Team GB did good. I was especially happy to see Nick Skelton get his show jumping gold at 58 after hip replacement and recovering from a broken back.
Wouldn't like to be part of the Chinese team right now.
can't believe it - gb is currently second in the medal table, with more golds and silvers combined than even china.
given the size of the nation it's an incredible achievement and we have won in some sports where other countries typically dominate.
i can't imagine we will stay in second but i am happy to enjoy the moment.. well done to the whole of team gb!.
Team GB did good. I was especially happy to see Nick Skelton get his show jumping gold at 58 after hip replacement and recovering from a broken back.
Wouldn't like to be part of the Chinese team right now.
hoping this is the right section..... my story so far,,,.
hello everyone, i have been reading a lot on what most jws would say apostate websites, but i have been asking myself, how much of this s true and considering a lot of these are run by ex jw elders, bethalites and one who was with the gb at one stage, overseers and the like.
i was an unbaptized publisher many years ago but never got to the point of baptism as i fell into sin, that pretty much ended my attending meetings again.
This religion is demanding a huge amount from you. You have to ask if they have the right to make these demands. You have seen the evidence which suggests that they are not perfect and their doctrine is based on their own interpretation of scripture rather than anything divine. You would be a selfish fool to abandon your relationship and break up your family based on their instructions.
This is not a religion that will bring anything positive to your family as it drives a wedge between believers and unbelievers. They are masters at distancing people from family members who may disagree with their point of view. They do break up families and then deny that this happens. Your partner and children deserve better from you. Rather than searching for spiritual fulfilment outside try investing the same amount of time in your relationships they have been loyal to you it is time you stopped focusing on yourself. How is this studying affecting those around you?
Just because JWs called on your house it doesn't mean they were sent by god. Everyone gets called on, everyone is on a map. In truth the postman called on you more frequently are you sure he wasn't the messenger from god.
Don't waste any more time on this religion.
a new 2,500 seater assembly hall in the netherlands - which expands to 3,500 seats for the annual conventions - is being dedicated on saturday 17 september 2016.. the existing hall on the site is converted into a venue for the wt schools - lecture room with ancillary accomodation - bedrooms, kitchen, canteen, study areas etc etc.
background information:.
I wouldn't like to sit here for a 2 day assembly. They seem to have dispensed with carpet and comfortable seating so they must have saved some money on furnishing the building.
very strange behavior by the attendants and elders after the duluth, ga, rc.
on the first link the attendants start to exit the arena, then line up and turn their backs on the street preachers.
(around the 6:00 mark).. elders and attendants after duluth rc.
They would have been better to just ignore him but then cults do not behave rationally.
ive been reading through this forum for a while and thought i should contribute!.
so im df, i was very involved regular pioneer for several years and i slowly started to wake up.. my exprience of leaving is horendous and contains alot of shocking (but apparently not that rare in the orgs) judicials and various encounters with the elders.. ive been out 10 years now and at 27 loving life!
running a succesful business and dont all thay materialistic stuff thata frowned apon, like providing my wife and kids with a nice car and house!
Welcome glad to know that things have improved since leaving.
need advise.
i was in a relation with a jw girl for almost three years(im am not jw) and we are so inlove with each other until someone saw us from her congregation and she was disfellowed and that where the oddness happened.
her family and friends are not talking to her anymore, she wants me to stop seeing and talking to her anymore not until i became a baptized jw.
Relationships with JWs are unbalanced and frustrating. You correctly identified that you gave up everything for her but she is unwilling to make changes for you. She wants you to be a JW which is an extremely restrictive religion but at the same time there is no guarantee that if you jump through all the hoops she will still be there for you.
Witnesses offer conditional love is that what you really want or do you want someone to love you for who you are.
we had a bad experience with watchtower trying to infiltrate our forums.
let this story be a warning for all you guys here.
if you value your privacy do not ever send your real contact details to anyone, even if you trust them (because their accounts could be hacked or accessed by their relatives - and yes, this happened to people i know several times already).
Lone individuals can also take it upon themselves to stalk and try to out people who are trying to exit the organisation. I have personally experienced this when someone sent me a pm asking for information regarding an earlier event in my life. I genuinely believed this person was in distress and sent details of how I had been affected. Later when the elders came to interrogate us about apostate activity they quoted from the PM. I can not tell you how violated I felt. It just so happened that it was the right time to exit so no lasting harm was caused it certainly cemented my decision to walk away.
If you are not ready to jump ship do not divulge personal information to anyone unless you are sure that they are who they claim to be witnesses on a mission are unscrupulous.
i am new to this site and wanted to say hi.
my wife and i are recently disassociated.
Welcome WhiskeySix I wish you both an easy transition into normality whatever that looks like for you.
during the last decade i've seen so many articles, and top speakers try to downplay that nfb policy.
now, this weeks wt study mentions a positive experience of someone applying having, "contact and applying nfb with a df relative".
you have to balance this with the dram at the assembly which showed little to no contact with a Df'd child The child was told they had to leave home as they were a bad influence and the parents did not answer calls from the DF'd child. The implication is necessary family business goes only one way. If the parents need help from the Df'd child then they would contact them but since they do not answer calls from the child it really doesn't matter how desperate they are.
JW discipline is vindictive and spitefiul there is nothing devine about it. I see nothing positive here
i'm new here; one of my relatives was a member on this forum a few years ago and told me about it.
anyways, as a sister who has been in the org since childhood and now in her late 40's (plus as a woman of color), i have noticed that a number of brothers have an ageist attitude.
they are very accepting of young women under 26 and rejecting women over that age, particularly those in their 30's and over.. is this an unspoken mindset from wthq (specifically from bethel), or is it that quite a number of males (sorry, i'm not sexist here) have this type of mentality?
The main issue is that there are more sisters generally than brothers. This means that brothers have greater choices than sisters. I have observed that attractive young sisters will often be quick to find a husband whereas plain spiritual sisters seem doomed to spinsterhood.
It is natural for men to take advantage of this in balance. Because of the way the organisation is structured women have no status and only gain any position through the efforts of their husbands. This means that an attractive young woman may be prepared to settle for someone who they would under normal circumstances reject as not their type because there is fear that if they don't marry quickly they may never get another offer. This has led to a number of mismatched marriages and divorce within the congregation.