JoinedPosts by kashkrunched
Suicide - How many do you know within the JWs
by Lady Lee inthw wts likes to play games with their statistics.
one interesting but truly tragic is the number of jwhovah's witnesses who commit suicie.. now i suspect that if a person commits suicide shortly before or after they are disfellowshipped then the elders would say that person wasn't a witness or that they had done something so terrible that they were too guilty to admit it and by their action of committing suicide they pretty much declared they were no longer a jw.. yup fancy talk to make sure any crap didn't fall on them.. so my question.. do you know of cases like this?
if so then can you answer a few more questions.. had this person been dfed or in real danger of being dfed or whatever the equivalent is if they were never baptized?.
Fallout from the apostate-bashing WT article?
by cedars ini've noticed there are a few excellent threads on here about sunday's 9/11 watchtower study.
my own analysis of its more blatantly farcical claims (including that of apostates being "mentally diseased") can be seen here.. what i really wanted to know is - what has the fallout been?
has it created any horror-stories within people's families or homes, etc?
Would you go back if you thought there were one in a million chances you were wrong?
by Paul Duda inoften i wake up in a cold sweat wondering if i'm wrong.
life is short.
i have only a brief time to make a decision.
Knowledge is power. When I first began to fade from the Watchtower, I also had reservations that I was making a wrong decision. Reading COC by Ray Franz helped to confirm my suspicions about the Watchtower, however, there were lingering doubts about religion in general, the Bible and even the existence of god. Maybe god is using someone else?
In 2009, I finally found the answer: religion and all of their holy books are based on myths; elaborate allegories based on the movement of the sun (the solar messiah) through the various constellations. The Zeitgeist film was a major breakthrough for me. From there, I spent another year investigating astrotheology (OMG, I’m an apostate!). Learning that was a great relief.
So, there's nothing to fear; leaving the Watchtower and ANY religion and understanding their true foundation will lead to great relief. Move on and enjoy your life!
Wouldn't the predators on the ark have eaten everything by the time the 40 days was over?
by highdose inlet say noah did manage to get all the species into the ark... about half of them would have been predators and the other half natural prey.. are we going to belive that they went without eating for 40 days and nights?
or the ridiculous theory as the wt would have it that noah fed them nice tasty bales of straw which they happily munched on?.
and even if one of these two exhuses were true, when the animals were let out of the ark into a world now deverstated by a flood, then wouldn't they have continued eating eachother???
The Bible "stories" were written in an allegorical form that reflects the history and culture of their time. Heaven was a parallel world where the gods or Jehovah dwelt. It was such a common practice, that there is a wealth of astral myths (astrotheology) to draw from that parallel the Bible.
The story of Noah is one of them.
The Watchtower claims that, because the various cultures of humanity share the "Noah Story", that it MUST be true. The facts are, however, what these cultures have in common are those "lights in the sky".
It's an irony that, the very thing that the Watchtower condemns, astrology, is the foundation of the Bible and the bedrock of their theology.
BOE LTR Dec 26, 2010 "Increased Activity April 2011"....Transcript....
by yknot inin an effort to increase the praise and honor to jehovah and jesus christ at the time of the memorial, the governing body has arranged for a special period of increased activity during april 2011.
you will be pleased to learn that during april 2011, publishers who wish to serve as auxiliary pioneers may indicate on the application whether they will be working toward a 30-hour or 50-hour requirement for the month.
this is a special arrangement for the month of april 2011 only.
The GB claim that this increased activity is to the ‘praise of Jehovah’. Actually, it’s a holiday/celebration to ancient Pagan gods, such as Mithras and Dionysus.
Sacred meals to the gods is not a new concept to Christianity.
Here's how the Catholic Encyclopedia describes the Pagan Eucharists of the Mystery Religions:
"There was usually the meal of mystic foods -- grains of all sorts at Eleusis,bread and water in the cult of Mithra , wine ( Dionysus ), milk and honey ( Attis ), raw bull's flesh in the Orphic Dionysus-Zagreus cult."
[Paganism, in The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume XI]A quick Google search will reveal a plethora of information exposing the ‘Memorial/ Eucharist” for what it really is NOT.
Christians share a sacred meal with their mythic god.
Pagans did it first.
January 1 WT - Garden of Eden - Most inane article in a while
by eric356 inthe wt has really managed to outdo itself in regards to stupid, poorly researched articles attempting to defend ancient myths as literal history.
the latest effort is the cover article "the garden of eden - myth or fact?".
no moderately educated adult should have to ponder that question for long before answering "myth".
Once upon a time...
a long time before TV, Monday Night Football, Internet and the lightbulb, folks spent their time studying the stars.
When the sun went down, the only available light was either the sun's reflection on the moon, the stars or a campfire. The dry, cloudless climate in the Middle East, minus city light pollution must have made for some spectacular evenings for stories and other tall tales based on positions of these mysterious lights in the sky.
The patterns in the sky were eventually personified into elaborate myths and took on a life of their own.
The Garden of Eden story is in the stars; the Zodiac. For a thorough explaination, look at this link:
It doesn't take great intelligence to see this biblical scam; only courage to accept it's reality.
V's memorial teaser - its time to get busy with your email campaigns :-)
by besty inthey had better wine glasses at this hall, but otherwise everything was the same.
we had one at our hall last year.
so the people in the side rows get to hold the wine glass twice.
Christians are not the first to have a sacred meal to their god. Mithras' faithful celebrated a sacred meal with their God. So did followers of Adonis, Attis, Osiris, and other Pagan Gods of the Mystery Religions. New members of the Mysteries of Isis and Osiris completed their initiation with a sacramental meal.
Here's how the Catholic Encyclopedia describes the Pagan Eucharists of the Mystery Religions:
"[There was usually the meal of mystic foods— grains of all sorts at Eleusis, bread and water in the cult of Mithra, wine (Dionysus), milk and honey (Attis), raw bull's flesh in the Orphic Dionysus-Zagreus cult." [The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume XI, Paganism]Jehovah's Witnesses pride themselves in being separate from Babylon the Great, the mother of harlots and idolotrous worship. However, they've tricked themselves into honoring and ancient, pagan feast.
The Pagan Christ
by poopsiecakes inhas anyone read this book?
i haven't, but i just watched a documentary on it.
the author's premise is that the idea of jesus as a god coming to earth came out of egyptian mythology and that there is no real archeological evidence that jesus actually existed.
Jesus is real. So is Santa Claus and the Wizard of Oz. You just need faith and click your heels three times and say, 'there's no place like the Kingdom Hall'.
Does Anyone Miss Being In The Jehovah's Witness Cult?
by minimus ini saw 6 jw zombies walking up a hill near where i live the other day.
they all were dressed nicely.
they walked together in twos.
Kinda 'yes' and kinda 'no'.
I had a lot of fun working at Bethel (1980-84); had a lot of friends and great times working/living there. I still reminisce looking at the old photos collected through those years.
Pioneering was also enjoyable. Trying to understand the householder's thinking, overcoming objections was a small, personal triumph. The Theocratic School was also helpful in sharpening my teaching, reading and verbal skills (I'm a music teacher).
However, becoming an elder emphasized to me that this was just another 'business'. The judicial meetings were especially a drag. I don't miss being an overseer.
Now, without the Wt 'structure', with more freedom, I have to be more self-disciplined to get things done. However, I don't miss the WT enough to ever want to go back. -
response from Ray Franz on generation change
by isaacaustin inthanks for your letter and the thoughts contained.
others had commented on the latest shift of the interpretation of this generation.
as you recognize this allows for an unending extension of time and likely stems from an awareness of the approach of the year 2014 marking 100 years since the date of 1914.. .
"The End of the World will be in 2012". Hollywood 3:16