Truly shocking to deprive a man of his view. The kingdom hall looks like a factory a total eyesore. Is there any way they can be forced to demolish and rebuild in a more appropriate place?
Posts by nugget
Update to Rio Rancho, NM Kingdom Hall
by Newly Enlightened in
Kingdom Hall not a Safe Place for Children
by Jeannette inbesides having to sit through endless boring meetings during the evenings when they should be in bed getting their necessary rest for school the next day, they are falling asleep in the chairs with their little heads falling over.
then all their fun is taken away by such a strict religion and a desert god which makes them grow up with no self esteem whatsoever.
they tell them they're all sinners from the womb up and only a rod will remove it.
The publications designed for children gradually rob them of their self esteeem and individuality telling them that pride in their achievements is boasting and that they should always trust the elders. The lessons from the Bibile are designed to draw a wedge between themselves and their peers and isolate them from anyone outside the faith. This causes them to grow up emotionally stunted and conditioned to accept this religion as the absolute authority in their lives.
The topics discussed at the meeting are sometimes totally inappropriate and the society has made it clear that they take no responsibility for their welfare.
Meetings are not a healthy place for anyone let alone impressionable minors.
Convention Season-"Saving Good Seats" & Other Embarrassing Behavior
by Darth Fader The Sequel insince it is the convention season (and i am not attending this year or ever again), and i have been seeing other posts about some of the goings on at the various ic's and rc's, i am reminded of some of the truly embarrassing behavior i have "witnessed" (pun intended) over my lifetime of being a jdub at the various conventions and assemblies.
probably the most disillusioning experience at a convention that i have ever had was one year when i volunteered to be an attendant.
all of the volunteers were asked to attend a special meeting a few months beforehand to get instructions for our duties as attendants.
At the Bournemouth convention we would spend most of the sessions in the car. This was because we had a son who was hypersensitive to noise, light and if uncomfortable would make a fuss. We had tried sitting in the stands but had one rude sister tell us if we couldn't get our son to sit still she would be forced to leave. I told her not to bother we would go and never sat in the stands again.
The car gave the children leg room, they could get up and go to the toilet without causing a disruption and if necessary we could find somewhere shady to sit. The programme was on the radio and we didn't have to deal with selfish people. When they then stopped having car parks and told us all that we had to come by coach we just refused to go.
I did seriously consider finding a nice park somewhere close enough to pick up the reception and park there without going to the convention centre.
Convention Season-"Saving Good Seats" & Other Embarrassing Behavior
by Darth Fader The Sequel insince it is the convention season (and i am not attending this year or ever again), and i have been seeing other posts about some of the goings on at the various ic's and rc's, i am reminded of some of the truly embarrassing behavior i have "witnessed" (pun intended) over my lifetime of being a jdub at the various conventions and assemblies.
probably the most disillusioning experience at a convention that i have ever had was one year when i volunteered to be an attendant.
all of the volunteers were asked to attend a special meeting a few months beforehand to get instructions for our duties as attendants.
seating just seemed to bring out the worst in everyone. End seats or front rows were preferred and regardless of the needs of others were chosen first.
Assemblies were bad for the children since we were often in the middle of a row and with an autistic child it was totally inappropriate. If we got up to take him for a toilet break or for a break from the noise or other hypersensitivity triggers I stayed out until the next song or break.
They will break you and test you to the limit.
I had a lovely weekend, how about everyone else??
by quellycatface inthere is life outside the organisation, which i have the pleasure to have experienced, since december.
i went to a lovely church wedding saturday, followed by a reception.
I had my birthday party on Saturday with people coming and going all day. I caught up with old friends and met some lovely new people. I cooked for 2 days solid and the food was eaten and enjoyed. On Sunday a good friend took me and my family out to lunch as a thank you which was a lovely surprise.
Today I have to say I took time to recover fun can be very exhausting.
What was lovely was that there was no feeling of guilt, that I should have done something more spiritual I just was able to enjoy the day and the company it was priceless.
I am doing Fab!!!!!!!!
by KateWild inhey everyone,.
well me, fraz and laika had a little meetup before we went on was great to meet fraz for the first time.
our hols were teriffic and i have enjoyed dating too.
It is nice to see the positives happening in your life.
Only you can live your life and your choices are yours to make. Just remember stick to your time limit, know your own limits and if things are not going as planned have an exit strategy. Remember you need to keep yourself healthy both physically and mentally having a caiuse is noble but in terms of your wellbeing don't loose yourself.
Today is my birthday !
by mrquik inafter missing 63 years of birthday celebrations, i'm making up for it in spades.
cake, presents & parties.
i tell everyone i meet that today is my birthday just to hear them say "happy birthday".
Happy birthday to you. It was mine yesterday, they can be special days even if you wait decades to celebrate.
what are you worth to the watchtower ?
by bigmac inbreaking this subject down into categories.
this is--obviously --only my opinion.
any offence caused is simply intentional.. .
They want to be informed when I die. Perhaps they are hoping I have a change of heart and leave them a bequest. Seriously this is not going to happen.
Is sex abuse in the Wt that big of a problem
by joe134cd inbefore i start, i'm not a wt apologist and i am certainly not trying to minimise sex abuse.
i was looking at the amount of sex abuse cases in light of witness population.
just say wt ended up on paying out on 30,000 individual abuse cases.
Issues around sex abuse are huge. as a charity they have a responsibility to safeguard the vulnerable, their policies around reporting of sin and the JC process do not do this. Whether an abuser is reported to the authorities or not is one of the more serious issues but there is also the mental anguish caused when victims go through the congregations judicial process.
Elders are untrained in safeguarding, counselling or how to deal with victims of abuse this can cause real harm since they are managing a very serious trauma they are totally ill equiped to face. There is no provision for a female to hear the case, the focus is on proof of repentance so a victim can struggle with the idea that they are partially reposible for what happened. The abuser can make false claims such as they were seduced by the other party, that they were willing participants without any checks or balances that the courts would provide. Elders can ask totally inappropriate questions with no one to call a halt to it.
The Candace Conti case highlighted that the organisation feels they have no duty of care for unbaptised minors and that the parents are totally responsible for them. At the same time families that have no spiritual head are encouraged to use the elders to study with their children, children are encouraged to be unbaptised publishers and minors are often paired with other adults in the congregation. The society insists it never happens but in every congregation I have ever been in it does happen.
Whilst the problem may not be as huge as the one faced by the Catholic Church it is still significant. The world has moved on in it's understanding of how organisations have a need to care for those associated with them. The Watchtower organisation is trying to apply the same rules as it did 40 years ago. This makes them vulnerable to prosecution and harmful to those within.
Watchtower Oct 15 2014
by Listener inthe october watchtower 2014 is now up on jw org.
regarding the new covenant they write.
the governing body sets the scene in the first article by stating how they are like jesus and as humans they are sinless in god's eyes.. then on page 24 they state this.
Did I read that right that the GB are the equivalent of Jesus, not the first centyuary apostles but Jesus. That is a step up the food chain. Next year they will be god himself.