It's very difficult to accept real truth when it contradicts what you have/had believed to be true. Of course, the truth was always there, we just couldn't see it at the time.
Lots of examples that are/were ignored because we want to believe the best about our faith, not the worst.
The bible speaks about warfare with the spirit world [powers and principalities]. The WTS speaks about theocratic warfare against people. Anyone who questions the WTS can and should be lied to for not being worthy enough for the truth. The biggest problem with this is that the WTS and it's members will lie to their own flock. Madness.
The bible speaks of knowing a tree by it's fruit, but the WTS has no fruit. Sure, they have works like going door to door and restoring God's true name [so they say], but where is the fruit from these works? There are none. Who would acknowledge that within the WTS? My elder brother tries to tell me that works are fruits...Sorry bro, works that please the Lord are proven by the fruits. Works are not fruits.