not that it is really any of my business
Well, ya got that part of it right...
my wife has a friend at her kh.
she is 37 and her friend is 88. i know it sounds kind of strange but they are both the wives of ubm so they kind of stick together.
my wife is very sincere in this friendship and this lady is a nice person.
not that it is really any of my business
Well, ya got that part of it right...
i am looking for some songs that are in ref to celebrating leaving, seeing the light, realizing what you were told wasnt right, being happy w your life, etc etc.
all those emotions about being controlled and repressed, being told what you can feel or think or how to live, blindly following the "brotherhood ".
so we all know how ineffectual the preaching work really is.
we also know how much the wts hypes up the scope and scale of the global preaching effort.
what the gb should be doing however is emphasising the ineffectiveness of the preaching work.
Haha great post!
Amazing to think about some modern companies like Google, Facebook, Apple who touch the lives of billions in just a few decades. Never thought about it in those terms before.
I try not to think about WT claims of God given authority anymore, if not so laughable it makes my head just hurt.
i have read all the rules and terms of service etc before asking this, and there was also a topic about it from five months ago so i figure it's ok. i'm not sure with subject area it was supposed to go in, so i went in the watchtower one seeing as that's what it's about, but please correct me if i'm wrong as i don't want to break any rules accidently.
i was also unsure if i could post on that thread seeing as it's an old one.. has anyone had any success trying to get hold of the email(s)?
i would like to contact them about some questions i have but they seem to not have one, and i'm too nervous to ring a phone number they have in case someone recognised me.
So you are not a witness? Most of us here are ex JWs, but yes you have to be very careful how you approach a fully believing witness with questions that are difficult for them.
If you fill us in on you situation there are a lot of smart people here willing to help you out.
i have read all the rules and terms of service etc before asking this, and there was also a topic about it from five months ago so i figure it's ok. i'm not sure with subject area it was supposed to go in, so i went in the watchtower one seeing as that's what it's about, but please correct me if i'm wrong as i don't want to break any rules accidently.
i was also unsure if i could post on that thread seeing as it's an old one.. has anyone had any success trying to get hold of the email(s)?
i would like to contact them about some questions i have but they seem to not have one, and i'm too nervous to ring a phone number they have in case someone recognised me.
Information flows one way from on high, that is from God's Organization. They said a few years back, quit bothering us with your idiotic questions.
Dozens have written HQ over the years. Usually the response is crickets. Sometimes the letter makes it back to the local congo with instructions to muzzle the "troublemaker".
Honestly you will get better answers here than from God's handpicked mouthpiece.
Welcome to the forum.
1. some say we are all gods, and god is omnipresent..
2. some say: god created his children who later challenged his sovereignty, who in turn asked his eldest son: go down to the world, do not resist the wicked, but be murdered by them, the value of which will be used to atone the sins of the world..
3. universe arose out of a big bang.
What is your "story", please share with us your evidence.
worst day in the last ten years, was the day i hit 0.00 with one and a half years of university to go.
nobody to turn to, nobody to ask for help.
i was 32 and as an ex jw had two family members in contact with me.
very weird article, you can read it here if you can tolerate such nonsense:.
basically teddy was a super, duper spiritual giant who went undercover behind the iron curtain, sorta james bond like.
Very weird article, you can read it here if you can tolerate such nonsense:
Basically Teddy was a super, duper spiritual giant who went undercover behind the Iron Curtain, sorta James Bond like. All the while Melita stayed home and manned the Bethel beauty shop.
august 2015 awake .
quote in title taken from article footnote.. anyone have information on who gene hwang and yan-der hsuuw in the article are?.
why do they repeatedly state that apes turned to humans when that's not what evolutionists teach at all?.
Google leads me to a Dr. Gene Hwang in New Buffalo, MI here:
Probably a JW they pulled out of the woodwork to quote in their "scientific" article.
i just watched the video what is true love.
first of all it is painfully long.
secondly there is an uncanny resemblance with megan(the one who married out of the truth) to the girl in the jeremiah book who married out of the truth.
Nerds in the real world at least have interests, are smart, usually hook up with another nerd in due time.
JW nerds are the most painful beings to be around. They usually suffer from some of the worst social anxiety. Its virtually impossible to have more than a three minute conversation with them without wanting to shoot yourself in the head.