Sorry, I missed seeing this post until just now:
Robdar: "My fiance was saying something similar. Hey, I missed your link to the documentary. Could you repost it? Thanks."
Here you go (it's about an hour, and well worth the time): The Warning
hello all my jwn friends.. .
i felt the need to share what i have heard recently.
i have a very close friend who has a brother who is an economist.
Sorry, I missed seeing this post until just now:
Robdar: "My fiance was saying something similar. Hey, I missed your link to the documentary. Could you repost it? Thanks."
Here you go (it's about an hour, and well worth the time): The Warning
the man who saved the world:.
you almost died in 1983.. do you remember what you were doing on sunday afternoon, sept. 25, of that year?.
but you came within a whisker of dying that day.
[In 1995] President Boris Yeltsin was informed that a nuclear missile was speeding towards the heart of Russia. Russian nuclear forces, already on a hair-trigger alert, were put on even higher alert, ready to launch at his command.
The fate of the planet hung in the balance as hundreds of millions of people were going about their daily lives.
Russian policy called for a “launch on warning.” “Use them or loose them.”
Yeltsin wisely waited. And within those fateful moments, the Russians were able to declare a false alarm. An unimaginable nuclear disaster had barely been avoided.
On November 19, 1980, Capt. Henry Winsett and 1st Lt. David Mosley were conducting a reliability test of their Titan missile at McConnell Air Force Base near Wichita, Kan. The drill was to be a simulated launching. To fire the liquid-fueled Titan, both missile officers in the command capsule must turn keys simultaneously after receiving the proper “enabling” code. This unlocks a butterfly valve, allowing two chemicals to combine and ignite, launching the missile. This time, when Winsett and Mosley went into their prescribed drill, strange things started happening. “We had a green light on the butterfly valve lock control that was not supposed to have a light at all,” Mosely recalled. The two officers turned the keys.
“Instead of giving us the lights that said the test had begun, it said, ‘Launch OK’ and ‘Launch Sequence Go’ which means you're actually in the launch sequence,” Mosely said. In desparation, Winsett shut the missile down—pulled the plug. It was the only way to keep the thing from taking off, he said. The incident was confirmed by both men. Mosely said they couldn’t be absolutely certain the missile’s guidance system would have steered it to a target in the Soviet Union, which would have invited certain retaliation. But he said that “it probably would have gone north”. It was a close call that still gives Mosley the tremors. As he puts it, he and Winsett “saved the world” that day.
well come ... on in and say hello!
i found this on my "friend's" facebook wall.
he posted a comment on how encouraging the daily text was for a particular day and this was one of the comments he received....some people should not be allowed to use illustrations...... .
"i live in 15minute increments.
... so, you get your feet pulled out of your sockets unless you allow God to give you a good rub down with his oil-like help.
Too little shade, and something in the glass besides lemonade, sezame.
ask a dub acquaintance this and see if they have anything resembling a rational answer:.
you: when you're at a public event and the announcer says, "please rise for the playing/singing of the national anthem," you refuse to stand because that would be considered an act of nationalistic worship, correct?.
dub: correct.. you: why then, when a jw is in a courtroom and the baliff says, "all rise for the honorable judge whatsherface, court is now in session," do jws stand up?
In high school I became disenamored with this country. In "home room" each morning, we would all have to stand and say the pledge of allegiance. Not being a complete idiot, I did not remain seated, but instead stood and either did nothing, or thought about how stupid everyone else was to be parroting this pretentious 'pledge of allegiance' and what the implications are of even making kids pledge allegiance to a flag. It worked for me.
Also, it occurs to me that to make such a big spectacle of oneself wrt the flag and the pledge, and whether or not to salute it or spit on it, acknowledges it as a valid symbol of power and in fact gives power to it. Just going through the motions without a care in the world about it defuses that power, and makes it into what it is - a meaningless charade.
sometimes i get a kick out of how we might tend take ourselves a bit too seriously..
I've learned something today. Today I learned that minimus gets a kick out of people possibly taking themselves too seriously. (Wow, I should have made that a new topic though, shouldn't I've?)
as i was growing up my dad would always make a special effort to enlighten his catholic brother-in-law.
hed ask my uncle to get out his catholic bible and show him scriptures.
one of his favourite arguments was the doctrine of the popes infallability.
I don't usualy find myself saying good things about RCism, but they traditionally run one of the best private alternatives to public school from kindergardten through high school, to the extent that a number of non-catholic parents send their kids to private catholic schools where they are the best option in their local area. I don't think the same can be said about JW. They run a fair number of very good universities as well. (Though I have no idea and very much wonder what goes on in biotechnology labs in these universites though, like, when it comes to stem cell research and so on. It's probably the case that they just don't "offer" those particular courses of study.)
That said, Catholics generally don't know much about the actual contents of the bible though, unless they are really hardcore like my father, attending mass 7 days per week, eating sleeping and breathing religion. (I cannot get through a phone call with him without anywhere from 30 mins to several hours devoted to a rambling monologue about what he saw on EWTN, or how I should go to church even if I don't want to, or, when confronted by me about the issue, how the catholic church abhors child abuse as evidenced by the measures taken against all the priests and bishops found guilty of the terrible sin (pretty much the same mix of denial and displayed digust the JWs react with). All my years growing up as a catholic the bible was just a curiosity that gave me a headache when I tried to read it. There was never an emphasis on the exact wording in the bible -- not even in religious study. The teachings were always about the meanings behind the words, not the precise words themselves.
I cannot read or otherwise hear "Scranton" without thinking of Archie Bunker exclaming "Scra'ton?!"
... ::shrug::
olympic officials shocked to see the hockey players celebrating drinking beer and smoking cigars.. but canadians are even more surprised and shocked to see it wasn't molson!!!!.
outlaw, shamus, poopsiecakes and others plan to protest if its true, "no molsons!!".
the one on the left of the frame definitely has a molson canadian, but the other one has a something else ... some kind of horrible natty dred or something
olympic officials shocked to see the hockey players celebrating drinking beer and smoking cigars.. but canadians are even more surprised and shocked to see it wasn't molson!!!!.
outlaw, shamus, poopsiecakes and others plan to protest if its true, "no molsons!!".
why shouldn't they -- that's hot!