Posts by pirata
Be Honest---Describe your most prevalent feeling as a witness in ONE WORD!
by MsGrowingGirl20 inlets's go!!.
Is the May 2012 KM pumping up some hysteria?
by discreetslave in1)as sheep amidst wolves, gods servants are preaching among a crooked and twisted generation.
10:16; phil.
I see this more as an article to tone down the 'zealous spiritual' ones for their own safety, and the safety of those that they direct in service.
Tell me---We all have regrets about being in the organisation,what's yours?
by MsGrowingGirl20 inwhat is/are your regrets?
do u wish that you'd have pursued something or dealt differently with a situation?.
When I think about being born as a starving child in africa, or back in the middle ages where the life expectancy was 30 years, then life don't seem so bad. :)
Seriously though, I've found ways to pursue my dreams within the expectations of being a JW. The brothers and sisters seem a bit confounded from time to time, but don't say much because I keep up with all "spiritual things". It's tough but possible (but really depends on what your dreams are).
The only thing I think I might regret in the future is not having kids (don't want to raise them in a belief system that I don't really believe), but then again, the world is already overpopulated so not something that terribly worries me.
by Titus ini don't want biblical answer, but from any watchtower publication.
has that question ever been answered in any watchtower publications?.
please, give me some references.. i expect answer from debator, alice, bane, scholar or any other active jehovah's witness.
I concede on the "straw man" point because of the following sentence " Would they be the Jewish disciples, whereas the “other sheep” would be the Gentiles who, in time, were accepted as anointed Christians?". They indeed did bring out this point in th discussion, so you are correct.
I still stand by the faulty logic analysis. This is what is stated in the article:
Back in the time of Jesus’ earthly ministry, all who accepted him as their shepherd came in line for membership in the heavenly kingdom. Jesus said to his disciples : “Have no fear, little flock , because your Father has approved of giving you the kingdom.” (Luke 12:32) At other times Jesus Christ referred to this “little flock” of disciples as his “brothers.” (Matt. 12:49; Mark 3:34; Luke 8:21; John 20:17) When, in time, Gentiles were accepted by God, anointed with his holy spirit and called to heavenly life, they also were “joint heirs with Christ,” his “brothers. ” (Gal. 3:27-29; Rom. 8:17) Logically, then, the “other sheep” would be persons who are not his “brothers” but who are brought into close association with them.
Here's the premise/conclusion equivalent:
Premise A: The 'little flock' are called Christ's Brothers
(Premise B: The 'other sheep' are not the 'little flock')
Conclusion: The other sheep are not his "brothers" (the litle flock)
Although not stated explicitly, the conclusion relies on the premise that becaue one group is called "brothers", the other cannot also be "brothers". That's the point I was making in my Russians/Americans/Humans example (though looking back, my example didn't directlyparallel my point). Just because you call Russians "humans" does not mean that the other group, Americans, are not humans.
I have other sheep which are not of this fold
by Wayward Son injohn 10:16 - and i have other sheep, which are not of this fold; those also i must bring, and they will listen to my voice, and they will become one flock, one shepherd.. setting: jesus was talking to a blind man he had recently cured and the pharisees were listening in.
it sounds like he had a larger audience that likely included his, who is "this fold" he was referring to and who are the "other sheep"?according to wts doctrine, the heavenly calling (covenant) had not been instituted yet.
we don't hear about that until the last supper.
Has the WT ever attempted to explain why the other sheep aren't simply, Gentiles?
WARNING.... Extremely disturbing and racist Awake! magazine (October 8, 1977)
by Alfred inwarning: offensive and racist awake!
magazine.... really, how great are racial differences?
are they of such a degree that people of different races cannot live together as equals, and take real pleasure in one anothers company?
Not fair to take those quotations out of context. The article you quote was arguing against the assertion that one race smells more than others. If you read the rest of the cover series in that issue, the point being made is obvious: All races are the same to God, and should be to us. I'm not overly familiar with the racial situation in the United States in the late 70's, but most of the article is arguing against racial prejudice against Afro-Americans.
Here's the whole article:
*** g77 10/8 pp. 17-20 Body Odor and Race ***
Body Odor and Race
IT WAS one summer in the early 1960’s, in Arkansas. Two black girls, about eight and ten years of age, would soon be entering a school with whites. Previously, they had attended a rural segregated school.
One day a white woman, who had befriended the girls, asked the younger one: “Pam, what do you think about going to school with white children?” She replied, rather hesitantly: “Well, I don’t know. Now, I don’t mean you, Miz Cruder, but white folks, you know, they smell funny,” and her little nose wrinkled up at the prospect.
This is commonly believed by blacks. Youngsters apparently pick up the idea, not so much from firsthand experience as from what they have heard. But how did this idea that whites have a different, disagreeable odor get started? In large part, it may be in reaction to the long-held views that whites have of blacks.
In centuries past, when blacks were slaves and considered as property, whites often spoke about their body odor. In his recent book Race, John R. Baker says: “The authors of earlier centuries remarked on this subject with greater freedom than those of the present day. Thus Henry Home, in his Sketches of the History of Man, refers to the ‘rank smell’ of Negroes. In a work published in the same year (1774), The History of Jamaica, Long says that the Negroes are distinguished by their ‘bestial or fetid smell, which they all have to a greater or lesser degree.’”
This came to be a generally accepted view among whites. Since blacks were believed to be biologically inferior, having crossed a supposed evolutionary threshold of humanness later than whites, it is not surprising that whites should reach this conclusion
A Widespread Belief
However, it is not just blacks and whites who believe that the other race has a different, objectionable body odor. Melville Jacobs and Bernhard J. Stern, in their book General Anthropology, observed: “Few notions regarding race differences are more widely believed than the idea that each race has its distinctive odor.”
As an example, much was written in centuries past about a specific Jewish odor. Also, the Japanese anatomist Buntaro Adachi wrote that he found the body odor of Europeans to be very objectionable. This was his first impression when settling in Europe, but later he said that he became accustomed to the smell and liked it.
An experience told about an English physician stationed in Bombay, India, is also illuminating. He would have his Indian servant call him from his church on Sunday mornings to impress the congregation with his importance as a medical man. One day the physician attended a large Indian political gathering, but left after a short while, explaining to his servant: “What a relief to get out! In another ten minutes I should have collapsed. The smell!”’ His servant replied: “Ah, Sahib, now you will understand what I suffer every Sunday when I have to go right to the middle of the church to call you out!”
What are we to conclude? That the smell of different races is only a figment of people’s imagination? If it is not, what causes certain races to have different body odors? Is it because of racial inheritance?
Body Odor Real—Why?
No one will deny that body odor exists. The huge sales of deodorants and antiperspirants prove that it does. And it is obvious that some individuals, both blacks and whites, have strong body odors that can give offense to others. Why? What causes these odors?
It is apparently not the perspiration itself, as one might think. Experiments have shown that perspiration, as the body emits it, is both sterile and odorless. The odor results when bacteria work on the perspiration.
Hair, particularly under the arms, acts as a collecting site for perspiration and favors bacterial growth that can result in an offensive odor. Clothing, too, is a factor, since organisms may cling to it, along with the perspiration, and result in the bacterial decomposition that produces body odor.
A person’s diet also contributes to body odor. Jacobs and Stern note in General Anthropology: “Among the most potent odors known to chemists are valeric acid, butyric acid, and related organic compounds, which are given off as vapors through the skin by all persons who in the previous hours have digested milk, butter, cheese, or fats of various kinds. . . . A population which eats much garlic has another characteristic odor; onions engender still other consequences; smoked salmon and venison, pickled herrings, and yams, still others.”
Yet, despite the evidence that such factors as these are responsible, many persons still believe that body odor is due particularly to racial inheritance. In his book Along This Way, J. W. Johnson describes an interesting exchange that he had on this matter, explaining: “Once a man rose and said, ‘I wish to ask you a frank question. Isn’t the chief objection to the Negro due to the fact that he has a bad odor?’”
“In reply,” the writer said, “I agreed that there were lots of bad-smelling Negroes; but in turn, I asked my questioner if he thought the expensive magazine advertisements about ‘B.O.’ were designed to attract an exclusive Negro patronage. I remarked that I did not think so, since they were generally illustrated with pictures of rather nice-looking white girls.”
Yet might not a general community of blacks, as well as of whites, have an objectionable odor if they have a particular diet and way of living? Indeed so! Blacks held for weeks in the holds of slave ships smelled very bad. And so did many black slaves who worked in the fields and did not bathe regularly. Even today, there are some classes, both of blacks and of whites, whose hygiene is poor, and whose diet is different from what others are used to. They often smell different, objectionable, to persons who are not generally around them. Yet that does not mean that all whites or all blacks smell that way.
Still, the claim has been made, even by a university scholar, that one of the most outstanding of racial differences is body odor. Is there proof that this assertion is untrue?
What Experiments Showed
Some experiments have been conducted to provide an answer. Professor Otto Klineberg, a leading authority in the field of racial psychology, tells about an unpublished study. The experimenter collected perspiration in test tubes from white and black students who had just been exercising in a gymnasium. White judges were then given the test tubes, and asked to rank them in order of pleasantness.
“The results showed,” Klineberg reports, “no consistent preference for the White samples; the test tube considered the most pleasant and the one considered the most unpleasant were both taken from Whites.”
The Journal of Genetic Psychology, 1950, pages 257-265, tells about another experiment. Two blacks and two whites were the subjects. All four were college students who ate in the same cafeteria, lived in approximately the same quarters, and participated in the same school activities. For the experiment, the four showered in the same shower room and used the same kind of soap.
During the first half of the experiment the boys had just come from a shower, and during the second half, they were perspiring after vigorous exercise. The experiment was conducted in such a way as to eliminate any possibility of accidental factors or recognition of the subjects. In all, fifty-nine persons offered 715 judgments, being allowed to smell any part of the subjects’ sheet-covered bodies.
The results showed that in 368 judgments, or more than half of them, the Judges marked “don’t know.” They thus acknowledged that they were unable to recognize body odor of Whites or blacks as being in any way distinctive. And in nearly half of the rest of the judgments, or in 157 of them, persons who thought that they could identify the source of body odor were incorrect. Mere chance guesses would have produced almost this same degree of accuracy.
Interestingly, only seven of the fifty-nine judges were certain that they could differentiate the source of body odor every time. They showed their confidence by never marking “don’t know.” Yet they were correct, on the average, in only about half of their judgments—also no better than what chance guesses would have produced.
George K. Morlan, reporting in The Journal of Genetic Psychology, observed: “Our experiment neither proves nor disproves that there are ‘racial’ differences in body odor, but if such differences do exist, and whites and Negroes are equated for diet, cleanliness, and the like, our evidence very definitely does not support the view that whites can identify that odor with any dependable degree of accuracy.”
The Role of Prejudice
No doubt many persons, in all sincerity, believe that objectionable body odor is due particularly to race, rather than to poor hygiene or diet. It is possible that because they have been taught to believe that another race has a bad odor they, in fact think that they can detect such an odor. Discussing this matter, former professor of psychology at Harvard University Gordon W. Allport wrote:
“The associative power of odors is high. . . if we have once associated the odor of garlic with Italians we have met, or cheap perfume with immigrants, or fetid odors with crowded tenements, these odors newly encountered will cause us to think of Italians, immigrants, tenement dwellers. Meeting an Italian may cause us to think of the odor of garlic and even to ‘smell’ it. Olfactory hallucinations (caused by such associations) are common. It is for this reason that people who have formed olfactory associations may declare with conviction that all Negroes or all immigrants smell.”
Once a person has formed such an opinion, it is usually not easy to change it. Prejudice can be deep-seated, yet appear ludicrous when viewed objectively. Consider, for example, the woman who said that she did not wish blacks to live in her neighborhood, “because they smell.” Yet this same woman had no objection to blacks working for her as servants in her home. John Dollard, former professor of psychology at Yale University, was undoubtedly correct when he said: “It seems quite possible that if the belief were absent, the Negro odors would not rise above the discrimination threshold.”
The Encyclopædia Britannica, 1971, after discussing the subject, drew this conclusion: “It is doubtful whether there is a significant difference in the odour of sweat. Experimental tests have shown very poor ability to discriminate between Negro and white sweat. The subject is complex, and there is a very general tendency to attribute perceived differences to ‘racial’ factors, when in many cases the differences may be due to social and other nonracial factors.”
It is sad when persons judge others before examining the evidence. And it is even sadder when these views are held to after persons have considered the evidence. Whole races have been discriminated against due to prejudice. But, really, is there sound basis for prejudice or discrimination against any race of people?
ExJWs and NonJWs Ask: Should I Try to Change My Mate?
by pirata ini put this together more as a collection of my thoughts.
i would appreciate hearing your thoughts, disagreements, rebuttals, etc on this subject as it has been weighing a lot on my mind lately:.
after reading a lot of heart-breaking stories over the years on this message forum about mates who no longer believe in the jw religion, the common thread seems to be a desire to get the jw mate to see the same thing; with usually dissapointing results.. i am currently of the opinion that maybe the best thing is not to try to change your mate's religion.
Mickey mouse posted this video in another thread regarding how a Mormon Couple survived a rift in faith. Definitely worth a watch.
by Minimommi ini recently started questioning my beliefs and i am not happy with what i found out.
i am married to a born in who admits that wtbs has some problems.
one of his favorite scriptures to quote is psalms 146:3 to "not put your trust in nobles", including the so called fds.
I had similar thoughts regarding imperfection as your husband:
"Bearing Thorough Witness"--page 98, par. 13; Compare p. 103, par. 9, 10, 12
by sd-7 inwhen i find the same old same old in the newest publications.
here's a little sampling, from my now-favorite work of bible-based fantasy, "bearing thorough witness" about [the governing body].
note page 98, paragraph 13:.
"As we help others learn truths from God's Word, do we, like Paul and Barnabas, avoid seeking adulation? Charles Taze Russell, an outstanding teacher who took the lead in the preaching work in the late 19th and 20th centuries [curious that they don't mention his position as president of the Society--I've noticed that terminology has largely disappeared in recent years], set an example in this regard [Ha!]. He wrote: "We want no homage, no reverence, for ourselves or our writings; nor do we wish to be called Reverend or Rabbi." Brother Russell's humble attitude reflected that of Paul and Barnabas."
This is coming up in this week's Book Study. And here's the quote in context from Dec 15, 1896 Watchtower, pg. 304. Funny how a lot of the other things Pastor Russell wrote in the article do not hold true today:
God's people are to love and esteem each other, and that in proportion as they recognize in each other the spirit of God, the spirit of Christ, the spirit of holiness and devotion to truth and righteousness; as the Apostle says, the faithful should be esteemed "very highly for their work's sake" (1 Thess. 5:13); but while there may be danger that some will fail to render "honor to whom honor is due" (Rom. 13:7), there is undoubtedly danger also that some might render too much honor to human instruments, whom God is pleased to use in connection with the service of the truth. It is proper therefore that we call attention here, as we have done heretofore, to the danger of man-worship. This matter is very forcibly brought to our attention in Revelation 22:9. John the Revelator, who, representing the living saints all down through the Gospel age, is caused to see unfolding the various features of the divine plan, in conclusion falls down to worship the angel who showed him those things. So there has been and is a tendency on the part of many to give more than love, respect and honor to the servants of God who from time to time have been used as special servants of God in bringing to the attention of the Church things new and old, or to the particular brother or sister who was the means of conversion or other spiritual benefit. There was this disposition in the early Church, some exalting one Apostle and some another as their chief and master, and naming themselves as his disciples, saying, "I am of Paul;" or "I am of Apollos;" or "I am of Peter," etc. The Apostle Paul assures them that this disposition indicates a measure of carnality, and he inquires, who then are Paul, Apollos and Peter, but merely the servants or channels through whom God has been pleased to send you the blessings of the truth. "Neither is he that planteth anything, neither he that watereth, but God that giveth the increase." He indicates thus that they should recognize, not the channels through whom the blessings came, but the Lord, the Author of their blessings, and loyally bear no other name than his who died for and redeemed them.
Likewise, when the Church began to get rid of the gross darkness of the dark ages under the help and instruction of the reformers, Luther, Calvin, Zwingli and others, they naturally and properly had great respect for those whom God had honored as the instruments in the work of reformation. But again the tendency to "worship" the messengers, the human agents, instead of the divine Author was manifested, and to-day there are hundreds of thousands who call themselves by the name of Luther, Calvin, Wesley, Campbell and others, and who give more respect to their teachings and writings than to the Word of God, and this with corresponding injury to themselves.
Likewise, to-day, in the light of present truth, shining more clearly than ever before, no doubt there is need to be on guard against this carnal tendency which has had so deleterious an influence in the past.
When John fell down to worship the angel who had shown him the wonders of the divine plan, the angel's refusal to accept homage should be a lesson to all ministers (servants--messengers) of God. He said, "See thou do it not; for I am thy fellow-servant [not thy Lord and Master], and [fellow-servant] of thy brethren the prophets, and [fellow-servant] of [all] them which keep the sayings of this book. Worship God [the source from which come all these blessings and all this light]." All servants of God are fellow-servants regardless of the time or extent of their service.
The Apostle calls attention to this man-worshiping tendency in his epistle to the Colossians (2:18,19), saying, "Let no man beguile you of your reward, in a voluntary humility and worshiping of angels [messengers]." The intimation is that this temptation will come insidiously, craftily, and not by brazen demands for reverence. Such is the reverence accorded in general to the ministry of the nominal churches. Many ministers who seem very meek, and who would not think of demanding reverence or worship, nevertheless accept of their flocks the voluntary title, Reverend, and encourage it, and feel offended if reverence or worship of this sort is not rendered. The effect has been and still is to injure the household of faith, to give an over-confidence in the judgment and word of the minister in spiritual things, so that many neglect to prove their faith by God's Word, and to trust implicitly to its authority.
And there is danger amongst those who do not use the title, Reverend. It should always be remembered (as pointed out in our issue of Nov. 15, '95) that control resides in the congregation and not in self-appointed leaders, whether they seek to serve a dozen or thousands. The churches of Christ should recognize the leading of their Head, and know their leaders to be of his choice (See Heb. 13:7,17,24,Diaglott), but they should beware of any disposed to usurp the rights of the congregation or to ignore those rights by taking the place of leaders without the specific request of the congregation; beguilingthe company into supposing that the leader alone is competent to judge and decide for the congregation as to the Lord's choice, and thus failing to hold the Head (Christ) as the only real teacher, who is able and willing to guide all the meek in judgment, because they are his Church--"his body."
Nor is this beguiling of the attention of the flock, away from the only Shepherd, to a fellow sheep always the fault of the "leaders:" there seems to be a general tendency on the part of all who have the true, humble, sheep nature to follow one another. It is a lesson, therefore, for all to learn,--that each sheep recognize as leaders only such as are found in full accord with the voice and spirit of the Chief Shepherd (Christ), and the under-shepherds (the Apostles), and that each sheep see to it that he eats only "clean provender" and drinks only "pure water" as directed by the Shepherd. (See Ezek. 34:17-19.) This implies the exercise of the individual conscience of each member of Christ's flock on matters of doctrine and practice, and tends to keep each one in sympathy and fellowship with the Shepherd, who knoweth each sheep and "calleth his own sheep by name." The same intimate relationship of the individual Christian with the Lord is illustrated in the figure of Christ the Head and the Church as members of his body.--1 Cor. 12:12-27; Eph. 4:15,16.
As we have been to some extent, by the grace of God, used in the ministry of the gospel, it may not be out of place to say here what we have frequently said in private, and previously in these columns,--namely, that while we appreciate the love, sympathy, confidence and fellowship of fellow-servants and of the entire household of faith, we want no homage, no reverence, for ourselves or our writings; nor do we wish to be called Reverend or Rabbi.Nor do we wish that any should be called by our name. The name of him who died for all--the name Christian--is quite sufficient to designate the spiritual sons of God, the true brethren of Christ; and whatsoever is more than this cometh of evil, of carnality, and tends toward more of the same.
Nor would we have our writings reverenced or regarded as infallible, or on a par with the holy Scriptures. The most we claim or have ever claimed for our teachings is, that they are what we believe to be harmonious interpretations of the divine Word, in harmony with the spirit of the truth. And we still urge, as in the past, that each reader study the subjects we present in the light of the Scriptures, proving all things by the Scriptures, accepting what they see to be thus approved, and rejecting all else. It is to this end, to enable the student to trace the subject in the divinely inspired Record, that we so freely intersperse both quotations and citations of the Scriptures upon which to build.
I just think it's easier this way!
by Atlantis in.
it's not your fault there are pm problems!-i just think it's easier this way!-1977 to 1981 ems-pdf!- lost golden age--1925 golden age=1925 january 14 golden age january 28 golden age february 11 golden age february 25 golden age march 11 golden age march 25 golden age april 8 golden age april 22 golden age may 6 golden age may 20 golden age june 3 golden age june 17 golden age july 1 golden age july 15 golden age july 29 golden age august 12 golden age august 26 golden age september 9 golden age september 23 golden age october 7 golden age october 21 golden age november 4 golden age november 18 golden age december 2 golden age december 16 golden age december 30 golden age golden age=1926 january 13 golden age january 27 golden age february 10 golden age february 24 golden age march 10 golden age march 24 golden age april 7 golden age april 21 golden age may 5 golden age may 19 golden age june 2 golden age june 30 golden age july 14 golden age july 28 golden age august 11 golden age august 25 golden age september 8 golden age september 22 golden age october 6 golden age october 20 golden age november 3 golden age november 17 golden age december 1 golden age december 15 golden age december 29 golden age golden age=1927 january 12 golden age january 26 golden age february 9 golden age february 23 golden age march 9 golden age march 23 golden age april 6 golden age april 20 golden age may 4 golden age may 18 golden age june 1 golden age june 15 golden age june 29 golden age july 13 golden age july 27 golden age august 10 golden age august 24 golden age september 7 golden age september 21 golden age october 5 golden age october 19 golden age november 2 golden age november 16 golden age november 30 golden age december 14 golden age december 28 golden age golden age=1928 january 11 golden age january 25 golden age february 8 golden age february 22 golden age march 7 golden age march 21 golden age april 4 golden age april 18 golden age may 2 golden age may 16 golden age may 30 golden age june 13 golden age june 27 golden age july 11 golden age july 25 golden age august 8 golden age august 22 golden age september 5 golden age september 19 golden age october 3 golden age october 17 golden age october 31 golden age november 14 golden age november 28 golden age december 12 golden age december 26 golden age golden age=1929 january 9 golden age january 23 golden age february 6 golden age february 20 golden age march 6 golden age march 20 golden age april 3 golden age april 17 golden age may 1 golden age may 15 golden age may 29 golden age june 12 golden age june 26 golden age july 10 golden age july 24 golden age august 7 golden age august 21 golden age september 4 golden age september18 golden age october 2 golden age october 16 golden age october 30 golden age november 13 golden age november 27 golden age december 11 golden age december 25 golden age golden age=1930 january 8 golden age january 22 golden age february 5 golden age february 19 golden age march 5 golden age march 19 golden age april 2 golden age april 16 golden age april 30 golden age may 14 golden age may 28 golden age june 11 golden age june 25 golden age july 9 golden age july 23 golden age august 6 golden age august 20 golden age september 3 golden age september 17 golden age october 1 golden age october 15 golden age october 29 golden age november 12 golden age november 26 golden age december 10 golden age december 24 golden age golden age=1931 january 7 golden age january 21 golden age february 4 golden age february 18 golden age march 4 golden age march 18 golden age april 1 golden age april 15 golden age april 29 golden age may 13 golden age may 27 golden age june 10 golden age june 24 golden age july 8 golden age july 22 golden age august 5 golden age august 19 golden age september 2 golden age september 16 golden age september 30 golden age october 14 golden age october 28 golden age november 11 golden age november 25 golden age december 9 golden age december 23 golden age completes the golden age from 1925 to 1931.-atlantis
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!