maybe Paddington Bear...
there was also in the 80s: Dangermouse: 1980s cartoon about a super-spy mouse
Simon and the Land of chalk Drawings
i am trying to remember a kids programme that was on while i was a wee thing during the 70's... now i was only born in '68, so i guess it would be late 70's early 80's.
i remember bears, and animation, but i don't think cartoon.
anyway, please can anyone list their favourite british kids programmes during these times and hopefully i will get an epiphany!
sorry for such a mundane question, but there are many things i'm not into.. there is a picture on page 35 of the book, "what does the bible really teach".
don't worry, i'm on top of the feeble rationale.
i guess the book will be good in the recycling.. anyway, in this picture, the girl at the front is holding a book open.
there are a couple of jw zealots campaingning in wikipedia to delete the silent lambs article.
i'd like to request your editing time in order to search for additional references to be included and make their censoring task imposible.
I first read this awhile ago and I thought it was very slanted/biased/POV, pro-SL which is aginst Wikipedia Policy on maintaining an NPOV(Neutral Point Of View) the only sources cited are links from the SL website(biased, anti-JW) and one Article from the AP wire. Supprised it has stayed up this long and without any additional info and balancing out.
anybody ever seen this episode?
recorded it (sky+ is a wonderful thing) but not yet watched it................
series 5, episode 14.
i have noticed that some posters can sometimes become critical of how another posted has behaved .
i believe this critisisam is oftern based on a lack of knowledge of what is acceptable behaviour of the poster in the country they are from.
(ie in a poster could say i remember doing blah blah blah and a poster from an other land can take offence).
in my daily reading of the kjv bible, i came across the scripture at gal 4:17.. in reading in context, it would appear that anyone who did not agree with the galation congregation and their teachings would be excluded.
apparently there were a number of infuential individuals who were harking back to the mosaic law and that christians in that congregation were to fall in line otherwise they were out on their ear (excluded); - a my way or the highway attitude that seemed to be manifesting itself, something that paul was trying to address.. it is incredible to think that this very thing is happening throughout the congregations of jehovahs witnesses worlwide you must accept without question the societies teachings and interpretation of scripture for fear of being excluded (disfellowshipped).
the fear of being excluded prevents many from pursuing truth because you will be perceived to be an enemy just as paul was viewed by some of these influential ones within the galatian congregation (gal 4:16).
You have to remember the circumstances for this: The Gauls had overrun(conquered) and some became converts to Christianity. Apparently Judaizers(opposeres of Paul and his teaching) were trying to get the worshippers of Jehovah(converts) to side with them in their teachings(keeping the circumcision issue alive after it had been settled) and perhaps succumbing to low moral standards (Gal 5:13)
As 4:16, 17 reads:
Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth? | |||
17They zealously affect(mistreat) you, [but] not well; yea, they would exclude you, that ye might affect them. KJV |
now the NWT:
16 Well, then, have I become YOUR enemy because I tell YOU the truth? 17 They zealously seek YOU, not in a fine way, but they want to shut YOU off [from me], that YOU may zealously seek them.
The NWT is certainly easier to understand than the KJV, anyway, most likely these opposers tried to dissuade, new converts and those in Christianity alike to stop listening to Paul and follow them.
i am going to date this gorgeous chick sometime soon.
she wants long term relationship, but she has a 5 year old son that has autism, should i be concerned?
depends: is the autism "high-funtioning"(Asperger's Syndrome) or "low functioning" Austism(Typical Autism)
If it is high-functioning then maybe I can help. If it is typical Austism, then I can't help you there.
Remember that the child has a disability and the this he/she does(the child) cannot be helped.
let me just say i think american t.v is the most entertaining in the world.. i love the citcoms (seinfelt, everybody loves raymond ect ect) i grew up with rawhide, the virginian, star treck, rovkford files, starsky and hutch ect ect.. at the moment iam watching americas got talent (maybe it hasnt) but the shows great entertainment.
then i rememberd when i was in the u.s and how i felt american t.v sucked with all those commercials.. tell me do you have non commercial the states?.
how much time is given to commersials with a 22 minute seinfet episode?.
PBS, essentially a whole show (1hr or 2) commercial free with only 5 minutes maybe of "commercials" ("sponsered by" stuff and previews of other shows)
plus PBS shows stuff you usually can't find anywhere else....
Thats how i got turned on to Doctor Who. Never knew about it really till I saw the 2005 series. Saw a few eps and I was hooked.