Hi, strymeckirules!
You wrote: "c t russell said jesus had a invisible return and has been invisibly present since 1914 ruling in the midst of his enemies. they took this stand after 1914 came and went with no visible jesus. instead of russell admitting he was wrong about his "pyramid" date, he lied and said he was right, jesus returned like russell said but "invisibly". you see, if he would have admitted then that he was wrong, he would have been admitting to being a false prophet. and then he would lose all the smart people following him."
Russell actually believed that Jesus was invisibly present from 1874. He did not change this view when 1914 didn't lead right into Armaggedon. If I remember correctly, the Society taught the 1874 date for the beginning of Jesus' invisible presence for a number of years (maybe until the 1930's?). It was the Society, not the other Bible Students who followed Russell's teachings, who changed the date for the beginning of the invisible presence from 1874 to 1914.
I am not defending all of Russell's views, but it is important when we discuss these things that we have all of our facts correct --- to the best of our ability --- so that when Jehovah's Witnesses or others who may read our posts do so, they will not find fault with our presentation of the "facts" (which they might view as a misrepresentation).
There are enough facts out there that show the dangers of the Watchtower Society's teachings, etc. that we don't need to, even inadvertently, misrepresent what either Russell taught or the Society teaches. I apologize for my directness... but when I was leaving the Watchtower organization, I heard some exJWs say some really outlandish things and it actually convinced me to STAY in the organization longer... thankfully I saw past the inaccuracies and read some really solid information about the JWs and I left.
My best regards to you...