Yes I was, so much so that I think people thought I was playing games when I went through my own mini "crisis of consciousness" over the course of 2 or 3 weeks after invading this site.
Posts by leec
Did You Have Any Positive JW Leanings When You First Came Here?
by minimus inwere you ever somewhat projw when you first came to this site?.
If you could play any instrument what would it be?
by restrangled ini have played the piano my entire life and never learned another....i so wish i could play the guitar.
i would trade my piano in a minute for a good guitar and lessons.. how about you?.
restrangled: "I memorized and can play all 12 pages of this...but NOT LIKE THIS:"
... never heard of this guy, but he is definitely good. My "gold standard" for Chopin is Cortot, though few recordings of any listenable quality exist. Next best is Rubinstein imo.
p.s. ... I mean for Chopin. If the discussion turns to Beethoven piano, it must be Schnabel.
If you could play any instrument what would it be?
by restrangled ini have played the piano my entire life and never learned another....i so wish i could play the guitar.
i would trade my piano in a minute for a good guitar and lessons.. how about you?.
WELCOME CONNIED29, my former Bible study...(she's a little shy)
by AWAKE&WATCHING inwell sometimes life is just really good.
my former study got out of the cult before me and we have been getting to know each other again.
she visited last week, barely missed the snow storm, and now she has joined our forum.. .
Exault Her and She will Honor you!
by SeekingSanity inso every time i pray and think about my relationship with my girlfriend, i keep feeling the need to read proverbs 4:8 .... .
based on interrpitation i'm not sure which is the correct translation.
i've been trying to praise my girlfriend a lot....tell her how proud i am of her.
Tell me about your avatar(not the Gravatars)
by asilentone inmy avatar is a pic of a cool car, obviously.
OMG! I just realized that ALL cats are ATHEISTS!!!
by Elsewhere injust think about it.... have you every seen what happens when you try to baptize a cat???
cats don't like it!!!
cats don't like it because they hate gawd!
LAY OFF SAYING BAD THINGS ABOUT CATS! Cats are every bit as loving and willing to coexist as equals as are dogs or any other species. If cats treat you like hell, it's because they can sense what you think of them, and they get defensive and cautious if it's something bad. (Dogs do that too when you approach them negatively.)
How To
by leec inhow to google_ad_section_start() how to become a jehovah's witness google_ad_section_end() contributorby ehow contributing writer article rating: (10 ratings) google_ad_section_start() jehovah's witnesses are a christian group who adhere to first century christianity while shunning corruption in the faith over the years.
best known for "the watchtower" magazine and early morning visits to your front door, jehovah's witnesses believe that there's room for just 144,000 souls in heaven.
if this interests you, read on to learn how to become a jehovah's witness.. google_ad_section_end() .
Jevovah's Witnesses and mental health
by bubba flavel indoes anyone know if the society has specific policies on the handling of members with mental health problems?.
my grandfather, a brother in good standing since moses developed paranoid schizophrenia in his later years.
he got to the stage where he would knock people over in the street, place his hand on thier head and cast out evil spirits in the name of jehovah.. he was disfellowshiped and not long after he passed away.. this was related to me by a friend years later as i was unaware due to the shunning, i didn't even know he died.
shamus: "Unfortunately, there are many doctors out there that just prescribe AD's and not counselling which, IMO, should be mandatory for any person on a course of AD's, period."
I couldn't agree more. In fact, I've just recently gotten myself off of 7-8 years of prozac, and I'm planning to get into councelling for depression without the drugs (as soon I have health ins. again). Prozac didn't do a damned thing for me - the last couple years it didn't even keep me from being depressed. It just made the depression a dead meaningless one.
How To
by leec inhow to google_ad_section_start() how to become a jehovah's witness google_ad_section_end() contributorby ehow contributing writer article rating: (10 ratings) google_ad_section_start() jehovah's witnesses are a christian group who adhere to first century christianity while shunning corruption in the faith over the years.
best known for "the watchtower" magazine and early morning visits to your front door, jehovah's witnesses believe that there's room for just 144,000 souls in heaven.
if this interests you, read on to learn how to become a jehovah's witness.. google_ad_section_end() .
Okay, it's creepy that there was not one byte of ascii spent in any form of comment on this. I can't imagine what kind of strange inferences were made?!?! I posted it because it struck me as a straight-faced how-to which was accurate, but it all just sounded so preposterous seeing it written out like a set of instructions. It came across not much more appealing than "step 1: dip hand into boiling acid, step 2) walk into a fire..." and so on. Sorry I guess?