I really detest when people accuse exJWs who have suffered to escape the cult of behaving like a JW.
It is smug, lazy and cowardly. It ought to be taboo in an exJW community.
a month ago it might have been questionable.
not now.
after bader’s death and biden’s inability, this shouldn’t be close.
I really detest when people accuse exJWs who have suffered to escape the cult of behaving like a JW.
It is smug, lazy and cowardly. It ought to be taboo in an exJW community.
the most powerful love in the universe is unconditional love.. a love that has no requirements or conditions.
no actions are necessary to receive it.. this love is all around us and can be easily seen.
watch any mother with its new born baby.
We are spiritual beings having a physical experience
Prove it.
belgium: jehovah's witnesses will be tried for hate crimes on february 16.. https://www.nieuwsblad.be/cnt/dmf20200915_93224449.
Of course a court can't tell anybody who to be polite to. That isn't the issue.
The practice of enforced shunning - including close family - might just be something a court can take action against.
The defense that JWs make their own personal decision to shun won't hold up to the most cursory examination.
The Closed Brethren got into some difficulty with the Charity Commission in the UK for similar policies.
most of the individuals here from what i have read have gravitated to believing in evolution for various reasons and no longer have a belief in a creator.. the questions begs though, is there a higher conscious in the universe than mankind's.
i am sure everyone agrees that animals are conscious, but to what extent can they reason?.
here is the link to dr. rupert sheldrake's - is the sun conscious.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sfhsobpja8a.
LTTBK - You are confusing having an open mind with a head that is so open your brain fell out.
Anders - You know you have offered a nuanced response when you get +4 and -4
IMO the liberal left are not 'woke' they are sound asleep to the real danger to liberal values. They are going to have to seek common-cause with conservatives if the neo-Marxists are to be defeated. There is an existential danger to liberal democracy.
most of the individuals here from what i have read have gravitated to believing in evolution for various reasons and no longer have a belief in a creator.. the questions begs though, is there a higher conscious in the universe than mankind's.
i am sure everyone agrees that animals are conscious, but to what extent can they reason?.
here is the link to dr. rupert sheldrake's - is the sun conscious.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sfhsobpja8a.
That is literally insane.
being raised a dub i never voted.
i’m not a republican or a democrat, not a liberal or a conservative.. i’m pretty middle of the road.
i want everyone to have a fair shake if possible in this life, but i definitely don’t believe in forced equality, that’s just not possible.
There was a compelling case to create a homeland for Jews, even more so after WWII. They were persecuted everywhere.
Palestinians have been intransigent at every turn.
most of the individuals here from what i have read have gravitated to believing in evolution for various reasons and no longer have a belief in a creator.. the questions begs though, is there a higher conscious in the universe than mankind's.
i am sure everyone agrees that animals are conscious, but to what extent can they reason?.
here is the link to dr. rupert sheldrake's - is the sun conscious.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sfhsobpja8a.
And your definition of morality is your own not God's.
If morality means anything it involves concern for the needs and well-being of others.
Slavery - the ownership of another human being to be used as chattel - is immoral. Your god approves of slavery.
Kidnap and rape is immoral. Your god approves of kidnap and rape.
Infanticide is immoral. Your god approves of infanticide.
Therefore your god is immoral and so must his son be too.
most of the individuals here from what i have read have gravitated to believing in evolution for various reasons and no longer have a belief in a creator.. the questions begs though, is there a higher conscious in the universe than mankind's.
i am sure everyone agrees that animals are conscious, but to what extent can they reason?.
here is the link to dr. rupert sheldrake's - is the sun conscious.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sfhsobpja8a.
Anna M - I have read the bible in its entirety many times.
If you disagree that the god of the Old Testament - the god and father of Jesus Christ - was not a moral monster then I can only assume you have never read it.
God condones slavery. Slavery is a moral outrage. Therefore I am more moral than your god.
Read your bible before you slander me by calling me a liar.
most of the individuals here from what i have read have gravitated to believing in evolution for various reasons and no longer have a belief in a creator.. the questions begs though, is there a higher conscious in the universe than mankind's.
i am sure everyone agrees that animals are conscious, but to what extent can they reason?.
here is the link to dr. rupert sheldrake's - is the sun conscious.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sfhsobpja8a.
The values of Jesus Christ are all good - Anna M
Yahweh of the Old Testament was the 'god and father' of Jesus. Jesus did not do a single thing of his own initiative but only as he heard from the father.
Yahweh prescribed genocide, kidnap, rape, slavery and the mass murder of infants.
How could Jesus - who never once condemned slavery - have values that were 'all good'? I am more moral and ethical than Jesus and his god and - I trust - so are you.