Cantleave who's God?
Posts by spawn
The Adam and Eve story
by michell inok, there u go adam your alive now , i love u now see that tree with the fruit , yep u eat it u die ,i wont tell you,you ll kill maybe 6000.000.000. people not to mention aborted babys who will never get ressurected millons and millions of them, ok, hey god who,s that ,thats eve woooooowe.
she is hot to trot man !
can i do to her that thing the monkeys do, sure can !
Me and my Wife like to Swing if anyone wants to join us.....
by Witness 007 the kid's playground swings.
i hate the monkey bars since my feet drag on the ground!.
april fools!!!!!!!!!
perhaps a rope might be better.
Looking to meet new friends
by little-butterfly inhello my name is kerri and i was reinstated back into the truth last year after drifting away when i was younger.. im 28 and live in the nottinghamshire area and am looking forward to making new friends all over the world.. hope to hear from some of you soon.
I can smell BS in the air!
Informal poll...Which Meeting was the most boring for you? Which one did you stop attending first?
by mindmelda infor me, it was always the theocratic ministry school/field service meeting.. strangely, i never minded giving talks, because i always wanted to perform and have virtually no stage fright.
but, listening to some of the deadly dull talks used to make me look at the clock a lot.
i always felt sorry for some poor slob who had to give his first bible reading on something like job's daughters raping him after getting him drunk.. i swear i think our school overseer did it on purpose because he was a mean sob.. and, i hated field slavery as my parents became witnesses when i was about 12, never did get a good attitude about it.
I can't remember off hand but I think it I just went one sunday and gave up after the Public Talk, walked out and have never been back.
My mom's love for me is based on well I am doing 'spiritually'---
by QuestioningEverything inthis is the comment that my husband made to me this morning about his mom.
i felt terrible for him.
his childhood was very jw structured.
Don't take this personal like but your mother is MENTAL and don't deny it.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Memorial 2010 Your Experiences
by scotinsw injust got back from memorial.
only went so that i could say to my parents that i had gone and to remind myself why i left.. oh my word!!!
it was sooooo painful.. got there a bit late - it was a couple of minutes into the talk.
Had to miss it as I was reading my son a bedtime story (Snow White and then some of Howls moving castle), making sure a three year old keeps to a good bedtime routine means nothing gets in the way.
Anyway the Buggers never invited us!!
Fatfreek 2005 is this a new publication for this year?
want to say hello to all the heathens and worldy ones out there
by avesta inhi i dis - assd myself six years ago and only just found this site.. i wished i had found it years ago instead of having to ween off the cult practices i was born into for 35 yrs.. i had a very hard time adjusting and still find some things difficult to come to terms with.. i bumped into a "sister" i had last seen wen i left last week to find out she had left the "cult" as well and is a qualified reiki master and also a hypnotherapist.
i think it is great she can carry on with her new life despite the ingrained teachings of demons.. i have divorced in the meantime and have done so much in the past six years than i ever did in the 35 years before.
oh and i am much more conteded, i have no one over my shoulder telling me i am wrong for this or that!
welcome Heaven so glad you found us here an Heathenville. You can rely on the board to help you and love you now you are free.
Check Out This Magic Act
by metatron in
you don't need to understand chinese.
this guy is amazing.
How cool can you get, Magic demons at work.
CO visit provides preview of April generation change!
by agent zero ini thought the april wt's brazen generation doctrine change would barely get an official mention before nor after the two paragraphs that deal with it, but yesterday i went to the circuit overseer's visit and in a talk from a bethel outline, he specifically mentioned the change, and i quote... "the very very very newest information we have available, from the april 15th 2010 watchtower!
" ..reads the infamous paragraphs.. and then, "isn't that wonderful brothers and sisters?
so now we understand that it means that brother russell's life overlapped with brother rutherford's who's life overlapped (he went through them all), so clearly, this means the end is near.".
I almost wet myself laughing reading this. How can the dumb sheep believe this BS?