JoinedPosts by JW_Rogue
Need best info on why Jesus could never have chosen org in 1918?
by GodZoo inhi folks... i was playing a tiny online ipad multiplayer war game last night and one started a dialogue with a another player i was attacking.
in it he quoted a scripture.. and it turns out he he is a 25 year serving jw.
possibly an elder... well.. i spent 6 hours tapping away with one finger in the chat box until 8am this morning with him about all the issues on sex abuse, the money grab and most importantly the subject of jesus turning his attention to the earth and selecting the then bibles students as his one and only people based on what they were teaching (spiritual food) back then.. he knows nothing about any of the current and historic child sex abuse cases (never heard of candice conti etc) and even less about the insane early teachings or russell etc.. i completely blew his mind in our 6 hour text chat not to mention my index finger nearly falling off!.
Will the Watchtower ever turn against K-12 public education?
by cappytan inwhen i was in school, you never heard about critical thinking skills...not till you started taking college level courses.. i work closely with the public education community.
now, the big rage in public education is instilling critical thinking skills from kindergarten on up.. and i'm in texas!
imagine what it's like in more liberal areas.. i would not be surprised if the watchtower started denigrating and discouraging public education (k-12).. it would likely start like this: .
I have some personal experience with this as i was home schooled for most of my life. There seemed to be two viewpoints that most JWs had about public education. One was that public education was just too dangerous and would teach kids the wrong ideas and involve them with bad influences. When I was growing up my parents also believed that the schools were failing to teach kids how to read and write properly. For those reasons I was enrolled in an alternative school. The curriculum was chosen by a teacher but the work was still done at home. Every few weeks we would go and turn in samples of what we had done and talk to the teacher about our progress, goals etc.
Some people though viewed this as a way of sheltering kids from the real world and believed that kids should go to public school as a way to prepare them for real life. By going the home school route you avoid many of the things that can test a young persons faith. Things like birthdays, holidays, flag salute can all be avoided with home schooling. So I guess some felt it was better to test the young people by making them stand up to these things at early age. I know for me personally since I was never around worldly kids I didn't see what the big deal was about holidays and never really felt different from others because I had a core group of JW friends. I loved not going to school because I had so much free time that other kids didn't get to enjoy. Now though I can see that I was stuck in a JW bubble even at that age. I never was exposed to anyone who didn't believe exactly as I did. I never really learned to make friends, the friends I had were more by default than anything else.
Abusing the power of tears. Yet another sign of desperation
by StarTrekAngel inso i was seating at the meeting this past sunday.
the latest wt article to be studied speaks of "using our imagination" to think about the blessings of the kingdom.
the whole study was centered around how we can, and should, spent time visualizing ourselves in the new world, working along with our brothers.
July 19th Watchtower Summary. Insanity
by Lemonp injust got back from the wt study and it overall was just so blindingly biased and leading.. i had to read it from the platform too, i hope they couldn't see the confounded look on my face as i read this craziness out!.
first we consider the faith of abel, enoch, noah, abraham, isaac and jacob, and moses.. all of these people are held up as sterling examples of blind faith, with the article pointedly saying that their imaginations sustained their faith in gods promises for them.
no mention anywhere at all that all of these characters saw and talked to angels, spoke to god himself, saw and performed miracles, or any of the other feats experienced by these characters.
And you would have to think that most of the people destroyed would be from cultures that have no belief in the bible or Christianity. So according to JWs someone who is born a into an entirely different culture with their own holy books/writings should drastically change their world view to conform to a western religion whose God they don't even recognize. What are the chances that someone born Hindu or Buddhist is going to give up everything they have ever known to follow a religion that rejects their culture and beliefs? So by virtue of being born in those cultures these ones are pretty much doomed according to JWs. -
Did you know WTBTS applied for Holocaust compensation?
by umbertoecho indid you know that the wtbts applied for these compensation funds?
i had no idea and if this has already been addressed then so be it.
i find it interesting due to the fact that so much is made of the jws being in camps during ww2 and nothing else is expressed about the other millions who died in these camps.
Abusing the power of tears. Yet another sign of desperation
by StarTrekAngel inso i was seating at the meeting this past sunday.
the latest wt article to be studied speaks of "using our imagination" to think about the blessings of the kingdom.
the whole study was centered around how we can, and should, spent time visualizing ourselves in the new world, working along with our brothers.
Yes, those who have lost a loved one are always targeted for emotional manipulation. The idea of seeing a beloved relative again is strong. If an emotional reaction can be gotten it will strengthen their loyalty. Many are stuck because they don't want to lose that hope. They do the same to elderly ones who want to be young, people with disabilities and even those who simply desire friendship.Link +2 / -0 -
Did you know WTBTS applied for Holocaust compensation?
by umbertoecho indid you know that the wtbts applied for these compensation funds?
i had no idea and if this has already been addressed then so be it.
i find it interesting due to the fact that so much is made of the jws being in camps during ww2 and nothing else is expressed about the other millions who died in these camps.
Name "UNWRITTEN" Rules That JWs Are Supposed To Follow
by minimus inas with the scribes and pharisees, there are a number of unwritten rules that witnesses are supposed to follow.
here's a couple : "worldly" kids in society depictions are shown quite often wearing their baseball caps backwards.
jehovah's witness youths would not want to imitate that "look".
Oh, forgot one that many have been counseled about. If a couple is dating they should not sit together at the hall unless it is "serious" which to many meant the couple had to be engaged first. Never understood that one at all. I mean if they are dating they are obviously sitting together in other settings, so why not at the KH?Link +1 / -0 -
July 19th Watchtower Summary. Insanity
by Lemonp injust got back from the wt study and it overall was just so blindingly biased and leading.. i had to read it from the platform too, i hope they couldn't see the confounded look on my face as i read this craziness out!.
first we consider the faith of abel, enoch, noah, abraham, isaac and jacob, and moses.. all of these people are held up as sterling examples of blind faith, with the article pointedly saying that their imaginations sustained their faith in gods promises for them.
no mention anywhere at all that all of these characters saw and talked to angels, spoke to god himself, saw and performed miracles, or any of the other feats experienced by these characters.
In paragraph two it mentions a young girl imagining she is flying on a butterfly. It then states that this is an example of a mere fantasy. Wouldn't petting a lion, living for eternity, reverse aging and rising from the dead be similarly ridiculous? I mean if there was a scale of incredible unbelievable things that could happen they would all be a 10. It is only by manipulating the authority of a book written thousands of years ago that you can get anyone to believe any of this.
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Creative Ways To Get DFed For "Brazen Conduct"
by JW_Rogue inokay, so here's the idea let's try come up with some creative ways to get dfed under the new "brazen conduct" rule.
i'll start:.
continuously schedule get togethers at your house on the same night as the meeting, invite the entire congregation and see who shows up.. go to the memorial and drink the entire glass of wine but don't eat the bread.. regularly go to nude beaches and tell people that's what adam and eve would do.. get a jw.org tattoo on your neck and tell people you count hours anytime somebody sees it.. when a preteen brother or sister gets baptized tell them they are also ready to start driving.
Okay, so here's the idea let's try come up with some creative ways to get DFed under the new "Brazen Conduct" rule. I'll start:
- Continuously schedule get togethers at your house on the same night as the meeting, invite the entire congregation and see who shows up.
- Go to the memorial and drink the entire glass of wine but don't eat the bread.
- Regularly go to nude beaches and tell people that's what Adam and Eve would do.
- Get a JW.org tattoo on your neck and tell people you count hours anytime somebody sees it.
- When a preteen brother or sister gets baptized tell them they are also ready to start driving.
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