Why do you go door to door with a Catholic book?
Posts by TTWSYF
Quickfire Questions to ask JW's at your door?
by ThomasCovenant inoccassionally (very) i have met jw's that don't know me and i would like to ask them something to make them think.. any suggestions for quick, simple, thought provoking questions to ask jw's that you may meet?.
i seem to remember 'v' did a youtube question along the lines of,.
''how can you belong to a religion that allows blood fractions to be transfused?''.
Leave it in Jehovah's Hands - Your thoughts?
by berrygerry inleave it in jehovah's hands.
is there a more disgusting phrase in jw land?.
the abuse, harms, thefts, suicides, family destruction - leave it in jehovah's hands.. why would anyone with a more than 2 neurons say, "oh that makes sense," we do not need to change or intervene in any way.. sooner or later, god will take of things.. .
Anddontcallmeshirley- a little harsh...just saying
I think Perry makes the point that when you have faith (in God, not a cult), then God will lead you where you belong.
I agree with his post.
The truth will set you free. And merry Christmas!
Similarity between Jesus and Jehovahs Witnesses
by Kalos inthere are numerous similarities between jesus and jehovahs witnesses.
to mention a few:.
1) both suspected they are anointed by god and started preaching work.. 2) both had some ambiguous references (which can be interpreted to suit any conclusion one likes to have) from the scriptures.. 3) friends and family members of both generally believed they were insane (mark 3:21), and religious experts attributed power of satan to the work being accomplished by both (mark 3:22).
Both claim to be equal to God
"I baptise you in the name of the FATHER, the SON, and GODS VISABLE ORGANSIZATION''
Just saying
Accuracy of the Revised NWT
by dabster ini was speaking with a jw yesterday.
i'd previously mentioned the removal of the brackets around 'other' in colossians 1 making the mistranslation complete.
during our chat he said that the previous edition of the nwt was the more correct one, that the revised version was simply more readable and that it shouldn't be considered the best translation.
To Wonderment -
Thank you for your reply. Like Phizzy said, your reply was balanced, however I respectfully disagree. It is not an opinion that no one endorses the NWT, it is a fact.
While some may say that there are some things that are accurately translated, no group, university or scholar endorses the NWT or the RNWT as an honest and true body of work or even a translation {save for the WTS and it's apologists}
I'm not, nor do I claim to be a scholar, but everytime the WTS quotes a scholar who endorses their version, research shows the scholars quotes were taken out of context....sounds familiar, doesn't it?
just saying,,,hopefully somewhat respectfully,
What Are Jehovah's Witnesses Known For In Helping Humanity? What Can They Brag About?
by BucketShopBill incatholic churches were known for starting schools, orphanages, resthomes, hospitals along with other ideas like universities.
we can debate who started what but you will be missing the point.
i know some of the best colleges were started by religion, what has the watchtower contributed to society as a whole?
Please name a JW foodbank, homeless shelter, battered womens home, hospital, clinic, orphanage, old age home, etc.
My brother and his family are JWs and when he got very sick about 10 years ago, we were the only ones who visited with him. Not one person/friend from the kingdom hall came to visit him or even call his wife to see if they needed anything.
They say that they come to help their own, but really, I don't think they even do that.
jusst saying,
Accuracy of the Revised NWT
by dabster ini was speaking with a jw yesterday.
i'd previously mentioned the removal of the brackets around 'other' in colossians 1 making the mistranslation complete.
during our chat he said that the previous edition of the nwt was the more correct one, that the revised version was simply more readable and that it shouldn't be considered the best translation.
Accuracy in a translation is that the translator translates what the author is trying to convey. It is not changing things to fit what we want the author to say, right?
Accuracy in a translation should be paramount. The NWT and the RNWT are laughable translations. No one, and I mean NO Scholar or professor of biblical languages considers the NWT or RNWT translations as a legit translation or an accurate body of work.
Anytime you do an online search a list of accurate translations, you NEVER see the NWT. Does anyone really wonder why?
just saying
big congrats! Part of the american dream!
The bad news is that you'll never pay it off.......your government will always want you to pay taxes on Thier property forever
just saying
Veneration of the jw.org logo is as the cross is to Catholics
by EndofMysteries injw.org pins, on the kh's, etc, how soon before they are making jw.org altar pieces, necklaces, etc to hold and pray with?
just like the catholics.....
A must to be MS?
by crazyhorse inso is it a must and an absolute requirement to be a ministerial servant in the org?.
i was told that if i refuse an appointment as an ms then it means i'm opposing "jehovah's call to service".
Splash said "Look them in the eye and say 'STOP TWISTING SCRIPTURE!' "
Well said Splash, that works on 90% of any scriptural evidence that is used as WTS 'proof texts' to boot.
just saying
Where would we go, is the question
by Pistoff inwhat better place, what better world can be offered, is the question tossed at those who have left.. what if it is just the same place, without taking everything we hear at the kingdom hall as gospel?.
can we just take with a grain of salt the things we know deep down are without basis?.
it is the same place, with the same friends, but without the drama of feeling that you can never do enough, that you were born sinful.. a faith that does not ask you to treat your family as disposable; a place that does not kick people to the curb when they need their family the most; a faith that lets you trust your heart, not ignore it.. can we just stay in the same place, and realize that we do not have to sacrifice our childrens lives by denying them blood if desperately needed?
I suggested reading the gospels in the bible because although JWs will come to the door saying they have the word, they do not read in a manner that lets them see the truth. You {or anyone} can read and make upyour own mind in relation to what you were taught. Jws really aren't taught the bible, they're taught the watchtower and awake with bible verses thrown in, more often than not, out of context.
I feel very discouraged that so many ex JWs become athiest, especially when the real truth is right there for you to see and read about without corruption [provided that they get rid of the NWT].
Just my opinion and I'm just saying it,
The Truth Will Set You Free