Like I said. The analogy made me think. Not saying that I'm buying or selling it.
just saying I suppose
i heard a preist pose this question and i'll admit, it made me think.. if your neighbor had a dog and a monkey and his dog bite you.
would you accept an apology from the neighbors monkey?.
just asking.
Like I said. The analogy made me think. Not saying that I'm buying or selling it.
just saying I suppose
i heard a preist pose this question and i'll admit, it made me think.. if your neighbor had a dog and a monkey and his dog bite you.
would you accept an apology from the neighbors monkey?.
just asking.
Apognophos - The analogy goes like this. God is the man who gets bit by the neighbors {Jesus's} dog {us humans}. God [the Father, more specifically] needs correction. Does a monkey {Angel Michael} satisfy the correction? I think no. Now, how is Jesus the neighbor? Colossians 1;16 says that allthings were created by Jesus for Jesus. So Jesus created all things that were created. The monkey and the dog are his.
Thank God I answered that one before I saw One Eyed Joe's comment. I had to stop writing for 10 minutes before writing again because I was laughing so hard! That;s a good one....until you look more closely. My analogy has legs...just saying
Sloppy Joe, are you related to One Eyed Joe? You guys are killing it!
The Truth Shall Set Us Free - For the Father loved the world so much that he sent his only begotten son to die for us. I didn't say that, the bible did. ps I like your name.
Terry - you mean that in an atom in my finger, there could be a whole little universe?!?
the truth will set you free TTWSYF
one dictionary defines naive as;generally speaking,to be naive means you do not think enough.people who are "naive" tend to beleive in whatever they are told,without questioning whether it is right or wrong.i think this defines jw because they accept whatever the group of 7 tells them.ex.the several definations of a generation.or the end is near see wt 2000 etc.. these people are naive,because they believe that people like himmler regret sending all jews to the gas chamber( quote from internet).
The worst thing is that they are NOT stupid, but are accepting the training of dulling the mind. Just keep repeating the same thing over and over until that becomes the reply, not thought or critical thinking. Just repeating what has been driven into their heads.
How do you bring out the critical thinking when it has been conditioned to the back of your brain?
i heard a preist pose this question and i'll admit, it made me think.. if your neighbor had a dog and a monkey and his dog bite you.
would you accept an apology from the neighbors monkey?.
just asking.
Meaning if man offended God with the fall from grace, why would God accept an angel's crucifixtion to make amends? That is if angels are above humanity, they would be the monkey, we would be the dog.
There, I connected the dots [didn't I?]
i heard a preist pose this question and i'll admit, it made me think.. if your neighbor had a dog and a monkey and his dog bite you.
would you accept an apology from the neighbors monkey?.
just asking.
I heard a preist pose this question and I'll admit, it made me think.
If your neighbor had a dog and a monkey and his dog bite you. Would you accept an apology from the neighbors monkey?
Just asking
i was talking with two brothers at the kingdom hall the other day.
one of them suggested seeing the new exodus movie.
the other brother says, "i heard it's really violent"!
recommend it
i was talking with two brothers at the kingdom hall the other day.
one of them suggested seeing the new exodus movie.
the other brother says, "i heard it's really violent"!
The Passion {by Mel Gibson} was very violent, but I'D STILL
is being a "good" elder the same as being a "good" catholic priest?.
is there any difference between representing the rcc and representing that other bastion of child abuse the wt?.
Catholic priests are confirmed by the laying of hands to confirm the Holy spirit as has been done for almost 2000 years
just saying
the third bullet point there claims they baptize in jesus name.
i know the baptism questions never mention jesus once.. .
Jehovah witnesses lie and say that they baptise in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit said Honesty
So is that lying for the truth or theocratic warfare?
Just asking....
just thinking out loud becauseof some things my elder brother has said in the past.
how his works help ensure his future w/the great crowd on earth.. .
well, i need jesus for my salvation,but perhaps some of you do not.. just asking.
And Dont Call Me Shirley- Great post exposing another WTS lie
Hope my brother thinks that means something. How can one reason with someone who thinks lying for the truth is acceptable and koser?
just saying