I don't think I will bother coming here anymore I really don't need anymore attacks on my family by JWs or exJWs.
JoinedPosts by LittleSister
All I can say about thr finale of "Lost" is...
by changeling inwtf???!!!.
they are all fucking dead!.
All I can say about thr finale of "Lost" is...
by changeling inwtf???!!!.
they are all fucking dead!.
Perhaps it is a cultural thing, I don't find being calling simple minded insulting in fact here it’s more of a jovial comment. I am however deeply offended at the father of my children being publicly likened to someone who pushes children off see saws and pisses in neighbour’s flowers.
All I can say about thr finale of "Lost" is...
by changeling inwtf???!!!.
they are all fucking dead!.
poopsiecakes you told Spawn to:
Please stop mistaking free speech for disrespect.
Well posting that he is the type of person who:
knock children off see saws and piss on your neighbor's flowers too
is pretty dam disrespectful about someone you don't really know and over a TV SHOW. Just because someone doesn't hold something in the same regard you do does not give you the right to retaliate in this manner.
Perhaps both you and changeling should contemplate on the idea of simplicity. Spawn's reference was in relation to the mind as it was obvious from series or should I say season one that they were all dead or at least that would be the explanation when the programme finally wrapped.
It was simply the obvious choice.
I found Lost to be a programme that pretended to be complicated, but actually very little really happened. Each episode was dragged out that little bit longer than necessary and in the end it was a show that left me with a feeling of frustration and dissatisfaction. You could never call it mentally challenging or intellectually deep.
Goodbye! .....Sort of
by cantleave ini've been on here nearly a year and i believe it is time to move on.. i think i know what i want out of life.
i have been spending less time on here and am now back in full time employment (not on a consultancy basis - but properly employed!)..
i need to think about building a career and consider the future, build a retirement fund, reduce my debts and pay off my mortgage.
So you took the job good for you.
You won't hear much from Spawn either as we just got a new PS3 so he is rather busy.
Today is our 45th anniversary !
by Nick! inwe are happy to share it with you !!!.
Did you ever play this legalistic JW game?
by no lies please ini remember years ago playing a game at gatherings wherein the object was to get into the new system.
they would hold up a nwt or a knowledge book (or similar)and after clearing their throat would state the name of the book that they were holding and state that if you read it and apply it you would get into the new system.
after which you were told whether or not you made it into the new system by precisely repeating what you had heard.
Perhaps it could be improved by turning it into a drinking game.
In fact you could use a WT mag and select certain keyword phrases then start reading the WT study for this Sunday:
- Jehovah = take one sip
- Faithful slave = take two sips
- Ministry = take three sips
- Generation = down you drink in one
- Praise Jesus = Go make a black coffee
The perfect is the enemy of the good
by JeffT ini've been thinking about this quote (usually attributed to voltaire).
my last employer was never satisfied with good, he always found a way to demand more.
the wtbs has the same problem.
True if God had a set way for us to live I think it would be more obvious and less cryptic.
Life is a gift to not live it to the full would be ungrateful.
HAVE you ever gone on a TRIP like this one??
by Terry inon a hot afternoon visiting in coleman texas, a family is comfortably playing checkers on a porch, until the father-in-law suggests that they.
take a trip to abiline (53 miles away) for dinner.
the wife says, "sounds like a great idea.
Yes I now make it a rule to try to always be honest yet tactful when someone asks for my opinion. No more long trips to places I don't really want to go to for me.
Will my grief ever end?...
by Lozhasleft inok so my youngest daughter (17) has been enveloped by her 'spiritual' older siblings and at the same time convinced that her mum is an evil disfellowshipped harlot.... its gutted me for the past 8 months ...i miss her dreadfully and worry so much about her...i thought she knew me better and that we had an unbreakable bond ....the things she's said to me in emails and texts have torn me apart and i cant keep going back for more...much as i love her i cant continue to be a punch bag...it would kill me to go through anymore abuse..... currently she's getting involved via facebook with some of my new hubby's family (not jws) ...i think there's trouble ahead..... loz x.
Oh Loz I don't know what to say except that I am here for you with an online hug and wish I could make it all better for you.
What's The Nicest Piece of Jewelry That You Own?
by minimus ini have 2 rings and a watch.
2 diamond rings and a diamond bezeled rolex.
other than that, i don't wear anything else.. my ex loved (still loves) jewelry and she's got an unbelievable collection of goodies....what aboutchoo?
Oh Minimus I don't think a watch could ever be worth more than me.