It is true that despite their propaganda the truth is that no one in the religion has a normal family life. The family is of less value to them than the organisation they worship. Family relationships are conditional on belief and non believers can be treated cruelly and harshly and they feel justified in doing it. They will tell people they love them and are being cruel to be kind but they don't really know what love is.
The pain and misery they cause through their attempts at control is unforgiveable and the religions intrusion into marriage is sickening. Married couples should talk to one another, share their thoughts and plans and make decisions about their life together based on mutual respect. In the witness world this doesn't truly happen because husbands and wives are constantly policing how their spouse conforms to the policies of an organisation. They make few decisions together since they have limited choices they can make. Elders intrude into the most intimate aspects of marriage and if one partner slips they lose all control since they are sidelined and elders step in and take control of the spouse that is still in.
I have seen the pain in my fathers marriage and how unreasonable and intolerable it is. This is not a religion of love and never has been it is a religion about control and profit and people who follow it don't need to be happy they just need to be obedient.