i thought the april wt's brazen generation doctrine change would barely get an official mention before nor after the two paragraphs that deal with it, but yesterday i went to the circuit overseer's visit and in a talk from a bethel outline, he specifically mentioned the change, and i quote..
"the very very very NEWEST information we have available, from the april 15th 2010 watchtower!" ..reads the infamous paragraphs.. and then, "isn't that wonderful brothers and sisters? so now we understand that it means that brother russell's life overlapped with brother rutherford's who's life overlapped (he went through them all), so CLEARLY, this means the end is near."
i looked around a little to see if anyone else seemed like they disagreed, but saw nothing but blank stares, not a mention of it after the meeting. i assume it'll be the same when the actual article comes around, wont change anything.