I felt exactly like you did as JW-A before waking up to TTATT. And I'm sure 95% of other JWs do/did as well. So what conclusion does that lead us to? That the WT society programs the troops to think/feel this way, its exactly what they want from those feasting from the fine spiritual provisions they offer.
For them, "works" equals field service 90% of the time. The only other way to show your allegiance to God was cleaning the KH or working RBC. No other charitable "works" mean a thing because they aren't advancing the goals or the bottom line of the WTS.
What can you say to JW-A’s positive feelings of happiness, content and security?
I go back to the old ignorace is bliss saying, they don't think about the deeper issues going on because they've already been given the solution - Armageddon! Most are simply content in feeling they are a special sheep, chosen by Jah to do his work in these last days. Of course they the carrot dangling out there of everlasting life makes things run a little more smoothly if you are an active JW.