Ha ha, gotta be some apostate in the art/photography department throwing us a bone!
JoinedPosts by LostGeneration
Window-washer is the cover of Feb 2015 WT, "How to enjoy your work!" Hahaha!!
by EndofMysteries in.
after all the jokes and satire on this website about jw's only being able to amount to window washers and house cleaners, the cover page of "how to enjoy your work" showing a window washer and cleaner in the back ground.
i almost wonder if some awakened, still-in, from this site is part of the writing department or illustrations and put that in there as an inside joke for us?.
Not on JW.org: THANK YOU!! Jehovah's Witnesses sue hospital after hospital honors NO BLOOD request.
by Balaamsass2 inhome articles wood news should jehovah's witness be able to sue after refusing blood...
should jehovah's witness be able to sue after refusing blood transfusion?.
Wow, now there be some ballsy JWs, suing the hospital after refusing their recommendation.
Leave it in Jehovah's Hands - Your thoughts?
by berrygerry inleave it in jehovah's hands.
is there a more disgusting phrase in jw land?.
the abuse, harms, thefts, suicides, family destruction - leave it in jehovah's hands.. why would anyone with a more than 2 neurons say, "oh that makes sense," we do not need to change or intervene in any way.. sooner or later, god will take of things.. .
A disgusting phrase used by cowards who often fail to protect innocent victims.
Isn't there even a phrase in the Elder book when discussing an accusation of child molestion where they state "Leave the matter in Jehovah's hands" if there isnt a second witness? COWARDS!
What's Your Favorite Perfume or Cologne?
by minimus init is xmas time and perfumes and colognes are on the list.
what do you really love for a scent if you were being given a gift?.
A Religious Quest
by ReligiousQuest inmy name is louie and i'm seeking some help regarding a paper i need to write for a class.
it is meant to be an individual study project regarding a faith that is different from your own and intrigues you.
what i am asking is for someone who is willing to answer 10-15 questions regarding their faith.
What are the most important lessons other people can receive from Jehovah’s Witnesses?
They are far more dangerous and destructive then their shiny outward appearance would ever indicate.
by LostGeneration inbreakfast of champions mentioned this on the elder appointment thread and it struck a chord with me.. is this term big in bethel?
obviously nothing in my bible says a thing about being 'seen' in serve-us or in other jw activities, but a long time bethelite went off on a visibility tirade that i remember distinctly during special servants/elders meeting when i was in.
i remember at the time thinking that the big j-dog in the heavens sees everything, so why the big fuss over the rank and file seeing us do stuff for the big j-dog?.
Breakfast of Champions mentioned this on the elder appointment thread and it struck a chord with me.
Is this term big in Bethel? Obviously nothing in my bible says a thing about being 'seen' in serve-us or in other JW activities, but a long time bethelite went off on a VISIBILITY tirade that I remember distinctly during special servants/elders meeting when I was in. I remember at the time thinking that the big J-Dog in the heavens sees everything, so why the big fuss over the rank and file seeing us do stuff for the big J-dog?
Anyway, any else have any 'you must be visible' experiences?
Headquarters representatives visit to UK 2015
by Saltheart Foamfollower ina letter is to be read out at service meetings this week in the uk saying that sam herd & john larson are visiting next april.
on sat 25th there will be a 3 hour programme streamed to all congs.
the postscript (not to be read out) instructs congs that haven't already done so, to order the necessary equipment.
Hopefully Sammy the Mysoginist will show up and top Tony's tight pants tirade!
So its the Elders School this Weekend.......
by Slidin Fast inwhat is the focus for this one.
is it "well lads ring the legal department but if anything goes wrong, you are on your own.
the cs deals with all that".
Slightly off topic, but do they still rent out hotel venues to have these things? I went to a couple of schools, one at a KH as a servant, and one at a hotel as an Elduh.
I remember the one at the hotel meeting space distinctly, it was right during a holiday weekend, can't remember for sure but I think it was Xmas rather than Thanksgiving. It creeped my true personality out as here were at least 300 elduhs dressed up in cheap suits on a weekend where obviously no business meeting would be taking place. I could see the weird looks that other guest were shooting toward us as a group.
No doubt they booked the space at rock bottom rates simply because there would be no other takers for a weekend right up against a holiday. Simply another bad witness that the WTBTS is too fucking stupid to recognize.
The tale of Angelo and Dan! Have you heard this one??
by DATA-DOG inlong story, short; angelo was bad, he went to prison.
dan was bad, he went to prison too.
dan became a dub and studied with angelo.
Maybe its true, maybe not. As much time as they waste in prisons with a truly captive audience, there are bound to be converts.
In the end, a person has to ask themselves "What does this mean or prove to me?" For the average JW, its simply another proof that they are in da troof. For the 7 billion humans functioning outside of the walls of the b0rg, its just a silly anecdote.
Conversions to any number of religions happen every day by the thousands, if not tens of thousands. JWs are small fish in a giant ocean.