I think it is a legal term from US Corporations
JoinedPosts by JW_Rogue
Don't you just love LITERATURE truths?
by BoogerMan inas jw's we swallowed such concoctions for years - without a single scripture provided as proof!.
w71 12/15 p. 759 - "apparently, the apostle peter was the chairman of the governing body on the festival day of pentecost of 33 c.e., and the disciple james, the half brother of jesus christ, was the chairman at a later date, according to the account in acts of apostles.
from this, and from what historical evidence there is available, the chairmanship of the governing body rotated.".
King of the North / South predictions
by Gorb induring my jw.org lifetime since 1970 (2008 we faded out of it all) i read and heared a lot of the king of the north and the south.. but about an aliance between the two kings, that was not a jw.org scenario, wasn't it?.
So, God reveals this prophecy thousands of years in advance in which the King of the North ends up being in the East and the King of the South ends up being in the West? Knowledge so hidden it dosn't even make logical sense anymore.
What does God eat ?
by stan livedeath inbeans ?
( human beans ).
to those of you that believe in god: do you all believe the same thing ?.
Some things are not for us to know, if God exists his nature and makeup are beyond human comprehension. If we say he is a creator God then he created all things from nothing. What exists outside of the things created then? We have no clue and no way of testing any hypothesis about it. If we say God is in everything throughout the entire universe from subatomic particles to black hoes, it is still entirely impossible to decipher the meaning of it all. Perhaps God doesn't wish to be known, worshipped, or even acknowledged. If he did he would make it much easier to do so.
Don't you just love LITERATURE truths?
by BoogerMan inas jw's we swallowed such concoctions for years - without a single scripture provided as proof!.
w71 12/15 p. 759 - "apparently, the apostle peter was the chairman of the governing body on the festival day of pentecost of 33 c.e., and the disciple james, the half brother of jesus christ, was the chairman at a later date, according to the account in acts of apostles.
from this, and from what historical evidence there is available, the chairmanship of the governing body rotated.".
The entire "Imitate their Faith" book was based on speculation and conjecture. They would just make something up to make the point that they wanted because these bible characters aren't deep or interesting at all. Or the "Isaiah's Prophecy" books which tried to make every prophecy have a double fulfillment to the point that it just became absurd and boring at the same time. They can't help themselves because they need to keep up the illusion that they have some hidden knowlegde the rest of the religions have overlooked.
Telling People You Used To Be A JW
by JW_Rogue insince i faded i've told a few people at work about having been raised in this organization but i found that most people don't really get what it is like at all.
they just focus on not celebrating holidays as if that is the worst thing about growing up jw.
i didn't explain much because it's too much for most people to handle.
JWUndubbed - Great post, I'm not sure why some people start referring to it as "The Watchtower" once they leave. I think that tends to be a way to differentiate between the average JW or the local congregations and the top of the org. It is a red flag to a JW though and they will label you an apostate as soon as they hear you refer to it like that. I pretty much don't believe in any of it anymore. I've been seeing a lot of videos on youtube where Pastors go to JWs and try to prove to them the divinity of Christ or the Trinity. It's good to see them getting pushback out there but to me it's all meaningless and fake anyway. That's why I avoid getting too deep with Christians because even if they agree that JWs are wrong, it is likely not going to be the same reasons that I have.
Telling People You Used To Be A JW
by JW_Rogue insince i faded i've told a few people at work about having been raised in this organization but i found that most people don't really get what it is like at all.
they just focus on not celebrating holidays as if that is the worst thing about growing up jw.
i didn't explain much because it's too much for most people to handle.
I never liked admitting I was a J.W from a very early age, despite being in the org. until my late fifties. Looking back it was the first sign of a growing Cognitive Dissonance.
Me neither, when people would ask me about holidays and such I would just answer with something very vague or change the subject completely. Then people think your odd or antisocial because you make it very hard for people to get know you.
Telling People You Used To Be A JW
by JW_Rogue insince i faded i've told a few people at work about having been raised in this organization but i found that most people don't really get what it is like at all.
they just focus on not celebrating holidays as if that is the worst thing about growing up jw.
i didn't explain much because it's too much for most people to handle.
They probably think that leaving is no more stressful than cancelling a subscription
Yep, like it's a normal church where you just stop showing up. It doesn't work like, there is whole system to keep you in place and for the most part it works. The whole thing is too far out there for most people to get or understand.
Telling People You Used To Be A JW
by JW_Rogue insince i faded i've told a few people at work about having been raised in this organization but i found that most people don't really get what it is like at all.
they just focus on not celebrating holidays as if that is the worst thing about growing up jw.
i didn't explain much because it's too much for most people to handle.
People don't get how all encompassing this religion is over your whole life. Most just think it's a strict religion where you go preaching every once in awhile.
Did you have a written schedule?
by karter inthe wts encouraged us to have one, i alway found it funny when people would desplay it where everyone could see it to show how busy they are in the lords work.. karter..
Nope, didn't even really count my time, rvs, or magazines properly. I would just count the days I went out and guestimate based off of that. I do remember they had a planner for deciding whether you could auxillary pioneer that would come with the Kingdom Ministry during certain months. Pretty sure they don't do that anymore. Now, there is probably a JW productivity app for Android and iOS.
Telling People You Used To Be A JW
by JW_Rogue insince i faded i've told a few people at work about having been raised in this organization but i found that most people don't really get what it is like at all.
they just focus on not celebrating holidays as if that is the worst thing about growing up jw.
i didn't explain much because it's too much for most people to handle.
Yes, it came up in reference to why I didn't go to public school when I was younger. Although, I guess that isn't 100% because of the JWs but I think it was a big factor.