you know what you mean, but they think they heard something else they believe.
If asked whether you believe fully, say that you are just a man, an imperfect man who tries hard to learn the real truth and nothing but the truth, and who could do more studying to assure yourself of what is the truth. And even if we fail in finding all there is to know about the truth, God knows our hearts and knows you try hard despite imperfections.
Now go get a "gravatar" that shows your super-hero Un-Witnessing secret service logo. Uh, I dunno, something like a Holy Spirit representative dove pooping droppings on a Castle Watchtower. That about should do it. Or else use your imagination for something more personally meaningful.
With best regards and wishes for you in your new Mission (Possible).
P.S. you are now of the "conscious class" if you do believe that Jesus is the Christ (1 John 5:1) you're a child of God, and as such you should start partaking of the emblems. Seriously, dude!
donny's heart-breaking posthttp://www.jehovahs-witness.net/jw/friends/227658/1/just-venting-i-hate-the-societyabout his jw-elder son feeling he must abide by wt's latest crackdown on shunning df'ed family members reminded me about the following post at channel c forum that i "view" from time to time: .
<begin quote>: .