Cofty, I respectfully disagree. There are many wonderful people in the Church who help the poor, the widows, the orphans and the destitude. One out of twelve is more than enough to bring ruin to anys' reputation.
the top cardinal of britian has resigned, cardinal keith o'brien, the archbishop of edinburgh, has given notice amid accusations by three priests that he made 'inappropriate contact' with them.
he will not be able to vote in the upcoming selection of the new pope.
the current pope has accepted his resignation.. like cardinal mahoney of the los angeles archdiocese, cardinal o'brien will be allowed to 'retire' receiving a nice pension and home paid for by hard working catholics.
Cofty, I respectfully disagree. There are many wonderful people in the Church who help the poor, the widows, the orphans and the destitude. One out of twelve is more than enough to bring ruin to anys' reputation.
in a post by leolaia she stated:.
then the trinity brochure came out and i almost immediately became upset at its intellectual dishonesty, as by this time i was very familiar with the early church fathers and recognized that the brochure distorted heavily their views.. .
early church fathers and their views?
I agree that way too many people think of the bible as the only authority.
My brother the [devout]JW will argue that the [catholic] church does not follow the bible and that they fell away from Jesus's true teachings by the early 3rd or 4th century. No specific date because the WTS has not given him that info.
When I tell him that the bible is a catholic book that was confirmed around 392 ad, he just has a very confused look.
The early church fathers [and their writings] were and are a treasure. Their teachings are confirmed in 2Thessalonians 2:15
NWT 2Thess 2:15 So, then, brothers, stand firm and maintain ? YOUR ? hold on the traditions that ? YOU ? were taught, whether it was through a verbal message or through a letter of ours
the top cardinal of britian has resigned, cardinal keith o'brien, the archbishop of edinburgh, has given notice amid accusations by three priests that he made 'inappropriate contact' with them.
he will not be able to vote in the upcoming selection of the new pope.
the current pope has accepted his resignation.. like cardinal mahoney of the los angeles archdiocese, cardinal o'brien will be allowed to 'retire' receiving a nice pension and home paid for by hard working catholics.
I pray that the new pope will address these issues that continue to compromise the church that Jesus himself started.
Reminds me of being in the Army. No matter how good your unit is, there is always some jerk who outranks you.
The only explanation that I can think of is that Jesus picked Judas as one of his twelve apostles.
Satan entered Judas [possessed maybe?].
If Satan could corrupt 1 out of Jesus's hand picked 12, how many of his preists, bishops, deacons, laypeople or popes has he corrupted?
1 in 12 seems like a legit number to me.
in a post by leolaia she stated:.
then the trinity brochure came out and i almost immediately became upset at its intellectual dishonesty, as by this time i was very familiar with the early church fathers and recognized that the brochure distorted heavily their views.. .
early church fathers and their views?
My apologies to you Rattigan for killing your post.......
in a post by leolaia she stated:.
then the trinity brochure came out and i almost immediately became upset at its intellectual dishonesty, as by this time i was very familiar with the early church fathers and recognized that the brochure distorted heavily their views.. .
early church fathers and their views?
The truth is that ALL of the church fathers considered Jesus as God in the flesh. The trinity booklet is just another example of Watchtower a long long list of lies.
Praise Jesus!
at least that's the rumor.. rub a dub.
Just one pope left before Jesus returns [according to the published prophesies of St. Malachy of the 12th century]
i'm about to suggest a chilling thought: given that a nuclear war could end the world, how many times have we come within seconds of that happening?.
here's another incredible thought - if you do a google search on the subject of near nuclear wars, the lists often come up with completely different near misses.
Let's see, there was that close call in 1873, then 1917, 1918, 1925, 1932, and who can forget 1975. But that is only according to the WTS. I'm sure more than one JW was expecting [hoping] that 12/21/12 Mayan thing was gonna happen.
do you heard something about that book?!
What's that church famous for exorcisms?
well as the title says it.
i had 3 mormons "call" on me a few minutes ago.
this is the first time being on the other side of the door knocking.
I'll quote my JW brother " We eat Mormons for breakfast!"
one of my strangest memories of going to the kh was when a young- maybe 18-20, pimply young man got up to talk about jhvhs view of masturbation during a service meeting.. of course, it was impossible to think about him not masturbating.
i was just hitting puberty and found the whole thing very uncomfortable- i think my dad was even critiquing him (what is that called when elder gives the feedback).
looking back now i can see that to publicly condemn masturbation, especially when a young man is delivering this admonition, is- well- hilarious.
I'm, I'm I'm I'm knocking on your door...whew!