Hitler, Stalin and Mao get resurrections.
Ex-JWs do not.
God's gotta draw the line somewhere.
lets say jw's were right about paradise.
i'm resurrected,.
a mentally deceased dreaded apostate, you look up and there i'am.. now you shunned me for over 10 -20 years when i was .
Hitler, Stalin and Mao get resurrections.
Ex-JWs do not.
God's gotta draw the line somewhere.
im just thinking outloud and, of course, you are welcome to think aloud with me.. (1) there are the metrics used in the yearbook totals.
the average publisher count measures only those who reported time.
likely, most of those who attend the memorial are those inactive or somehow associated in some way, shape, or form.. (2) there is meeting attendance.
What new rules? Have I missed something?
every paragraph and every article in this issue is nonstop heavy artillery fire propaganda.
i have never seen a wt so full of logical fallacies, appeals to emotion, appeals to authority, guilt tripping and bite techniques all in one issue!
paragraph 9 states clearly that even though the gb is imperfect, that does not matter, we must obey them anyways.
Blind obedience.
Thats all they care about anymore.
math has never been a strong suit of wtbts.. see the question from readers on page 30:.
"how long did this inspection and cleansing.
work take?
Looks right to me. So one reference of 3.5 years is literal and the next one a few versus later is figurative? Sheesh these guys have balls the size of basketballs with the way their fit the scriptures around their fairy tale agenda.
Of course 1919 is probably what they want because that's when Boozeford got out of the slam right?
are you prepared for the great tribulaion?
if you are smart you wont miss the newest meeting in a basement near you.. having trouble inserting the pic, working on it.
Something tells me the WT is going to regret this picture.
the article "why we must be holy" ties in obedience as being holy.
there is a subheading in this article that states " prove yourselves holy by being obedient".
par 9 quotes three brothers who had some conflicts, but they went along with the org.
Holy=Behavioral control in WT world.
Just another article to enforce behavioral do's and don'ts.
A biggie I noticed, from paragraph 5.
A heartrending experience for Aaron’s family is recorded at Leviticus 10:1-11. They must have been devastated when fire from heaven consumed
Aaron’s sons Nadab and Abihu at the tabernacle. What a test of faith it was for Aaron and his family not to mourn their dead relatives! Are you personally
proving yourself holy with regard to not associating with family members or others who have been disfellowshipped?
select "premium download".
(thanks breakfast of champions).
LOL designs!
Sucks if you don't get there early. Standing for hours and listening to WT drivel. I'd rather just die.
after going through all the processes of how they appointed elders in the past they say this:.
"the elders in turn would inform the newly appointed men of their appointment, asking them if they were willing and actually qualified to accept the assignment.
so after qualifying the man you ask him if he is qualified.. .
Article also says the CO will try to go out in FS with the potential candidates.
Serious brownosers will have an advantage.
select "premium download".
(thanks breakfast of champions).
Ha ha, the great tribulation doesn't look so bad after all, no more meeting clothes, and maybe even goodie night makes a comeback!
i stumbled upon the website e-watchman today and while i didn't have time to read over everything i found this thoughts so far quite interesting.
recently when reading matthew i can't help but feel that jesus warnings about the pharisees also applied to the gb and elders.
actually everytime jesus brought them up i realized how similar they are.
Nut job.