Great posts by all. Fiery, informative and funny per the norm. I agree Shades. The scriptural evidence equating Jesus Christ with God [obviously seperate from the Father] is overwhelming. Only diehard unitarians will continue to deny what the scriptures actually say. It's sad to see that they always address God's oneness and never acknowledge the scriptural truths written for all to read.
IE - My friend DESIGNS posted 2 Billion christians are wrong godrulz, ask a Rabbi what 'One God' means, it is different from what the RCC defines 'one god' to mean.
Revisionists ssssshh.
Designs, Designs, Designs, Been reading the 'should you believe in the trinity' booklet again. Haven't you learned that booklet is full of lying garbage? Sheese. I know that I've pointed this out to you on other occassions, perhaps you had forgotten, but because you are a 'student' I shall try to explain to you again in laymans' terms. In the Hebrew language [the language of the Old Testament] there are 2 words for one. The word 'yachid' refers to a singular one meaning only one. The other word for one in Hebrew is 'echad' wich means a compound or unified one. Examples in the scriptures include 'evening and morning becoming one ['echad] day, husband and wife becoming one ['echad] flesh and the Lord God is one ['echad] God.
Of course, the word Trinity is not present, but God being one [yachid] singular is also non-existant in the OT.