Why not, if you have nothing to hide you shouldn't be worried.
Posts by spawn
Should The Police Be Able To Search Without A Warrant?
by minimus infor example, if you were stopped for suspiscion of driving under the influence, should the police be allowed to search through your cell phone?.
Does Anyone Miss Being In The Jehovah's Witness Cult?
by minimus ini saw 6 jw zombies walking up a hill near where i live the other day.
they all were dressed nicely.
they walked together in twos.
Thats a hard question to answer!
If it was a choice betweem the Borg and Red Hot Poker up my Arse, I'd go for the Poker because the last thing I want to be is a Robot without a personality.
Looking for Another Scripture in NWT. . This Time About Saying Gossip is Bad
by Ilovebirthdays inhow i wish that my husband hadn't thrown away my bible.
anyway, does anybody have a quick scripture i can use to ask someone who has said they are a jw, but have a screen name of gossip monger why they feel that would be an appropriate screen name for a jw?.
Lets face it if it wasn't for good Gossip nobody would talk to each other at the KH, and all they do between doors is catch up on who's doing what with who.
Gossip Monger is a good name for any sister at the KH
When do you get it 'Digested' fully?
by AK - Jeff inthe facts are in for me:.
god is not realman has evolvedlife ends forever when we diefor those more settled in these intelligent facts: how long does it take to fully lay all the superstitious bile to the pile forever?
is it another 'grieving period' like the one when i left jws, and the one when i finally rejected silly christian fairyland?.
Jeff, I must say that I also agree with you.
"Letting Spiritual Light Shine Online" - Watcthower.org gets 70,000 hits a day!
by slimboyfat ini am reading the new 2010 yearbook at the moment.
on page 13 it says www.watchtower.org gets 70,000 hits a day, and that 24 million people visited the web site last year, a 33% increase since 2007. .
simon, how does that compare with this site?
Here we, from a website analyst.
Hits don't mean a thing as they are just requests to a server.
For example the web page is one hit, every image on the page generates a hit so if you have a page with 50 images thats 51 hits for every one view if the same person views the page twice thats a 102 hits for one visitor.
So do the maths yourself if you want to have a laugh. Just another "we are up our own arse view from the Borg"
What's your personality type? Myers-Briggs test
by frankiespeakin intake this 72 yes/no question test to find out.. http://www.humanmetrics.com/cgi-win/jtypes2.asp.
Kids TV programmes (England and Ireland only sorry) that were on in the 70's and early 80's
by jdhf ini am trying to remember a kids programme that was on while i was a wee thing during the 70's... now i was only born in '68, so i guess it would be late 70's early 80's.
i remember bears, and animation, but i don't think cartoon.
anyway, please can anyone list their favourite british kids programmes during these times and hopefully i will get an epiphany!
Will never forget Pogles wood, Pipkins, Catweazle, Here come the Double Deckers and Rentaghost are a few that spring to mind
my story.
by xbro inthis is a truthfull account of what i went through,it is a work in progress and there is much mor to come.. all i can say to anyone reading this and are contemplating joining or are still a jehovahs witness is dont join and those that have,leave asap!.
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Hello Tiger, you just want to make me cry.
You will get that Hug when we meet up
Finished Ex-Jehovah's Witness Survey (Please fill out for help with project)...
by Tuesday inhey everyone!.
) did you feel the religion was a cult before leaving?:.
) do you feel the religion is a cult now after leaving?:.
Ex-Jehovah’s Witness Survey
A.) Name: (Mike)
B.) Gender
C.) Age:
1.) How were you introduced to Jehovah's Witnesses:
Converted in your 30's
2.) How did you leave the religion:
Stopped attending all at once
3.) What Age did you leave?
4.) Were you Baptized
5.) What General reason did you leave the religion:
Didn’t believe the teachings, not allowed to question the teachings, disagreed with stance on social issues, didn’t agree with things said in the magazines or on the platform.
6.) How did you feel about the doctrine before leaving:
Believed there we more things wrong than right
7.) Did your feelings about the doctrine effect the way you left?
8.) If you were disfellowshipped for sin, did your feelings on the doctrine effect you sinning in the first place?
9.) Did you feel the religion was a cult before leaving?:
I saw a few similarities between the religion and a cult
10.) Did you research the religion's teachings after leaving?
11.) What are your feelings on the doctrine of the religion since leaving?
They are totally wrong
12.) How do you feel about the organization since leaving?:
They are evil
13.) How do you feel about the people since leaving?:
They are misguided people and I feel sorry for them
14.) Do you feel the religion is a cult now after leaving?:
Yes they are definitely a cult
15.) What is your opinion on the intelligence of those still in the Organization? :
They're not very intelligent
16.) Are you happier now that you’re gone?
I think every day about how happy I am to have left
17.) Do you feel that other than the fact you left the Jehovah’s Witnesses that they would agree with how you live your life?
They would not agree with anything I do now
18.) If a Jehovah’s Witness approaches you to discuss their religion you’re more than likely do the following:
Discuss in detail all the wrong things in their religion
19.) Would you consider returning?
When hell freezes over
20.) How do you feel about discussing your time as a Jehovah's Witness?:
I’ll only talk about it with certain people who understand the circumstances
Looking forward to the results
Have read a report on them that the contents are not as healthy as they say and can cause some nasty side affects