Wow, things must have changed since the `80`s then, I`m sure I would have noticed that. Perhaps it`s that women tend to live longer, and there are lots of pensioners that get dragged to the assemblies??
Paul UK
i've heard it said that the male female ratio between jehovah's witness's is 7 female to 1 male.
when you go to the assemblies or the hall, nothing could be further from the truth.
were do people come up with those numbers anyway?
Wow, things must have changed since the `80`s then, I`m sure I would have noticed that. Perhaps it`s that women tend to live longer, and there are lots of pensioners that get dragged to the assemblies??
Paul UK
i must confess to 'lurking' occasionally for several years on this site - purely because i am bone idle and spend most of my day writing with work.
many of the posts are really funny, moving or both and very well written so thanks to all who contribute.. as can no doubt be seen by my inability to recognise that maybe having your own name as a username may not be the best of ideas (i don't have anything to hide but even so - it does reveal a complete lack of imagination), i have not posted to any forum before as far as i can remember.
my story is at least as 'entertaining' as some others on here and when i get the time will right it down if only as another warning for all the doubting jws that may read it.
LoL Wobble, us up north are always really drunk, it`s a coping mechanism doncha know. I blame the WTS myself.
All the best
Paul UK
i must confess to 'lurking' occasionally for several years on this site - purely because i am bone idle and spend most of my day writing with work.
many of the posts are really funny, moving or both and very well written so thanks to all who contribute.. as can no doubt be seen by my inability to recognise that maybe having your own name as a username may not be the best of ideas (i don't have anything to hide but even so - it does reveal a complete lack of imagination), i have not posted to any forum before as far as i can remember.
my story is at least as 'entertaining' as some others on here and when i get the time will right it down if only as another warning for all the doubting jws that may read it.
Hi, I`m in Wakefield, not a million miles away. Welcome to the forum. (ps ignore the southern softies )
All the best
Paul Uk
we live in a 2nd floor apartment so they had to ring the buzzer ...2 ladies wanting to leave me a 'little tract'...after confirming they were jws i said:.
"please dont - may i suggest you go away and read the book 'crisis of conscience' by ray franz before you leave anymore of the tracts?
then you'll understand what actually goes on in the new york bethel.".
I had them at the door last week, I threw everything I could remember at them, generation change*, blood**, df ing***, C T Russels pyramid measuring****, 1975***** nothing really bothered them until I said put me down as a "do not call", perhaps I should have told them I DA`d near on 20 years ago. But they caught me on a day I was feeling quite combative, I doubt that any of what I said sunk in.
* they gave me the impression that if you`ve seen any footage from 1914 on the TV, you`re part of the generation now.
** Didn`t have blood fractions in the past, so all those that died - tough!
*** Keep congregation clean
**** he was "searching" for the truth
***** "erm"
All the best
Paul UK
expecting the gasman at 10:15 i opened my front door and saw 2 jws there.
i asked:.
"are you jehovah's witnesses and no thank you.".
"In Nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti. Amen" whist crossing yourself with three fingers extended really flummuxs them.
All the best
Paul UK
i can only say i'm new here in the sense i've just been able to join.
i have actually followed this forum for over a year now.
i've tried joing several times but must have been doing something wrong, so i thought i'd try one more time and it finally worked.. i was a born-in jw.
Welcome to the forum ZeusRocks, it was very interesting reading your biography, Im glad that you are settled with your life now.
Thanks for sharing your story.
All the best
Paul UK
ever since i was a kid, i felt so lucky - so lucky (i know, i know) that out of all the religions in the world, i happened to be born into a family that practiced the one true religion in all the universe.
it seemed much to good to be true, but i always thought it was such a happy coincidence.
my immediate family and grandparents were jehovah's witnesses.. .
Thanks for sharing your experiences with us, very interesting.
All the best
Paul UK
the god delusion is a 2006 bestselling non-fiction book by british biologist richard dawkins, professorial fellow of new college, oxford, and inaugural holder of the charles simonyi chair for the public understanding of science at the university of oxford.. .
in the god delusion, dawkins contends that a supernatural creator almost certainly does not exist and that belief in a personal god qualifies as a delusion, which he defines as a persistent false belief held in the face of strong contradictory evidence.
He comes across as the Aethiest version of the most ardent Super Pioneer, intolerent of any viewpoint other than his own, self righteous and arrogant.
Other than that, He`s a knowledgable chap. He strikes me as the type of person so adept in winding people up, that he would probably annoy a nun enough for her to bop him one on the nose!.
Paul UK
in february of 2009 i slipped a letter of conscience under the doormat of my former book study conductor who was out of town.
that letter was written because i could not support a portion of the materials that constantly was featured in wts literature.
at the time i was a sister in good standing.
A very thoughtful and well explained way to leave WTS.
Not like mine which was (very roughly) " I disassociate myself, don`t call"
All the best
Paul UK
i first came on this site around the time we were waiting the my daughters abuser to face justice in crown court , we got no justice (due to lack of evidence) but his other victims had a very small section of the abuse they suffered legally recognised , due to a deal being done with the defence , so we waited 20 months to give evidence just to be dropped at the last minute for a "deal" my by now ex best friend decided to stand by the child rapist !as did some of his family despite him being a disfellowshipped person (he was not disfellowshipped for child abuse ) and they are all jws !
isold my house and left the town i once loved as i couldnt bare to be in the same town as him when he left prison (he did 18 months of a 3 year sentence ) and see his supportive family knocking on doors taliking of truth made me feel like screaming at them "what about my poor girl , wheres your support for her , you hypocrites "my daughter is still very much affected by what happened to her age 13 , sexual, physical and mental abuse over months and months .
but i also have a 6 year old girl who was only 20 months old when i found out and reported the abuse to the police , and the long process started , for the next 20 moths i could think of nothing but giving evidence in court and trying to support my girl who was also terrified of that , my little one was 3 and a half when he was sentenced and i looked back and realised i had hardley taken any notice of her since i found out about my other girls abuse , i had missed out on so much of her best times , learning new words etc , i was too preoccupied .
All the best for you and your family`s future. I hope that your future is a happy one, and you and your family find peace and love.
It has been an awful experience for you all, and although you don`t appear to have found justice, your future is in your hands, and I`m sure you and your family will find happiness.
I`m sure you know that you will always find support here.
All the Best
Paul UK