This religion is demanding a huge amount from you. You have to ask if they have the right to make these demands. You have seen the evidence which suggests that they are not perfect and their doctrine is based on their own interpretation of scripture rather than anything divine. You would be a selfish fool to abandon your relationship and break up your family based on their instructions.
This is not a religion that will bring anything positive to your family as it drives a wedge between believers and unbelievers. They are masters at distancing people from family members who may disagree with their point of view. They do break up families and then deny that this happens. Your partner and children deserve better from you. Rather than searching for spiritual fulfilment outside try investing the same amount of time in your relationships they have been loyal to you it is time you stopped focusing on yourself. How is this studying affecting those around you?
Just because JWs called on your house it doesn't mean they were sent by god. Everyone gets called on, everyone is on a map. In truth the postman called on you more frequently are you sure he wasn't the messenger from god.
Don't waste any more time on this religion.