My mother was a pioneer (the top pioneer in our congregation) and I remember a ton of pressure was put on me to be the model JW kid. I resented it... it seemed like the elder's kids could get away with anything, no one cared about what the "normal" JW kids did, and EVERYONE cared about every single move I made... if it was not the model move to make then I was surely in Satan's clutch. I was so young when I was pushed in to becoming an unbaptized publisher I don't remember it, and I was preparing to become a baptized publisher right before I left at the age of 15... that was under pressure too... being told I had been an unbaptized publisher for way too long and it was past time for me to go ahead and take the plunge.
Yet I was a guest of honor at the assemblies, get togethers, parties, etc. The elders forced their kids to invite me to their parties and I was forced to go. When the adults weren't paying attention they tortured me or outright ignored me.
It was very lonely for me being "the top pioneer's child". And suffocating. Those factors far outweighed any "prestige" that came with THAT title.
My mother had a lot of prestige but she was not comfortable with it, either. And she was lonely... the adults weren't much different from the kids in that respect. When anyone was looking they treated her like gold but otherwise it was like they didn't even know her. She herself was very humble and pioneered only because she was so convinced that was what God wanted her to do and she has a genuine love for people. I think she would give the shirt off her back to anyone if she saw they needed it.