That was amusing. He wonders aloud why they won't update the online insight book and gets hammered for it.
Gawd reading through the rest of that drivel was mind numbing. the jwtalk thread covering the september broadcast re: "generation"..
poor neil, he comes on this forum, he gets hammered.. goes on the virulently pro-jw forum, gets hammered.. you'd almost think he was a, couldn't be..... .
That was amusing. He wonders aloud why they won't update the online insight book and gets hammered for it.
Gawd reading through the rest of that drivel was mind numbing.
my son is getting ready to move to hawaii.
we are driving from indianapolis to san diego next week so that they can ship his car from the west coast and save about a thousand dollars versus shipping it from here.
i am only going to be there for a few days, thursday through sunday and would like some suggestions of what to do while i'm there.
Don't live there but wish I did. Last time I visited Point Loma was pretty cool, as was the Scripps Aquarium, I just looked it up and it looks like its now the Birch Aquarium?
Pacific Beach is fun laid back, my idea of the Cali lifestyle, but that's a tourist view so who knows.
i'm sure that most of us heard that line when we were young.
i never could convince myself of that, other than that it hung a blade over my head that would then be on the chopping block should i err in some way and thus they would be protected from me, but i also knew that i needed to do so anyway.
otherwise i'd be a pariah if i got older and didn't take the step, and i wanted to be good in their eyes.
I was told this when I hesitated and put it off for years. I finally got dunked just after my 18th birthday, what a hellish mistake. At the time I was subtly told that I would be executed if Armageddon happened to come, as I hadn't made a stance for Jah.
Fucked up cult.
wtb&ts has invested $40,000,000 in november 2007 in a hedge fund located in the cayman islands, a tax haven.
the document is from the official website : securities and exchange commission:. .
Why bother putting it in the Caymans if they are tax free in the States, and most other countries?
Am i missing something?
i used to talk weekly on skype, with a sister from another country.
i didn't tell her much about my research and change of beliefs, until today ... in the conversations some doctrines came up and i told her i don't believe 1914, first, then i went on to tell her that i also don't believe there are 2 classes of christians, that i did not believe the government of the kingdom will be in heaven while the kingdom en earth, that i believe the whole kingdom will be on earth, and that from what i read, jesus was pretty clear that he will come back to earth, visibly.
the "god always had an organization" dogma was dropped and i told her it is not true, out of 9000 years of human history, it's not sure there were 1000 years when god had a loyal organization ..... i did not plan to tell her all this things, but it just happened, and things came up in the conversation... and once i dropped one bomb i dropped them all .... she said i do not sound like i am one of the jehovah's witnesses any more ... and even though we ended the call with "see ya" i have the feeling i will not hear from her any more ... .
Sorry to hear that your friend is probably gone. You are correct, once you start talking its tough to stop that train.
Who knows, maybe she will think about the things you stated.
when they came up with the overlapping generations new lite, they must have received alot of "where's the scriptural precedent?!
so they came up with the account of joseph and his brothers to shut them up.
still they are trying to make a round peg fit in a square hole to fit 1914 in the equation.
I'm actually at a loss as to why they keep beating this dead horse. Are they really getting that much feedback from the troops that it smells like bullshit? Are they getting into JCs with apostates who shove this up their ass and they have no comeback?
Usually they just say this it how it is, take it or leave it. But to go through this silly exercise on their shiny new TV channel? I dont get it.
statement of geoffrey jackson to royal commission of australia regarding child sexual abuse.
published september 2nd.
I have a question for any who have any original greek knowledge, or if you have access to literal translations.
On point 8 of his statement he refers to James 5:14-16 where it talks about "if any are sick among you" and states this is spiritual sickness, not literal sickness. Now I recall a long, long time ago that the original greek actually refers to literal sickness, and the secondary point of "Also if he has committed sins, it will be forgiven" is almost an afterthought.
I've also heard this scripture used by elduhs being used to defend the JC process, which if the original language refers to being physically sick, renders that argument false.
Also no oil was ever rubbed on any heads in any JCs I was a part of, so they are skipping a step
bethel clarifies "this generation" via letter.
Crazyguy, handy cult chart FYI
guess the overlapping generation concept is difficult for most to comprehend.
david spane does his best to explain it again.
the cutoff date for this generation has now moved to 1992 (was once 1935), the year that fred franz died.
Bald Eagle makes a good point above, which is basically you cannot run an end-times doomsday cult without ratcheting up the pressure to make them think it really is the very, very, very end.
They used "this generation" tied along back to 1914, and added the cherry on top of 1975 to grow their membership from zero to several million. But once the jig was up in 95 they lost all urgency.
They drug that corpse out of the grave and came up with this overlapping bullshit five years ago, and everyone just shrugged their shoulders. Well the smart ones left. Now they are doubling down like idiots spouting this bullshit publicly. I predict we see plenty of new apostates here in the months ahead after watching this airplane crash.
in the latest jw broadcast splane is quoted as saying:.
"suppose there was a man who died 10 minutes before joseph was born.
would he be part of joseph's generation?
No matter how you much time you spend polishing that turd, well, its still a turd